No.93 RE6 Chris in an Unexpected Location, No.95 RE4 Luis's Reaction After a Close-Call with Leon. No.145 RE4 - The Reliable Lady's 1st Name? In the game’s final moments, none other than Chris Redfield, a mainstay hero of the series, comes down from a helicopter and takes Ethan away from the wreckage of the scene below. These similarities to Swe… When Does Resident Evil 3 Take Place? Shacknews noted that Beginning Hour had several similarities with Sweet Home (1989), the Capcom horror game that inspired the original Resident Evil(1996). No.38 Revelations Revisited: A Legendary Leader! It was held from February 3–17, 2017. The gun is named the Albert-01R, presumably a reference to reoccurring series antagonist Albert Wesker. No.13 Who helped take down this huge boss? The Maiden demo for Resident Evil Village released back in January on the PlayStation 5. The Resident Evil 3 timeline is split, with the first half of the game taking place before Resident Evil 2, and the other occurring after Leon and Claire escape the city. This is what causes the ship to crash and, eventually, Eveline and Mia to end up with the Bakers. No.75 What Info was Used to Authenticate Ada in RE6? Agree 3 Disagree 1 No.147 RE6 - Where Did Sherry and Jake First Meet? No.74 Mr. About six or seven hours into Resident Evil 7, after seemingly “escaping” from the Baker mansion by boat as Ethan, players will find themselves in control of Mia, the missing love interest Ethan was searching for. User Info: Flamechamp2333. For 2017's "Resident Evil 7," they knew they needed to get scarier: "For [that game] our primary focus was returning to our roots and looking back at the original 'Resident Evil' and assessing why it gave birth to the genre of survival horror. There’s a new tabletop miniatures game set before the timeline of Cyberpunk 2077. Most of them take place early during the outbreak, though. It uses ammo that’s pumped full of anti-BOW serum, allowing Ethan to finally take out Eveline once and for all. Hellfire takes place in the middle of Outbreak, before one group of four reaches the streets outside the Apple Inn. No.18 Where does RE7 take place? In the Resident Evil timeline Resident Evil 7 took place in July-August of 2017. No.26 The Right Man for the Job's... Job? Flamechamp2333 7 months ago #1. No.103 RE6: Sherry's Response to Jake's Confession. In Polygon's Resident Evil 7 guide and walkthrough, we'll show you where to go, how to defeat your enemies and where to find the weapons, keys, collectibles — antique coins, files and Mr. Here are this some of the year’s biggest releases. Resident Evil 7 hits PS4, Xbox One, and PC on January 24th, 2017. Although fairly short, the demo does a great job of creating a tense, sinister atmosphere while shedding some light on the background of characters like Lady Dimitrescu and the inner workings of her castle. Resident Evil Village is the next installment in the Resident Evil series. This story is part of a group of stories called, Ubisoft announces new free-to-play game, The Division Heartland, Here’s how Mass Effect Legendary Edition will run on your platform of choice, PC users can crank the frame rate up to 240 fps, House of the Dragon, the Game of Thrones spinoff, gets a batch of first-look photos, Meet the characters at the heart of the Targaryen civil war, 25 new movies that are really, seriously, finally coming out this summer. Note that there are major spoilers for Resident Evil 7 ahead, so if you don't want to see them, make sure to shield … Resident Evil 7 takes place in the canonical Resident Evil storyline. No.97 What's the Name of the Scanning Device Used in Revelations? But Umbrella hasn’t existed within the RE universe for some time, having been shut down some time after the events of 2000’s Resident Evil: Code Veronica. No.169 RE3 - What the hell is that thing!? Who is this new version of Umbrella? having been hired to work on the game. However, prior to the game's launch, publisher Capcom would only confirm that the events portrayed in RE7 take place after the conclusion of Resident Evil 6. No.37 There's Always Time for Revelations! No.165 RE3 - The battle-hardened tough guy! Phillips is able to escape the RPD and find fellow officer Harry who has weathered the outbreak in a SW… It was held from February 3–17, 2017. No.11 How hard was Alpha Team's investigation? No.87 What location are you looking forward to in RE2? No.140 RE2 - Who Left Leon with Vital Information? Okay then, so let’s begin dissecting the Resident Evil Village trailer and look for clues that indicate the correct setting. Today’s release of Resident Evil 7 marks a major shift for Capcom’s biggest franchise. Keep an eye out for more RE7 news from E3 2016 as the week unfolds. Sunglasses Surprising Ability in RE5. But the game does a good job of keeping the greater picture just out of view, not revealing any information about what’s going on until well past the halfway point. No.10 Remember your very first RE choice? This creation, known as the E-Series, takes the form of a little girl named Eveline. No.21 Flashlight at the End of the Tunnel. No.69 Tell Us About Your 1st RE Game Over! No.100 Why Was Code: Veronica's Shining Knight Sent to the Island? Resident Evil: Village takes place after the events of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard where Ethan and Mia have settled down and have had a daughter, Rose, after moving to Europe. No.81 What Happened to the Saluting Pilot in RE0? The reason much of the information from the leak may be incorrect is because it could be a lie within the game itself.… Resident Evil 8 will take place in the cold mountains of Europe, although the exact country is left purposefully ambiguous. Capcom’s latest horror seems stand-alone; is it really? Or is he just borrowing a really old helicopter? - This article was updated on:June 15th, 2016 As a lab-created being, Eveline has become obsessed with family, so Mia had to pretend to be her mother. No.72 What's Claire's Organization in Rev2? No.123 RE4 - What Happened to the Jacket? No.73 Who's Your Favorite Piano Player in the Original RE? It was held from February 3–17, 2017. No.164 RE3 - What's the monster's target? Capcom responded to this by pointing out that Resident Evil 7 was in development long before the reveal of P.T., and dispelled any rumors about staff of P.T. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. No.84 Who Came to Back up Chris and Sheva in RE5? Does RE3 take place before RE2? No.137 RE4 - Ada's Preferred Means of Travel! Mia is suffering from a convenient bout of amnesia and has been unable to answer Ethan’s questions about how and why she ended up with the Bakers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. No.19 A question of quality: Video quality! No.18 Where does RE7 take place? No.125 RE2 - The Picture on Jill's Desk... No.126 RE0 - I've Seen That Equipment Before! But as she explores a crashed ship in the bayous near the house, she begins to make sense of what’s going on. Resident Evil 7 does a very similar thing, updating the core of the original Resident Evil for 2017. No.88 What's the Name of Barry's Beloved Magnum in RE1? It goes without saying, but this post contains major spoilers for Resident Evil 7. Resident Evil 4 is a survival horror third-person shooter video game developed by Capcom Production Studio 4 and published by Capcom.A major installment in the Resident Evil series, it was originally released for the GameCube in 2005. No.77 Why is Chris Sitting on the Job in Rev1? No.8 Which of these pairs have different ages? At 2:30 am CDT, zombies attack the operation room. Everywhere statues — you're looking for. Eventually, Mia lost control of Eveline, and the “little girl” rampaged through the ship, using her mind control powers to kill off crew members and creating the “molded” monsters you’ve seen throughout the game. No.170 RE3 - What's in this tough guy's past? No.60 Which Organization Brought Chris to the Baker House in RE7? No.156 RE1 - I'm Itching to Read the Next Page! Umbrella Corporation is, of course, the big, evil medical conglomerate at the heart of many of Resident Evil’s creations, including the initial Raccoon City outbreak from the first three Resident Evil games. The timeline of the Resident Evil series is likely a bit daunting for new comers. Hopefully we’ll get some more details in the game’s upcoming downloadable content. This is true with or without VR. As the monster rears back to attack, Ethan will notice a weapon case that has been tossed down beside him, and a voice will urge him to use it. No.32 Classic RE Characters, Classically Trained, No.36 Cross-Title Showdown! For more on Resident Evil 7, you can check out the first 90 minutes of gameplay in the video below. No.172 RE:Resistance - What card can Nicholai play? Patton Oswalt helps us ask: Has Star Wars always had Big Cartoon Energy? No.153 RE5 - Not a Rumor, Chris - The Doomsday Project! No.89 What's the Merchant's Trademark in RE4? Founding Fathers of Fear, Part 2, No.57 RE4, 5, 7: The Main Character's Choice of Wheels, No.58 Leon's Reaction to Ada's Unexpected Gift. The four remaining officers and several civilians make plans to escape via the sewers. Ethan then wakes to find himself in a strange village where horrors and Rose awaits. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is one of the most iconic iterations in the Resident Evil franchise, having bewitched millions of gamers. No hints! It’s impossible to say right now, but Resident Evil 7 certainly plants some seeds for the series’ future while providing a smooth jumping-on point for players unfamiliar with what’s come before. Ever since Capcom revealed Resident Evil 8 at the PS5 event a few months ago, the studio made it clear that the game will take place in a remote village similar to Resident Evil 4. Here’s the most intriguing part, though: The helicopter is adorned with an Umbrella logo. Characters like Ethan Winters and Mia from Resident Evil 7 were shown in the trailer, along with Chris Redfield . No.59 What Triggered this Trap Against Jill in RE1? Resident Evil 7 looks like a totally fresh take on the survival horror genre, pushing the well-worn series into new terrain in a big way. No.159 RE3 - When does Jill make her escape? Below Freezing Point takes place immediately after The Hive. No.91 Where was Claire Captured in Code: Veronica? The events of Umbrella Corps take place parallel to Resident Evil 6. With the developer unwilling to give any clues, fans have wondered if or how the scenario in Resident Evil 7 ties in to the wider RE universe that has been growing for 20 years now. Movies are back, baby! How does Resident Evil 7 tie in to the rest of the series? No.148 RE2 - Rookie Leon's First Assignment. This page is a rough timeline of Capcom's main Resident Evil continuity by … No.7 How many minutes did Wesker have to spare for Chris? Resident Evil 4 (Biohazard 4) takes place in autumn 2004 (no specific dates are mentioned), which is six years after the first Resident Evil. Answering this question isn’t cut and dry as some entries occur simultaneously, but I’ll try and lay it out for you as well as I can. Who's Delta Platoon's captain? No.142 RE1 - Who was the 1st Zombie's Victim? No.167 RE3 - Try this question after playing the RE3 demo! demo. is the eighteenth question in a series of quizzes by RESIDENT EVIL.NET. Skills to Pay the Bills. In the final fight against Eveline, Ethan will find himself woefully overpowered and near death, as a massive, monstrous E-Series creature looms above him. Resident Evil Survivor 2 CODE:Veronica (2001), Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007), Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (2010), Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (2012). No.23 Marguerite says: Mind Your Manners! No.20 Point and shoot in this RE7 One Click Question! In an eventual full-on flashback (presented via VHS tape), Mia remembers that she had been keeping a big secret from Ethan: She is actually a secret agent for a mysterious organization that deals in bio organic weapons (or BOWs) — you know, precisely the kind that have plagued the Resident Evil universe since its inception. Who's responsible? ... Just posting this requires you to hand over your Resident Evil fan card. No.106 Rev 2: TerraSave's Previous Engagement? Question No.119 RE2: What Organization does HUNK Belong To? No.78 What was the Dashing Luis's Request in RE4? So first things first: Yes, Resident Evil 7 does take place within the wider Resident Evil universe, and it does eventually tie in to other events from the series in a way that makes sense. No.101 RE6 Chris En Route to the Ace of Spades! No.62 The Ambitions of Leon's Enemy in RE4, No.65 Chris & Sheva's 1st Destination in RE5, No.66 Nicknames for the Two Geniuses in RE0. No.9 The president's daughter has been kidnapped! No.6 What is so important to Sheva that she had it inked? By comparison, Resident Evil 6 took place in 2013 while Umbrella Corps is set in 2016. No.104 RE6 Challenge: Where was Chris's Rendevous Point? No.70 The Name of Leon's Presidential Comrade in RE6. Thus, I am going to show you in a live video how it looks like today. No.16 A quiz from one of the lesser-known titles... No.17 Which organization did Leon belong to in RE6? Looking at what point in autumn Resident Evil 4 takes place, probably late October/early November by the way the outside looks. Finally, if you join my channel on YouTube, I have a surprise for you and I am going to take a trip to the area where Resident Evil Village takes place. If you’d prefer to read some spoiler-free words about the game, consider checking out our review instead. So first things first: Yes, Resident Evil 7 does take place within the wider Resident Evil universe, and it does eventually tie in to other events from the series in a way that makes sense. No.12 A quiz about a certain character's grand entrance! No.67 Which "Valentine" is Your Favorite? Its ties are subtle, but they do exist. Mia and her work partner were on the ship attempting to deliver a horrific creation to the South American branch of the company. No.5 Which is the Umbrella Corporation's logo? They take place on September 24. Vendetta takes place shortly after RE6 does and well I don't remember if it was stated the year if it was late 2013 or early 2014 (which I cant say true because that would be winter season and the movie doesn't look wintery) I can confirm that it is between 6 and 7 at some point. Customize the Mass Effect Legendary Edition cover with your favorite crew, Now you can choose which characters appear on the cover, Ubisoft is bringing The Division to phones. Four more officers are killed in this attack. No.85 Where Does RE2 Fit in the Timeline? No.177 RE:Resistance - What do you know about this Survivor's past? Notably, Chris introduces himself to Ethan as merely “Redfield.” So maybe it’s not actually Chris at all? If you’re planning to play the game and don’t want plot elements ruined for you, please do not read any further. This is one of those questions that virtually permeats the web, and it has been asked and answered many times. Resident Evil Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. does resident evil 7 only take place in those 2 old houses or something? No.162 RE3 - What was his part in the Mansion Incident? No.173 RE3 - Who's pulling the strings in Resistance? No.160 RE2 - Everyone's Favorite Character! All of these events fit much more neatly into the wider Resident Evil universe than a simple cannibal family, but Capcom also throws in a much more direct bit of fan service during the ending. No.68 The Name of the Relentless Pursuer in RE6. The peace is ruined when Chris Redfield comes takes Rose away. It may as well be one of those goofy youtube videos expecting to go viral with something that has been done a hundred times over. is the eighteenth question in a series of quizzes by RESIDENT EVIL.NET. Below, you will find a list (with screens) of everything we saw that ties 7 to the chronicle of a little company called Umbrella and its efforts to revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry. Due to its first-person presentation, the game has drawn comparisons to Konami's cancelled Silent Hills game and its P.T. For those wondering, here’s when Resident […] So first things first: Yes, Resident Evil 7 does take place within the wider Resident Evil universe, and it does eventually tie in to other events from the series in a way that makes sense. (Operation Report, Resident Evil 2 remake/Operation report 2, Resident Evil 2) Lieutenant Marvin Branagh, Officer Rita Phillips, and the remaining RPD officers, along with surviving civilians, open a tunnel beneath the statue in the RPD lobby. No.121 RE2 - The Outfit Behind Ada's Trenchcoat. This game was as revolutionary to the series as Resident Evil 4 … No.83 Who is Chris's Source of Info in Code: Veronica X? Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone’s new patch adds CARV.2 rifle, Burning Crusade Classic launches June 1, tweaks the original WoW expansion. Is Rambo coming to Call of Duty: Warzone? No.51 A Challenge from RE NET! Wild Things takes place on September 25. In addition to changing to first-person, the game’s plot is distinct from the rest of the series, shifting from global zombie outbreaks to the horror of a single psychotic family.
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