The story of FIFA 2003's unexpected highest rated player who had a 97 rating! The man, or boy, that Brighi was can be summed up quite simply; he was a grounded youngster who kept himself hidden away from the high profile life often associated with such a hot prospect. Ahead of the release of each edition of FIFA, football fans are usually able to predict who the highest-rated player will be. Era lui il migliore su FIFA 2003. Find more awesome images on PicsArt. Dnes je už 37-ročným veteránom a háji farby Empoli. 30-jul-2018 - Bekijk het bord "PicsArt FIFA 2003 Covers" van Junior Luis op Pinterest. En effet, dans l'édition 2003 de la célèbre série "Fifa football" sur PlayStation 2 et Xbox, Matteo Brighi est le meilleur joueur du jeu, avec une note de 97 sur 100, devant tous les autres grands noms de l'époque, notamment Zidane ou Nedved. Era lui il migliore su FIFA 2003. Následne vystriedal hneď niekoľko talianskych celkov v Serii A, aj v Serii B. Hoci mu bola predpovedaná veľká budúcnosť, rodák z Rimini nikdy nenaplnil očakávania. Jul 28, 2018 - PicsArt FIFA 2003 Covers Brighi Image by juniorluis34. Brighi mise in fila campionissimi del calibro di Zidane, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Del Piero e Shevchenko. Matteo Brighi ; Informazione personale ; Data di nascita ( ) 14 febbraio 1981 (40 anni) Luogo di nascita : Rimini , Italia : Altezza : 1,79 m (5 piedi 10 1 ⁄ 2 pollici) Posizione (i) Centrocampista centrale : Carriera giovanile ; 1996–1998 : Rimini : Carriera senior * Anni : Squadra … PicsArt FIFA 2003 Covers. © 2021 Sports New Media Limited. Ever heard of Matteo Brighi? Praticamente il buon Matteo non è stato solo il migliore di quell’anno, ma è stato probabilmente il migliore di ogni tempo di questo popolarissimo videogioco. When it came to FIFA 18, for example, it was pretty obvious Cristiano Ronaldo would top the pile having won the Champions League and Ballon d'Or. Everyone knows EA Sports were overly generous with their FIFA ratings in the early editions of the game – but you may not know the second-highest rated game in the franchise’s history was young Juventus midfielder Matteo Brighi in 2003. Jeho hodnotenie dosiahlo neuveriteľných 97. PicsArt FIFA 2003 Covers Verzameling door Junior Luis. However, it hasn't always been the case that the world's best player is rated highest on FIFA, as evidenced by who topped the ratings on FIFA 03. Well, safe to say he never quite lived up to his potential. Jul 27, 2018 - PicsArt FIFA 2003 Covers Matteo Brighi Image by juniorluis34. Najlepšie hodnoteným hráčom na hre FIFA 2003 sa totiž stal Talian Matteo Brighi. Ma se andiamo indietro nel tempo le sorprese non mancano, soprattuto per quanto riguarda l’edizione del 2003 che ha incoronato Matteo Brighi come calciatore più forte del gioco. Inspiegabilmente fortissimo a: FIFA. Senza considerare il curioso caso di Matteo Brighi, che in FIFA 2003 aveva un fantascientifico 97 (non sappiamo la storia che c’era dietro, ma vi promettiamo che proveremo a scoprire il motivo) il blog del Sun, Dream Team FC, ha raccolto i 7 giocatori che erano molto più forti a FIFA che nella vita reale. CM - Matteo Brighi (FIFA 2003) Matteo Brighi is well known for being FIFA's second highest rated player of all time. La Champions League l’aveva vinta il Real Madrid, che con un gol bellissimo di Zinedine Zidane, un campionissimo, aveva battuto in finale 2-1 il Bayer Leverkusen. Matteo Brighi pernah tercatat di gim FIFA 2003 sebagai pemain dengan rating tertinggi yaitu mencapai 97! bahkan melebihi pemain-pemain top kala itu seperti David Beckham, Ronaldo maupun Ronaldinho. Inspiegabilmente fortissimo a: FIFA. And before Messi it was Wayne Rooney and Ronaldinho who battled for top spot due to their success with Manchester United and Barcelona respectively. Despite being so highly rated as a youngster, he only ended up making four appearances for Italy in his seven years as a national team player. Matteo Brighi aveva una media di 97 a FIFA 2003 – Il numero di per sé è più che eccezionale e quella valutazione permetteva al giocatore di … Having won the Ballon d'Or in five out of seven years between 2009 and 2015, it was inevitable the Argentine would come out on top on FIFA, usually with a rating in the mid-90s. Senz’ombra di dubbio il “bug” più assurdo nella valutazione complessiva affidata dall’EA Sports ad un singolo giocatore. FIFA 03, 97 di rating, alcol test alle stelle. bahkan melebihi pemain-pemain top kala itu seperti David Beckham, Ronaldo maupun Ronaldinho. Nope, we thought not. Brighi has never been particularly interested in the limelight. The centre midfielder was rated a ridiculous 97 on FIFA 03 making him an absolute FIFA legend. Only the biggest football fans will know who Brighi is, but he was once regarded as a hot prospect having won Serie A's Young Footballer of the Year and played for Italy Under 21's. È il decimo capitolo della serie di videogiochi FIFA. Back in 2003, Italian midfielder Matteo Brighi was given a huge 97 rating by EA Sports - higher than the likes of Thierry Henry, Roberto Carlos and Ryan Giggs. Brighi's now playing for Empoli in Serie B and even though he's 37 years old and basically forgotten about, he still has a 70-rated card on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team (see below).
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