Based on this framework, we also introduce a technique to perform feature-guided video synthesis. Surface tension gives snowflakes their characteristic six arms, so phase field methods provide a way of simulating medium scale detail such as frost and snowflakes. “It wasn’t even a … Previously, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Pixar Animation Studios. Year; Wavelet turbulence for fluid simulation. Bibliometrics; Citations 0; Article Metrics. Sort. Greg Turk Professor, Georgia Tech Verified email at Box 208292 • New Haven, CT 06520–8292 • Phone 203–432–4200, 17 Hillhouse Avenue • U.S. Mail: P.O. Subspace deformable body simulations can be very fast, but can behave unrealistically when behaviors outside the prescribed subspace, such as novel external collisions, are encountered. Sylvain Lefebvre National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) France. Theodore Kim Yale University Tom Duff Pixar Animation Studios Figure 1. Recent work [Kim 2015] … We achieve this by showing that the probability gradient can be computed in linear time instead of quadratic, and by using a robust new scheme that stabilizes the inertia gradients used by the optimization. However, due to the scales involved in the problem, even an adaptive grid level set solver is still insufficient to track the tip of an icicle. Together, these components enable the discovery of previously-inaccessible designs. In this paper, we present a novel approach for visual simulation of ice growth. Richard Marks Google ATAP. The Laplacian Eigenfunction method for fluid simulation, which we refer to as, Generating realistic fluid simulations remains computationally expensive, and animators can expend enormous effort trying to achieve a desired motion. In this talk, we apply volume simulation to character meshes and remove self-intersections before they are sent to the cloth simulator. He holds a B.S. T. Kim, David Adalsteinsson, Ming Lin. T. Kim. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) … When these characters are sent as inputs to a cloth simulator, the results can often contain terrible artifacts that must be addressed by tediously sculpting either the input characters or the output cloth. We provide closed-form expressions for the eigensystems for all these invariants, and use them to systematically derive the eigensystems of any isotropic energy. Breannan Smith, Fernando de Goes, and T. Kim. In this course, we will tackle these problems using turbulence methods. Theodore Kim Yale University USA. I instead use level set methods, an alternate implicit front tracking strategy. We then refine the transported texture by performing texture synthesis over the second surface using our `surface texture optimization algorithm, which keeps the synthesized texture visually similar to the input texture and temporally coherent with the transported one. In order to guarantee the positive semi-definiteness required by these methods, a numerical eigendecomposition or approximate regularization is usually needed. We present a new algorithm that is over three orders of magnitude faster than previous methods and decreases memory use by two orders of magnitude. ConJac remains stable at large time steps, exhibits highly dynamic motion, and displays minimal numerical damping. SS An, T Kim, DL … Pilar Molina Lopez Blue Sky Studios. Yang Liu Microsoft Research Asia China. Large, 3D ice formations such as icicles exhibit a high degree of geometric and optical complexity. Year; Wavelet turbulence for fluid simulation. Finally, I present a method of simulating icicle formation. Non-linear hyperelastic energies play a key role in capturing the fleshy appearance of virtual characters. We present algorithms for both dynamic and quasistatic simulations, and a "throttle" parameter that allows a user to trade off between faster, approximate previews and slower, more conservative results. Wavelet turbulence for fluid simulation. Modeling ice dynamics as a thin film stefan problem. Theodore Kim is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Yale University, where he investigates biomechanical solids, fluid dynamics, and selected topics in geometry. More pictures and programs are available on the web site. 0. Vision Image Processing Computer Vision Imaging Statistics. Domin Lee Dreamworks Animation. Javier Portilla. I present two bad algorithms for assembling a technical talk, and one good one. Yoshifumi Kitamura Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University Japan. Morgan McGuire NVIDIA, University of Waterloo. ICCG solvers can usually be accelerated using "Eisenstat's trick," but the trick cannot be directly applied to the adaptive case. Box 208292 • New Haven, CT 06520–8292 • Phone 203–432–4200 Min H. Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) South Korea. 10/08/2019. We use both image textures as well as bump maps as example inputs. It is a defining seasonal characteristic, so modeling it convincingly is a crucial component of any synthetic winter scene. Kristy Pron Walt Disney Imagineering. DLA is a fractal growth algorithm that simulates the quasi-steady state, zero surface tension Stefan problem, and does not suffer from smearing problems. the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Downloads (Last 12 months) 328; Downloads (Last 6 … Theodore Kim. Box 208292 • New Haven, CT 06520–8292 • Phone 203–432–4200 Our method models a wide variety of fluid behaviors, thus enabling applications such as fast construction of simulations, interpolation of fluids with different parameters, time re-sampling, latent space simulations, and compression of fluid simulation data. Real-world, volume-preserving biological tissues have Poisson's ratios near 1/2, but numerical simulation within this regime is notoriously challenging. In this paper, we present analytic expressions for the eigensystems at each quadrature point of a wide range of isotropic distortion energies. Many different variants of the Stefan problem exist, and each presents unique challenges. We have found that many of these problems can be addressed by performing 2D ray-tracing over the surface of the mesh. David Levin University of Toronto Canada. Third, we show that by adding an advection term, the simulation can be coupled to a fluid simulation to produce visually appealing flows. However, if computed naively, decompression can be highly inefficient and dominate the running time, effectively negating the advantage of the subspace approach. In diesem Video in Spielfilmlänge – von der Siggraph 2020 – sprechen Theodore Kim (Yale University) und David Eberle (Pixar Animation Studios) über Dynamic Deformables. color and local orientation, between fluid free surfaces from one time step to the next. Nils Thuerey Technical University of Munich Verified email at Search Search. ABSTRACT We present a new approach that allows large time steps in dynamic simulations. We present a novel technique for synthesizing textures over dynamically changing fluid surfaces. Kayvon Fatahalian Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University Verified email at Although the dragon has a fractal boundary of dimension 1.934007..., we show that each component of the interior has a polygonal boundary (with perhaps infinitely many edges) of finite length. Jose Angel Canabal Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Verified email at To avoid artificial rigidity, or "locking," associated with coupling low-rank domain models together with hard constraints, we employ penalty-based coupling forces. We show that this approach can be made asymptotically faster, which in practice reduces computation time by two orders of magnitude, and allows the use of previously-infeasible resolutions. We provide a detailed, self-contained, and unified treatment here that is not available in the technical papers. Verified email at - Homepage. This paper presents a novel generative model to synthesize fluid simulations from a set of reduced parameters. Our approach, ConJac, is based on condensation, a technique for eliminating many degrees of freedom (DOFs) by ex-pressing … Stochastic structural analysis can assess whether a fabricated object will break under real-world conditions. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, multiple Best Paper awards, and a Scientific and Technical Academy Award (SciTech Oscar). Our approach, ConJac, is based on condensation, a technique for eliminating many degrees of freedom (DOFs) by ex-pressing … Theodore Kim Yale University Shinjiro Sueda Texas A&M University Figure 1: ConJac Dragon. One challenge is performance: we discuss our current best practices for accelerating system assembly and solver performance. We present an online model reduction method that does not have these limitations. Recent efforts to visually capture the phenomena of boiling have proposed monolithic approaches that extend the basic techniques underlying existing fluid solvers. Nils Thuerey Technical University of Munich Verified email at In addition, the difficulties of liquid simulations will be explained, and an approach for liquid turbulence that is based on wave dynamics will be presented. Cited by. Our approach, ConJac, is based on condensation, a technique for eliminating many degrees of freedom (DOFs) by expressing them in terms of the remaining degrees of freedom. The technique has successfully dealt with very challenging animation scenarios in a production setting, and was applied to all the characters in the short film, Robustly simulating the dynamics of skin sliding over a character's body is an ongoing challenge. Similar to Gaussian quadrature schemes that efficiently integrate functions that lie in particular polynomial subspaces, we propose cubature schemes (multi-dimensional quadrature) optimized for efficient integration of force densities associated with particular subspace deformations, particular materials, and particular geometric domains. Using the recently developed Eulerian Solids approach [Levin et al. Dani Lischinski The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. We propose a method to simulate the rich, scale-dependent dynamics of water waves. A general description of ice formation has been known for over a hundred years and is referred to as the Stefan Problem. We demonstrate the ability of our algorithm to simulate various natural phenomena and compare its performance with previous techniques. These findings also inform the design of more sophisticated hyperelastic models, which we explore by applying our analysis to Fung and Arruda-Boyce elasticity. Many strategies exist for optimizing non-linear distortion energies in geometry and physics applications, but devising an approach that achieves the convergence promised by Newton-type methods remains challenging. In addition, we demonstrate that we can handle complex parameterizations in reduced spaces, and advance simulations in time by integrating in the latent space with a second network. Authors Info & Affiliations ; Other Metrics. We present a novel wavelet method for the simulation of fluids at high spatial resolution. Richard Marks Google ATAP. Icicle formation corresponds to the thin-film, quasi-steady state Stefan problem, and neither phase fields nor DLA are directly applicable. Yale University. Pulling portions of the mesh generates lively motion using only a small number of dynamic nodes. Ward Lopes NVIDIA. Stewart Pomeroy Pixar. My first (uncredited) work appeared on-screen on Search for Theodore Kim's work. Twitter: @_theodorekim. computer graphics. Theodore Kim is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Yale University. Analytic eigensystems for isotropic distortion energies. Theodore Kim We show how to analyze the results of an existing high-resolution simulation, discover an efficient reduced approximation, and use it to quickly "re-simulate" novel variations of the original dynamics. His algorithms … We then apply a surface-only Lagrangian wave simulation to this high-resolution point set. Gameplay … Website: Charalampos Papamanthou, Ph.D., Computer Science, Brown University (2011) Research Scientist (starting as Associate Professor of Computer Science in July 2021) 51 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 Website: Ruzica Piskac, Ph.D EPFL, Switzerland 2011. Total Citations. Previously, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Pixar Research, where he received screen credits in … Theodore Kim Yale University Shinjiro Sueda Texas A&M University Figure 1: ConJac Dragon. Fortunately, we show that an "almost incomplete Cholesky" factorization can be computed so that Eisenstat's trick can still be used. Marshall … Then he saw the first “Toy Story” movie - one of the earliest films to feature computer animation - and it clicked. We present a novel algorithm that simulates ice formation. The Baraff-Witkin model has been a popular formulation for cloth for 20 years. Articles … We show that multi-dimensional, We propose a method of increasing the apparent spatial resolution of an existing liquid simulation. screen credits in Cars 3, Coco, Incredibles 2, and Toy Story 4. After reviewing the basics of fluid solvers, and the popular wavelet turbulence approach, we will present several powerful methods to capture advanced effects such as boundary layers, and turbulence with directional preferences. Therefore, we derive an analytical solution for the icicle tip and use it to correct the level set simulation. For the simulation, we present the dielectric breakdown model, an elegant formulation of electrical pattern formation. Theodore Kim is an Associate Professor of Computer Science are Yale University. My work has appeared in over two dozen movies, and I received a 2012 SciTech Oscar. We show that these methods can be used to accelerate the, We present a new subspace integration method that is capable of efficiently adding and subtracting dynamics from an existing high-resolution fluid simulation. Articles Cited by Public access. Theodore Kim Yale University Shinjiro Sueda Texas A&M University Figure 1: ConJac Dragon. We show dramatically better efficiency than traditional Monte Carlo integration. Our model maintains the fleshy appearance of the Neo-Hookean model, exhibits superior volume preservation, and is robust to extreme kinematic rotations and inversions. Fundamentally, it computes wave accelerations by way of applying a dispersion kernel as a spatially variant filter, which we are able to compute efficiently using two core technical contributions. Title. We show pictures of these shapes and some of the ways they interweave when two smaller dragons combine to make a larger dragon. We sidestep the considerable problem of generating a surface parameterization by employing an embedding technique known as the, We propose a domain-decomposition method to simulate articulated deformable characters entirely within a subspace framework. Theodore Kim Yale University Abstract The Baraff-Witkin [BW98] model has been a popular formulation for cloth for 20 years. Motivated by the physical process of ice growth, we develop a novel hybrid algorithm by synthesizing three techniques: diffusion limited aggregation, phase field methods, and stable fluid solvers. James Miller Rockstar Games. … Yet there is little study about modeling this effect in computer graphics. Our approach, ConJac, is based on condensation, a We also show how our methodology can be extended beyond realistic appearance synthesis to more general scenarios, such as temperature-guided synthesis of complex surface phenomena over a liquid during boiling. Jeff Lait Side Effects Software Inc. Kim B. Larsen Dimension Design, Kulturtanken. First, a Mehrstellen discretization for the pressure solver which reduces the running time of the solver by a third. Michael Reed Blue Sky Studios. Theodore Kim is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Yale University, where he investigates biomechanical solids, fluid dynamics, and selected topics in geometry. In this paper, we show that this is because the Baraff-Witkin model is actually a coupled anisotropic strain energy. Cited by. Theodore Kim Yale University. The Lévy Dragon is a well-known fractal introduced by Paul Lévy in 1938. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Pilar Molina Lopez Blue Sky Studios. Under this formulation, the construction and eigendecomposition of the force gradient, long considered the most onerous part of the implementation, becomes fast and simple. This is accomplished by extending the texture information from the first fluid surface to the 3D fluid domain, advecting this information within the fluid domain along the fluid velocity field for one time step, and interpolating it back onto the second surface -- this operation, in part, uses a novel vector advection technique for transporting orientation vectors. Pulling portions of the mesh generates lively motion using only a small number of dynamic nodes. We then use this mapping to derive reduced equations of motion involving only the dynamic DOFs. Image textures can enhance rendering of the fluid by imparting novel realistic appearance to it, whereas bump maps enable the generation of complex micro-structures on the surface of the fluid that may be very difficult to synthesize using simulation. We have successfully applied this approach to generate ice crystal growth on 3D object surfaces in several scenes. We develop novel methods for seeding and simulating waves over surface points, and use them to generate high-resolution details. For these subspace steps, full-model computation is "skipped" and replaced with a very fast (on the order of milliseconds) reduced order step. Theodore Kim. Simulating dynamic deformation has been an integral component of Pixar's storytelling since Boo's shirt in Monsters, Inc. (2001). They are also quantitatively well understood, as the spatial patterns correspond to the eigenvectors of the underlying plate, and the audio frequencies arise from the plate's eigenvalues. The approach is fast and robust, and has been used successfully in. In addition, we present a faster, simplified phase field method, as well as a unified parameterization that enables artistic manipulation of the simulation. We find that these vectors form abstract, turbulent patterns in space. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, multiple Best Paper awards, and a Scientific and Technical Academy Award (SciTech Oscar). When he was in high school in the late 1990s, Theodore Kim liked art and he liked computers, but wasn’t sure how to connect the two interests. The simulation can be slow, particularly in 3D, because it involves solving a large Poisson problem. The intricate shapes and sounds that arise from vibrating Chladni plates are a well-known phenomenon. Rob Pieké SideFX. Subsequently, our codec only adds a factor of three or four to the overall runtime. Eulerian Solids have previously been integrated using explicit schemes, but we develop an implicit scheme that allows large time steps to be taken. Articles Cited by Public access. We present acceleration techniques to achieve interactive simulation performance, as well as a novel geometric sharpening algorithm that removes some of the smoothing artifacts from the implicit representations. We discuss our strategies for using these techniques, which provides us with valuable information that is needed to handle challenging scenarios. Recent work [Kim 2015] showed that it is feasible to compute quaternion Julia sets that conform to any arbitrary shape. View Citations; 328. Subspace fluid simulations, also known as reduced-order simulations, can be extremely fast, but also require basis matrices that consume an enormous amount of memory. Theodore Kim Yale University Verified email at Yale University Instead of solving the Navier-Stokes equations over a highly refined mesh, we use the wavelet decomposition of a low-resolution simulation to determine the location and energy characteristics of missing high-frequency components. in Computer Science from Cornell University as well as an M.S. Laplacian instability is the physical mechanism that drives pattern formation in many disparate natural phenomena. For an r-dimensional deformation subspace with O(r) cubature points, our method is able to evaluate subspace forces at O(r^2) cost. Due to the capability of deep learning architectures to learn representative features of the data, our generative model is able to accurately approximate the training data set, while providing plausible interpolated in-betweens. Timothy Langlois Senior Research Scientist, Adobe Verified email at 論文 引用先 共著者. Breannan Smith, Fernando de Goes, and T. Kim. However, its relationship to the finite element method (FEM) has always been unclear, because the model resists being written as an isotropic, hyperelastic strain energy. Theodore Kim is an Associate Professor of Computer Science are Yale University. Our technique requires only a simple specification of texture behavior, and automatically generates and tracks the features and texture over time in a temporally coherent manner. Theodore Kim. Alan Precourt Binary Color. View Profile. Ken Perlin New York University. The complexity of the scenarios we are able to simulate surpasses those that we have seen from any previous method. In this paper, we show that this is because the Baraff-Witkin model is actually a, Simulating dynamic deformation has been an integral component of Pixar's storytelling since Boo's shirt in. We achieve this using a method we call. Like wind and fire, it is also considered elemental, so it has found considerable use as a dramatic tool in visual effects. The united visual and sonic forms comprise a multimodal compositional palette that has great artistic potential. While this approach is powerful, it is also quite slow, which has previously limited its use to coarse resolutions (e.g., 26 x 34 x 28). We present a new approach that allows large time steps in dynamic simulations. Academy Award for Scientific and Technical Achievement, Best Paper Award, Motion, Interaction and Games, Best Paper, Honorable Mention, Symposium on Computer Animation, Best Paper Award, Symposium on Computer Animation, 2013 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2011 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2016-2017,2020 ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Papers, 2011-2012,2020 ACM SIGGRAPH General Submissions Jury, 2008-2018,2020 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2015,2018-2019 ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Papers, 2011-2012,2015-2016,2019 Pacific Graphics, 2011-2017 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2007,2009 Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena. We observe a 2x speedup in the advection stage using this scheme. Cited by. Forrest Lucas Two Bit Circus, Lucas Laboratories. Website. The beautiful, branching structure of ice is one of the most striking visual phenomena of the winter landscape. Theodore Kim Yale University. Theodore Kim Yale University 確認したメール アドレス: Our seeding strategy combines a robust curvature evaluation with multiple bands of seeding oscillators, injects waves with arbitrarily fine-scale structures, and properly handles obstacle boundaries. Pixar Animation Studios. Additionally, we propose a constrained restart method that deals with local minima, and a sheathing approach that further reduces the weight of the shape. Yonghao Yue Aoyama Gakuin University 確認したメール アドレス: We demonstrate our novel algorithm for texture synthesis on dynamically evolving fluid surfaces in several challenging scenarios. The geometric and optical complexity of ice has been a constant source of wonder and inspiration for scientists and artists. Hanspeter Pfister An Wang Professor of Computer Science, Harvard University Verified … We present a new method that achieves a two-way coupling between deformable solids and an incompressible fluid where the underlying geometric representation is entirely Eulerian. Kim B. Larsen Dimension Design, Kulturtanken. There are infinitely many components, but we conjecture that they are all similar to one of sixteen different shapes. The compression preserves the overall quality of the simulation, which we show in a variety of examples. In another departure from the Chladni plate case, the eigenvalues no longer have a natural sonic mapping, so we construct a sonification that allows us to "listen" to the eigenvectors of the fluid. Just don't use the bad ones. View all. Theodore Kim (Yale University) General Compression: 13.55 - 14.20 Mode-dependent Data-driven Transforms for AV1, Antonio Ortega (USC) 14:20 - 14:45 Measuring Video Quality with VMAF: Why You Should Care, Christos Bampis (Netflix) 14:45 - 15:10 Motion Based Video Frame Interpolation, Anil Kokaram (Trinity College Dublin) 15:10 - 15:30 Coffee AV1 Implementers Forum: 15:30 - 15:45 Real … Previously, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Pixar Animation Studios, where he designed and implemented many of the solid mechanics algorithms described here. Total Downloads. タイトル. Turbulent detail is what makes typical fluid simulations look impressive, and the underlying physics motivate a powerful approach for control: they allow for an elegant split of large scale motion and small scale turbulent detail. Home Theodore Kim. Derrick Nau DreamWorks Animation. For rendering, we use a convolution kernel to produce results competitive with Monte Carlo ray tracing. Steven An, T. Kim, and Doug James. In order to robustly capture these visual characteristics, we present a novel version of Neo-Hookean elasticity. Much has been written about collision detection approaches such as proximity-queries, continuous collisions and global intersection analysis. Kim "Howard" Johnson To Laurie Bradach, who improvises with me every day, and for the Baron's Barracudas, who blazed the trail. Daniel Ritchie Brown University USA. Theodore Kim Yale University Verified email at At Yale we are immersed in a unique environment with world-class faculties in the visual arts and sciences, including Art, Architecture, Art History, Drama, Psychology and Medicine. CSIC (Previously: Universidad de Granada; New York University) Verified email at - Homepage. James Miller Rockstar Games. Motivated by the extreme sparsity of Laplacian eigenfunctions in the frequency domain, we design a frequency-space codec that is capable of compressing basis matrices by up to an order of magnitude. Previously, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Pixar Animation Studios, where he designed and implemented many of the solid mechanics algorithms described here. However, phase field methods track the ice as an implicit surface, so it tends to smear away small-scale detail. Verified email at - Homepage. First, we design novel, accurate, and compact pyramid kernels which compensate for low-frequency truncation errors. For detailed meshes undergoing low-rank motion, we have observed speedups of over an order of magnitude with our method. Computer Graphics, Computer Animation, Solid Mechanics, Computational Fluids Dynamics, Fractal Growth Structures. Both modifications apply equally well to all three architectures. We support generic subspace deformation kinematics, and nonlinear hyperelastic materials. Crucially, this enables computation on the GPU, and computing a 10 billion triangle model now takes 17 days instead of 10 years. The visual realism of the resulting algorithm appears to surpass that of each technique alone, particularly in animations of freezing. In marked contrast to subspace approaches, ConJac gives exactly the same configuration as the full space approach once the static state is reached. In this paper, we show that, Simulation artists frequently work with characters that self-intersect. Ward Lopes NVIDIA. Theodore Kim Yale University Shinjiro Sueda Texas A&M University Figure 1: ConJac Dragon. We present a new, numerically stable algorithm that allows us to compute a previously-infeasible, fractalized Stanford Bunny composed of 10 billion triangles. The 3D solids are based on a fast, compact, and powerful new formulation that we have published over the last few years at SIGGRAPH.
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