La Rondine. PERSONAGGI. She apologizes for intruding and tells him that she will move away as soon as the young men at the bar stop watching her. Prunier demonstrates his skills at palmistry to some of the girls, while Lisette brings in the visitor, Ruggero. (entrano dal giardino, diretti verso l'uscita, che tiene strette al braccio due belle donnine), (alcune grisettes, considerano il giovine, sempre più vicine, lo interrogano chiassosamente), notano la sua incertezza, le muovono incontro). Guarda il mio tormento! But don't you know that you are destroying my life (like this)? The matinée performance on 10 January 2009 was broadcast in HD to movie theaters and schools throughout the world. Lisette and Prunier have a thing for each other. I didn't want to tell you about it before it arrived. lovers work things out away from the world! After they too have gone, she tells Lisette that she will remain at home that evening. No! What you've given me has been a treasure to me ... the wife that your mother knows and believes in! Some of the guests suggest that Prunier should compose a song based on Magda's story but he declares a preference for songs about perverse heroines, such as Berenice or Salome. Amazed, I watched the great gesture of indulgence! anche il mare respira sommesso... che si risveglia ogni giorno più ardente, Non volevo parlartene se prima non giungeva. The outline of La Rondine … What's sung may vary very slightly from production to production. He has been waiting for me for two hours... it seemed to me that a whole new existence. It was first performed at the Grand Théâtre de Monte Carlo (or the Théâtre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. Magda refuses to listen. Muore a Bruxelles il 29 novembre 1924, lasciando incompiuta Turandot. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. [3] The third version was not heard until 1994 in Turin. Libretto di Giuseppe ADAMI Musica di Giacomo PUCCINI Prima esecuzione: 27 marzo 1917, Montecarlo, Théâtre du Casino. Anche l'albergatore ha la faccia un po' scura... che intorno ha un orto e in faccia la collina. . it reveals itself every day evermore ardent. Your future. No! Lisette enters to announce the arrival of a young man – the son of an old school friend of Rambaldo. Strange! Libretto. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. Prunier takes his leave of Lisette (first arranging a rendezvous with her for that evening) and Lisette resumes her duties as Magda's maid. The three-act opera La Rondine (The Swallow) was originally commissioned for the Carltheater in Vienna but, owing to the outbreak of the First World War, was only premiered in Monte Carlo in 1917. Email Signup. No! Versione integrale dell'opera di Puccini e del librettista Adami, arricchita in appendice da un percorso di schede illustrate su storia, aneddoti e curiosità. my soul will reside with you, with you for ever! The orchestration of the third version was finally completed in authentic Puccinian style by the Italian composer Lorenzo Ferrero at the request of Teatro Regio di Torino and subsequently performed there on 22 March 1994. At the Bullier’s bar, a large crowd of students, artists, and flower girls socialize while singing and dancing. Nell'angolo di destra una serraveranda a grandi vetrate, oltre le quali si vede una parte delle Tuilleries in pieno crepuscolo. The creator of the role of Lisette, Ines Maria Ferraris, made the earliest recording of the aria "Chi il bel sogno di Doretta" in 1928 for the Odeon label. The solitude, tell me, doesn't it bother you? Laggiù c'è un uomo. This version of the opera has since been staged by the Washington National Opera and the Los Angeles Opera.[5]. Giuseppe Adami Premiere. because I love you and I don't want to ruin you! Libretto La rondine. What are you afraid of? To prove his point, he introduces Lisette to Magda, who tries to maintain her disguise, to the puzzlement of Lisette. Fisher, Burton D. (2004), "Puccini, Giacomo", This page was last edited on 5 May 2021, at 17:02. This is the first, first performed in 1917. Magda re-enters, disguised as a working girl. Puccini: La Rondine - Atto primo 1 ATTO PRIMO Un salone elegantissimo in casa di Magda, a Parigi. Three distinctly different third act versions were ultimately written. Don't tell me this! all the enchantment of the night and the moon! Anna Kareninawas commissioned as a co-production by Florida Grand Opera, Michigan Opera Theatre, and Opera Theatre of Saint Louis. The fervour of a feast has brought you to me, You are the only one - because you are the first -. Online 17. The three-act opera La Rondine (The Swallow)was originally commissioned for the Carltheater in Vienna but, owing to the outbreak of the First World War, was only premiered in Monte Carlo in 1917. She tells Ruggero about her past and declares that she can never be his wife – she would cause his parents too much grief. Ruggero leaves. This opera also was performed by Des Moines Metro Opera (Indianola, IA) in July 2012, starring Joyce El-Khoury. What are you doing? Collection Donald Pippin Collection - MUS.0003 Donald Pippin Collection. I love her, I love her... and I've lost all reason! There's a man over there. An opera in three acts, sung in Italian. La rondine (The Swallow) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and .It was first performed at the Grand Théâtre de Monte Carlo (or the Théâtre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. 4,5 su 5. The originally intended Viennese première was impeded by the outbreak of World War I and the entrance of Italy in the Alliance against Austria-Hungary, hence the Opéra de Monte-Carlo was chosen as the location to present it, with Gilda dalla Rizza and Tito Schipa in the leading roles. They talk about their first meeting and happiness together, living quietly by the sea. 16 e 18 ottobre 2020 . The secret I hold is much more significant! The maid has dressed in her mistress's clothes, and her mistress in hers, or at any rate as a maid or grisette might (as a disguise). As Ruggero leaves to post his letter she meditates on her dilemma, torn between her desire to tell Ruggero everything, her wish not to hurt him and her fear of losing his love. La Rondine, ACT 2 . Magda's guests are charmed by her performance and her long-term protector Rambaldo gives her a pearl necklace. La rondine er en opera i tre akter af Giacomo Puccini. Falstaff [2000] Pippin, Donald (Author) 2000-08-23 Description Book Summary. What can I say? The poet and the maid continue a subplot, which, to some extent, intertwines with the main theme. "You like me?" Prunier and Lisette arrive. LISETTE (con affettazione) Menti! She looks around uncertainly, hesitantly. A.M. Willner and Heinz Reichert. She writes the name on the tablecloth and Ruggero adds his own beneath. As part of a 1958 celebration marking the centenary of Puccini's birth, the Teatro di San Carlo at Naples, Italy, staged a revival of La rondine, at that time one of Puccini's least performed operas. Magda happily enters and soon catches the attention of a few younger men. He does not know how to finish the song, so Magda takes over and provides the second verse: she recounts how Doretta falls in love with a student (Aria: Chi il bel sogno di Doretta). In Europe since the 1990s stagings have included the première of the third version at Teatro Regio di Torino (1994), as well as performances at La Scala (1994), Leeds Opera North (1994, 2001), Oper Bonn and Ludwigshaven State Opera House (1995), Teatro del Giglio in Lucca (1998), Teatro Filarmonico di Verona (2002), Kansallisooppera, Helsinki (2002, 2003, 2007), Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London (2002, 2005, 2013), Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris (2005), Opéra de Monte-Carlo (2007), La Fenice in Venice (2008), 2012 Teatro Nacional de Sao Carlos (2012), and Portuguese Symphony Orchestra. Borghesi, Studenti, Pittori, Signori e Signore eleganti, «Grisettes», Fioraie. La rondine: Libretto di scena integrale con schede illustrative (Italian Edition) - Kindle edition by Puccini, Giacomo, Adami, Giuseppe. They decide to begin a new life together, but Magda secretly worries that she is deceiving Ruggero. La natura ibrida del libretto, a metà tra il genere tragico e quello della commedia, con una vicenda che ricorda da un latoLa Traviata, dall'altro la Fledermausdi Johann Strauss (si pensi al travestimento del primo atto, e in genere a tutti gli avvenimenti che coinvolgono la cameriera Lisette), determina forse il principale limite dell'opera. Poet! You're talking nonsense! La rondine (The Swallow) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and Heinz Reichert [de]. Prunier notices that Rambaldo has come in, and orders Lisette to take Ruggero out of the room for a few minutes, which she does. When Magda appears, Lisette begs for her job back, and Magda consents. In May 1997, the Company presented the world premiere of Balseros, an opera by Robert Ashley with libretto by world renowned Cuban writer María Irene Fornés. 1946) provided Puccini with the libretto for La Rondine and would later work with him on Il Tabarro and Turandot. Overwroughtd! Sì... lui te lo concedo, ma l'altra che par lei. Comfort me, poet! At a cocktail party hosted by the courtesan Magda, the poet Prunier expounds his theories on love. 30/31, Ines Maria Ferraris, creator of the role of Lisette, singing the first recording of "Chi il bel sogno di Doretta", Ainhoa Arteta performing "Chi il bel sogno di Doretta", Ainhoa Arteta and Marcus Haddock perform the alternate ending, International Music Score Library Project, Reviews and photos of first performance at the Metropolitan Opera in 1928,, Opera world premieres at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2017, Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Everything, my love, is what I like of you! Gavin Plumly, "Puccini's Bittersweet Operetta", San Francisco Opera program, Nov/Dec 2007, pp. It was first performed at the Grand Théâtre de Monte Carlo (or the Théâtre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. Magda is Rambaldo's mistress. Translation of 'La rondine (libretto)' by Giacomo Puccini from Italian to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 ... the old, honourable house of your ancestors. Operas similar to or like La rondine Opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and Heinz Reichert. La Rondine plot summary, character breakdowns, context and analysis, and performance video clips. And... must I tell you everything? She looks forward to welcoming the couple to her home and sends Magda a kiss. Look! Find The Metropolitan Opera on Facebook (opens new window) Magda's friends Yvette, Bianca and Suzy playfully mock him, while Lisette, Magda's maid, tells him he does not know what he is talking about. you, who is not a lover, but love itself! Lisette has had a brief and disastrous career as a music-hall singer: her performance in Nice the previous evening was a catastrophe. Operaen, der var en bestillingsopgave til Carltheater i Wien, blev færdigkomponeret i 1916, men på grund af verdenskrigen blev den i stedet uropført 1917 i Monte Carlo, der var neutralt område. all among little renunciations and nostalgia. Some young men see her, notice her uncertainty. La Rondine (1917) - Italian libretto - Spanish translation Gianni Schicchi (1918) - Italian libretto - Spanish translation Suor Angelica (1918) - Italian libretto - English translation - Spanish translation Lisette and Prunier's voices ar to be heard). La Rondine from Giacomo Puccini. Suddenly nostalgic, Magda recalls her life as a young working girl and happy evenings spent dancing at Bullier's, where she first experienced love (Aria: Ore dolci e divine). There is a get together at Rambaldo's. The libretto was written by Giuseppe Adami based on the German Die … Prunier expresses surprise that Magda can be happy away from Paris, and delivers a message to Magda from Rambaldo: he is happy to take her back on any terms. Librettoen er af Giuseppe Adami (1878-1946) efter en tysk libretto af Alfred Willner og Heinz Reichert. Come on, let's drink! Magda is deeply touched, but also uneasy: she knows that her past life as a courtesan would make her unacceptable to Ruggero's family, and possibly to Ruggero if he knew who she really was. But how do you go about uncovering such virtues? La rondine (The Swallow) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and Heinz Reichert. In the third version of the opera, Puccini changed the final act again, adding a scene in which Rambaldo comes to beg Magda to return to him, and ending with Ruggero's discovery (via an anonymous telegram) of who Magda really is, his angry rebuke of her, and his decision to leave her for ever. Prunier takes offence and Magda orders Lisette to leave. 4,5 su 5 stelle. Magda, affaticata, si siede. commedia lirica in tre atti libretto di Giuseppe Adami musica di Giacomo Puccini La Fenice prima dell’Opera 2008 1 la rondine Teatro La Fenice sabato 26 gennaio 2008 ore 19.00 turni A1-A2 domenica 27 gennaio 2008 ore 15.30 turni B1-B2 martedì 29 gennaio 2008 ore 19.00 turni D1-D2 mercoledì 30 gennaio 2008 ore 17.00 turni C1-C2 giovedì 31 gennaio 2008 ore 19.00 turni E1-E2 Libretto d'opera di 'La Rondine'. And don't you know that my torment is so great. But like this ... next to me ... no, closer. La fama del compositore valica i confini e nascono La fanciulla del West (1910) e Il Trittico (1918) per il Metropolitan Opera House di New York e La rondine (1917) per l’Opéra de Monte Carlo. Like a swallow, she flies back to Rambaldo and her old life, leaving Ruggero behind, devastated. Following a quarrel with Tito Ricordi, Giulio's son and successor, Puccini engaged Adami to recast the German text into an Italian libretto, and he decided to offer his first comic opera to Ricordi's Milanese rivals, Casa Sonzogno. My love! That's not a good idea! Libretto di Rondine. Lisette is ordered by Rambaldo to bring in the guest. Assistimi fortuna!...Dammi un chiaro di luna... (Lisette entra e dà una carta a Rambaldo), (Tutti escono. The two couples sit together and drink a toast to love (Aria: Bevo al tuo fresco sorriso). Rambaldo tells her that he cannot prevent her staying with Ruggero. The strangest twist in the history of “La Rondine” may be the fate of its libretto. Moreover, a fire at Casa Sonzogno archives caused by Allied bombing during the war destroyed parts of the score which had to be restored based on the surviving vocal-piano arrangements. Magda signals to Prunier not to give away her secret and Prunier tells Lisette she is mistaken. 26 valutazioni globali. 2008_«La rondine»: libretto e guida all’opera, «La Fenice prima dell’opera», 1, 2008, pp. They then set out together. that everything is finished, think still of me! La Rondine è un’ opera lirica in tre atti di Giacomo Puccini, su libretto di Giuseppe Adami. But the response is delayed. Ruggero implores Magda not to abandon him (Ma come puoi lasciarmi), but Magda is adamant that they cannot remain together, and that Ruggero must return home. 47-104. On 31 December 2008, again with Gheorghiu as Magda, the Metropolitan Opera in New York gave the company's first staging in 70 years. There is no one! la risposta paterna... Ma la risposta tarda. The libretto was written by Giuseppe Adami based on the German Die Schwalbe by Alfred Maria Willner and Heinz Reichert. At the premiere in Monte Carlo in 1917 the initial reception by the public and press was warm. Bourgeois, Students, Painters, Elegant Ladies and Gentlemen, Grisettes, Flower girlss, Dancers, Waiters. Commedia lirica. (Ride e esce. Entra Lisette e si scontra con Prunier. Ruggero, the visiting son of an old friend of Rambaldo, and Magda fall for each other. Forse, come la rondine, migrerete oltre il mare, verso un chiaro paese di sogno... Verso il sole, verso l'Amore... (con decisione) Bullier! LT → Italian, Latin → Giacomo Puccini → La rondine (libretto) Giacomo Puccini - La rondine (libretto) Artist: Giacomo Puccini; Featuring artist: Ekaterina Bakanova, Matteo Desole, Hasmik Torosyan, Matteo Mezzaro; Also performed by: Ainhoa Arteta, Angela Gheorghiu, Anna Moffo, Kiri Te Kanawa; Ruggero, who does not recognize Magda in her disguise, asks her to stay. Recensioni clienti. As he leaves, Ruggero returns, and tells Magda that dawn is breaking. The revival was well received, with audiences and critics deeming it a success.[4]. Just see my torment! The work proceeded for two years, sometimes intensely, sometimes with great difficulty, and in spring 1916 the opera was finished. Ruggero explains that it is his first visit to Paris and asks where he may find the best place to spend an evening: after much discussion, Lisette recommends Bullier's. PRUNIER (comico) No! Lisette and Prunier pass their table and Lisette recognizes Magda. Prunier maintains that no one is immune to romantic love and sings the first verse of his latest song about Doretta, who rejected a king as her suitor because of the value she placed on true love. La Rondine è un' opera lirica in tre atti di Giacomo Puccini, su libretto di Giuseppe Adami. that she is fully virtuous, may she be blessed! In the second version, which was premiered at Teatro Massimo, Palermo, in 1920, Prunier is the deciding force in Magda's decision to leave Ruggero in Act 3, and she departs without seeing her lover. NULLA. Make all weak at the knees! The bar is packed with students, artists and flower girls, singing and dancing. Music by Giacomo Puccini; libretto by Giuseppe Adami after Dr. Oh! Very brief plot synopsis: After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of Der Rosenkavalier, "only more entertaining and more organic,"[1] he agreed. In Italy, Puccini offered the work to his editor Tito Ricordi, who declined to buy it, dismissing it as "Bad Lehár";[2] thus Ricordi's rival, Lorenzo Sonzogno [it], obtained the right to give the first performance outside Austria-Hungary and moved the premiere to Monégasque neutral territory. Atto primo La rondine A T T O P R I M O Scena unica Un salone elegantissimo in casa di Magda, a Parigi. They don't believe it. 27 March 1917, Monte Carlo (Salle Garnier) A feature of the music is Puccini's use of modern dance rhythms, such as the tango, to denote the various characters.[2]. La porta d'entrata, assai grande e decorata da un ricco cortinaggio, è Ruggero asks for her name and she answers 'Pauletta'. Magda enters and attracts the attention of several young men. It was first performed at the Grand Théâtre de Monte Carlo (or the Théâtre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917.
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