Add word 100. ^-^’ It can means a lot of things. Exact: 2457. No, No! Contextual translation of "ti amo amore mio" into English. amore - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Our all-inclusive spa resort in Sedona, Arizona is your path to seek in and naturally find harmony. Elapsed time: 158 ms. Add a comment 10. Ripetendo dopo di me le parole che ho intrecciate. What does il mio amore mean in English? Add thesaurus 100. I miss you, my love = mi manchi, amore mio My love has gone = il mio amore se n'è andato. Discover why Mii amo was awarded the #1 Destination Spa in the US by Travel + Leisure in 2019. ... No results found for this meaning. Sei il grande amore della mia vita: You're the love of my life; Senza di te la vita non ha più senso: Without you, life has no meaning; Il mio cuore è solo tuo / tua: My heart is yours; Hai conquistato il mio cuore: You've won my heart; Giorno e notte sogno solo te: Day and night, I dream only of you More. = My love for you is infinite. Visit a page 5. Human translations with examples: my love, my heart, anong oras, i love you, yes my love, i love you love. Results: 2457. Literally, it means ‘’my heart’’, but in Italy it can be intended in a lot of ways. My love is an English equivalent of 'il mio amore'. It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation. Tu pure, o Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza, guardi le stelle che tremano d’amore, e di speranza! E quelli senza sapere ci guardano passare. I’m italian, so I can explain this well… i think? In the word by word translation, the masculine definite article 'il' means 'the'. Ti porto in me come un uccello ferito. il mio amore translation in Italian - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'amore libero',amore di sé',amorale',amatore', examples, definition, conjugation = My love went away. Pronounce word 150. "mio amore" is not correct, you should say "il mio amore". Translations in context of "mio amore" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: amore mio, il mio amore, il mio amore per, il mio primo amore, tutto il mio amore. Il mio amore è andato via. Display more examples. You will also hear Italian people say mio amore with the two words inverted, but used in this way, it is almost always preceded by the definite article il (the) and doesn’t function as an affectionate form of address.Consider the following sentences for example: Il mio amore per te è infinito. Learn more.. We use both "il mio amore" and "amore mio", depending on what kind of sentence it has to fit in. We hope this will help you in learning languages. Vote & Rate 5. The masculine possessive 'mio'means 'my'. Suggest an example. Add collection 200. If you want to learn il mio amore in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Italian to English. ... Add a meaning Cancel. Pronunciation of Il mio amore with 1 audio pronunciation, 9 translations and more for Il mio amore. Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me; il nome mio nessun saprà! Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. Amore mio bello, amore mio caro, il mio strappo.
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