Guadalupe Porras Ayuso a été la première arbitre féminine à porter le fanion dans un match de première division en Espagne. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Porras se ha mostrado convencida de que "llegará … Non solo nel calcio femminile. The 34-year-old was also part of the matchday delegation for Real Madrid’s 1-0 home victory at the Santiago Bernabéu against Atlético at the start of last year. Guadalupe Porras è una vera e propria pionera nel calcio maschile. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The most satisfying thing to say ten years on is that Sian Massey-Ellis, who was only 25 at the time, has been a resounding success. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Especially when she was the one applying the correct rules and it was the male footballers who did not seem to know them. I face it with great desire and the same enthusiasm which I bring to my job,” she told the Spanish federation. Nel 2019 è stata la prima guardalinee donna a debuttare nella Liga e domani 29 ottobre sarà nella terna arbitrale della partita di Europa League tra Lask e Ludogorets. Si, non è uno scherzo ! Guadalupe Porras Ayusois a Spanish female match official who officiates for matches in Spain.She was born in Badajoz, Spain, and grew up there. La asistente extremeña, que se convirtió en la primera árbitra en debutar en … [1], Formada en el Colegio de árbitros de Badajoz, debutó a los dieciséis años arbitrando partidos de Tercera división española. It’s great that the presence of women in any working environment is being normalised,” as quoted in Mundo Deportivo. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso (Badajoz, 1987) es una árbitra de fútbol española. Her most recent LaLiga involvement was Osasuna’s 3-1 victory over Granada on Sunday. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso, primera mujer que arbitrará en una final de la Copa del Rey Porras Ayuso es la primera mujer que estará en una final de la Copa del Rey como asistente Estrada Fernández dirigirá el encuentro. The Extremaduran takes another step in her career with a new milestone: being the first referee to call a Copa del Rey final. Clearly, these are not isolated incidents in the world of football. Indeed, the trailblazer has had a quick turnaround in her domestic career in Spain, despite running the line in international matches since 2014. [4], Entre otros reconocimientos, en 2019 recibió el premio Mujeres Progresistas en la categoría de deporte femenino otorgado por la Federación de Mujeres Progresistas. In December, Ayuso was also put forward by the Spanish football federation as their representative for the 2023 Women’s World Cup alongside Marta Huerta de Aza. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. La final de Copa de 2020, entre Athletic Club y Real Sociedad, ha hecho historia antes de empezar. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso première arbitre en Finale de la Coupe du Roi ... Guadalupe Porras Ayuso primera árbitro mujer en la Final de la Copa del Rey ... à suivre sur la chaine L’ÉQUIPE à partir de 21h30 ! Fútbol Guadalupe Porras Ayuso será la primera árbitra asistente en debutar en Primera L a colegiada pacense Guadalupe Porras Ayuso vuelve a hacer historiaal ser … You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso será la primera árbitra española en participar en una competición internacional masculina.La asistente extremeña abre una nueva página en la historia del arbitraje convirtiéndose en juez de línea en el partido que se disputará entre el LASK y el Ludogorets de la UEFA Europa League. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso se va a convertir, a partir de mañana, en la primera mujer que arbitrará, como asistente, una Final de Copa del Rey en España. And it is fair to say that the last few seasons have seen a recent upsurge in her career. Last October, Spanish lineswoman Guadalupe Porras Ayuso became the first female from Spain to be a part of any refereeing team for a men’s European club competition. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso (Badajoz, 1987) militará la próxima temporada en Primera División tal y como ha notificado el Comité Técnico de Árbitros de la Real Federación Española de Fútbol. Stéphanie Frappart è entrata nella storia diventando la prima donna ad arbitrare una partita di UEFA Champions League, ma non è l'unica ad abbattere le barriere tra i sessi. Get French Football News It is fair to say that Massey-Ellis’ career has only gone from strength to strength and she is generally considered as one of the best assistant referees in the Premier League. Born in Badajoz, Extremadura, she has had to wait a long time before being asked to run the line in the Europa League match between LASK and Ludogorest. Hizo su debut el agosto de 2019 en el partido que enfrentó el RCD Mallorca y la SD Eibar en el Estadio de Son Moix. Anche le maggiori competizioni maschili europee registrano la presenza di donne arbitro. Esta página se editó por última vez el 5 abr 2021 a las 21:31. ! Guadalupe Porras Ayuso (FOTO: RFEF) Xavier Bosch Periodista. X CLOSE keyboard_arrow_left Guadalupe Porras Ayuso. These cookies do not store any personal information. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso ya ha hecho historia. At 33 years old, the Spanish damsel has officiated various matches in the local leagues and was the first female assistant referee to take part in a la Liga match. This appointment means I have achieved another career goal. También esta temporada la pacense Guadalupe Porras Ayuso fue asistente del catalán Xavier Estrada Fernández en el partido de la segunda jornada de la … These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Richard Keys and Andy Gray were sacked from their positions at Sky Sports 10 years ago this week, for their sexist comments towards assistant referee Sian Massey-Ellis, who has now taken part in almost 150 Premier League games, as well as a host of matches in the Football League. Guadalupe Porras, primera mujer que arbitrará una final de la Copa del Rey La árbitra Guadalupe Porras Ayuso es la primera mujer que ejercerá como asistente en una final de la Copa del Rey. C’était lors de la rencontre Mallorca – Eibar en 2019. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso sarà, infatti, la prima donna assistente arbitro nella storia della Liga. Scegli tra immagini premium su Juan Porras della migliore qualità. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. From Newport to Kazakhstan, Ayuso has travelled far and wide in her career thus far. First name Guadalupe Last name Porras Ayuso Nationality Spain Country of birth Spain Place of birth Badajoz In November 2019, just a few months after Ayuso’s debut in the Mallorca-Eibar encounter, El País reported the vicious sexist abuse that a female referee called Alexandria García received in a junior match in El Escorial. Premios FMP. “I am delighted if being an assistant referee will open the door to many girls who are starting out. Classe 1987, subentrerà a Marisa Villa, attualmente responsabile dell'organo di arbitrato femminile. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso sigue haciendo historia en el arbitraje español. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso, meanwhile, will be hoping to emulate her English counterpart and enjoy a long career in top-flight and international football after making key breakthroughs over the last couple of seasons. Judit Romano, la árbitra que da ejemplo de conciliación con su bebé de 3 meses. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. She would also love to be the source of inspiration for other females who want to make it in the game of football. Elle a aussi été la première arbitre féminine à devenir internationale dans un match masculin en 2020 en Europa Ligue entre Lask et Ludogorets. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso ya es historia del fútbol español. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso va fi prima femeie care va arbitra la meciurile din La Liga, din sezonul viitor. A sus 31 años la extremeña, nacida en Badajoz, será la única mujer en saltar a un campo de fútbol de la Primera División masculina como Guadalupe Porras Ayuso (Badajoz, Espainia, 1987) espainiar futbol epailea da.. Futboleko Espainiako Errege Kopako final batean epaile lanetan arituko den lehen emakumezkoa izango da 2021eko apirilaren 3an Errealaren eta Athleticen arteko finalean.. Kanpo estekak legi d'àrbitres de Badajoz, va debutar als setze anys arbitrant partits de la … Será la primera árbitra asistente en la máxima categoría. FEATURE | Guadalupe Porras Ayuso – Spain’s trailblazing lineswoman Jan 25, 2021 Last October, Spanish lineswoman Guadalupe Porras Ayuso became the first female from Spain to be a part of any refereeing team for a men’s European club competition. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Scopri le migliori foto stock e immagini editoriali di attualità di Juan Porras su Getty Images. Guadalupe Porras, la española que arbitra en Europa: "No te insultan más por ser mujer" ... Roberto Alonso Fernandez y Guadalupe Porras Ayuso, calientan antes del LASK-Ludogorets. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso: "Al principio no quería que mis padres vinieran a verme, para que no sufrieran". [3], Además, ha sido la primera árbitra en una final de la Copa del Rey, actuando como asistente de Estrada Fernández en el partido entre el Athletic de Bilbao y la Real Sociedad disputado en La Cartuja de Sevilla el 3 de abril de 2021. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. And Ayuso’s presence in the game helps, especially in a country in which gender inequality is still an issue, both in and out of the football pitch. Și în România au existat arbitri-femei care au făcut parte din brigăzile de la primul eșalon. [2] Internacional desde 2014, también ha arbitrado partidos de la Liga de fútbol femenina. La árbitra Guadalupe Porras Ayuso es la primera mujer que ejercerá como asistente en una final de la Copa del Rey. Al año siguiente consiguió el ascenso a la Segunda división B. Después de ocho temporadas ascendió a la Segunda división, donde compitió durante dos años. Whilst referees from all social groups are treated badly by players, it was uncomfortable to see so many male footballers argue with the female referee, attempting to explain the rules to her. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso (Badajoz, 1987) es una árbitra de fútbol española. Programa: “Extremeñas” de Canal Extremadura TV24 de Abril de 2019 La temporada 2019-20 ascendió a la Primera división, convirtiéndose en la primera árbitra asistente del fútbol estatal. Actualizado a 02-04-2021 11:36. La A moment that will culminate this Saturday by jumping onto the La Cartuja lawn as Estrada Fernández's […] Guadalupe Porras Ayuso, árbitra de 1ª División de la Liga Fútbo Profesional Ritxar Bacete Gónzalez, escritor y antropólogo Alida Hevia Alonso, expresidenta F.Mujeres Progresistas de Asturias Galería de fotos. If only all linesMEN were as good as her, we would never have been subjected to VAR. [5], Esta obra contiene una traducción derivada de «, «Guadalupe Porras Ayuso: "Pronto veremos a una mujer pitando un Madrid-Barça, «Guadalupe Porras Ayuso será la primera árbitra asistente en debutar en Primera», «Guadalupe Porras Ayuso, primera árbitra asistente de la historia de LaLiga», «Así es Guadalupe Porras, la primera árbitra en una final de Copa del Rey», «La árbitra Guadalupe Porras Ayuso recibe el Premio Mujeres Progresistas: "Se lo dedico a todas quienes sufren discriminación, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported,, Wikipedia:Páginas con traducciones del catalán, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso es una árbitra española de 33 años que hará historia al convertirse en la primera mujer de aquel país que formará parte de un cuerpo arbitral que dirija un partido de Europa League. Since then, Ayuso has been appointed as the first or second assistant referee for 32 top-flight matches, including Atlético Madrid’s 2-0 victory over Julen Lopetegui’s Sevilla a fortnight ago. Así está Guadalupe Porras Ayuso a horas de entrar en la historia. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. “And I hope in a few years that someone like me doesn’t even need to be in the press,” she added. This weekend, in a Third Division match between Llerenense and Cacereno, the home side lost 4-0, but it was one goal which made national headlines. Alonso Fernández será el otro asistente del encuentro Guadalupe Porras, primera mujer que arbitrará una final de la Copa del Rey La árbitra Guadalupe Porras Ayuso es la primera mujer que ejercerá como asistente en una final de la … It’s a very difficult world, but you can achieve anything with hard work and sacrifice,” she added. And after spending several seasons as lineswoman in the men’s Segunda División throughout 2017 and 2018, her debut in LaLiga finally came in August 2019 when she was picked for that season’s Mallorca-Eibar match in the opening round of the campaign. Advertisement Guadalupe Porras continues to break with all the molds already established in Spanish arbitration. Premios Mujeres Progresistas en 2017. From a goal-kick, the keeper misplaced the pass to the defender and the striker latched onto it and scored (with the ball barely leaving the penalty area). “I feel very satisfied. Guadalupe Porras Ayuso, historia del arbitraje con el nombramiento de la UEFA PracticoDeporte Madrid 27 oct. 2020 Guadalupe Porras Ayuso se convertirá en la … Arsenal reach agreement with Real Madrid for Martin Ødegaard, Celta Vigo in talks to sign Simen Juklerod, Juventus in talks with Valencia over midfielder Ferran Torres, LaLiga president Javier Tebas hits out at Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez, Classic Teams #4 | Real Sociedad (2012-13), Georginio Wijnaldum reportedly agrees pre-contract deal with FC Barcelona. In Francia Stéphanie Frappart, dopo aver diretto la finale di Uefa Supercoppa 2019, arbitra in Ligue 1 (serie A francese) e in UEFA Champions League; Get Italian Football News, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. La colegiada extremeña Guadalupe Porras Ayuso se convertirá este jueves en la primera mujer española en participar en una competición internacional masculina. “All the girls who are starting out can see that you can achieve any aim that you set yourself. Get German Football News În vârstă de 32 de ani, arbitra-asistent s-a îndrăgostit de această activitate în urmă cu 16 ani. Sigue rompiendo barreras en un mundo que hasta hace poco era solo de hombres.
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