I was just alone and I didn't even like myself," he said. That was the end of it.". 1942-2021," the post read. More or less everybody knows what happened from there.". George Jacob Jung (Boston, 6 de agosto de 1942) es un expresidiario y exnarcotraficante estadounidense que fue miembro del Cartel de Medellín y el mayor responsable de la importación de cocaína (del 85%) en Estados Unidos durante la década de 1970 y principios de la década de 1980 y llegó a ser una figura reconocida en el narcotráfico. Jung and Lehder split after the American was cut out of the cartel. ", Basically I was no different than a rock star or a movie star. The fear is the high itself. ", Basically I was no different than a rock star or a movie star. "He walked over and executed the man and then he came back to the table. BLOW by Bruce Porter. Il vero George Jung con Depp. 1942-2021," the post read. È morto George Jung È stato uno dei maggiori trafficanti di droga negli USA e uno degli uomini più vicini a Pablo Escobar. Jung, whose wild life inspired the hit Johnny Depp film Blow, died today aged 78 at his home in Boston. and he said, '$4,000 to $5,000.'. Carlos Enrique Lehder Rivas (born September 7, 1949) is a German-Colombian former drug lord who was co-founder of the Medellín Cartel.He was released from prison in the United States after 33 years in 2020. Im Film wurde er von Johnny Depp verkörpert. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Previously, cocaine could only be brought in suitcases or body packing, a far less efficient method with a higher likelihood of being caught. He was a founding member of the powerful Medellin Cartel and worked with Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, Carlos Lehder, George Jung and the Ochoa Brothers. Jung said: "They were more or less naive to what was going on and I told them that they'd be transferring cocaine, and really at that time, not very many people in Massachusetts knew what the hell cocaine was. I don't care. "He said, 'Did you know it sells for $60,000 a kilo in the United States?' The feds eventually caught up with Jung and he was busted in Chicago with a 600 pounds of marijuana in the trunk of his car while living at the Playboy Club. DRUG dealer George Jung was a high-flying cocaine smuggler who helped Pablo Escobar bring planeloads of the drug into the US. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), George Jung with actor Johnny Depp, who played him in the movie Blow, Credit: bostongeorgejungofficial/Instagram, Jung helped Pablo Escobar flood the United States with cocaine, Medellin cartel cocaine traffickers arrested by Colombian police in 1988, Jung spent time at Pablo Escobar's Hacienda Nápoles estate in Colombia, Jung began selling marijuana before moving to cocaine, Depp starred as Jung in the 2001 film Blow, Jung witnessed Pablo Escobar ruthlessly execute a rival, Jung spent nearly 20 years in prison for trafficking cocaine, George Jung wishes everyone a happy Cinco de Mayo as he hold as picture of Johnny Depp who played him in the film Blow, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Coca e dollari a fiumi e infine, la galera . He was arrested again two years later for a parole violation but left a halfway house in July 2017. Carlos and I were in the transporting and distribution of it. The prison was built to specifications ordered by Med After a while, the cocaine - I didn't have any friends, you know. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. Joining Pablo Escobar’s Cocaine Empire. "I think the cocaine drove [the dealers] crazy and that it was a serious business and there were huge, huge amounts of money, you know, in one place at one time and you were responsible for that and if you lost it you basically lost your life.". Relação com Escobar. "He said, 'Did you know it sells for $60,000 a kilo in the United States?' However he began to struggle with addiction to the very drug he was supplying, and began to fear for his life amid increasingly violent scenes. Burn some money in the fireplace, f*** it, it all meant nothing. Jung said: "They were more or less naive to what was going on and I told them that they'd be transferring cocaine, and really at that time, not very many people in Massachusetts knew what the hell cocaine was. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. I was snorting a lot of cocaine and I had lost myself to a great degree. "An individual was brought to the ranch and he was taken out by two of Pablo's bodyguards and we were sitting at a table on the patio in the back and he simply said, 'Excuse me'," Jung said. I was a coke star. Esce di galera George Jung, il protagonista di Blow Narcos, la nuova serie tv sulla vita di Pablo Escobar Boston George: “Ne è davvero valsa la pena” Arrestato il Re della marijuana: guidava una Bugatti progettata su misura e frequentava i party di Di Caprio "An individual was brought to the ranch and he was taken out by two of Pablo's bodyguards and we were sitting at a table on the patio in the back and he simply said, 'Excuse me'," Jung said. "I was a guy who had a lot of money and unlimited access to cocaine and even if I looked like Bela Lugosi I still had the most beautiful women on the planet because everybody at that time, especially women, were in love with cocaine and of course in love with the money - the access to the automobiles, the clothes, the dinners, the lifestyle.". "Who the hell cares? "At that time it was easy to come and go through Customs, as far as moving drugs and drugs we concealed in the suitcases. After co-operating with law enforcement, Jung was released from custody a few months later. Jung said the incident made him realize that he was "on a road to self-destruction and I couldn't turn the wheel to get off". "I think the cocaine drove [the dealers] crazy and that it was a serious business and there were huge, huge amounts of money, you know, in one place at one time and you were responsible for that and if you lost it you basically lost your life.". However a return to his former life proved to be too tempting and Jung was caught with 1,754 pounds of cocaine in 1994 in Topeka, Kansas. DRUG dealer George Jung was a high-flying cocaine smuggler who helped Pablo Escobar bring planeloads of the drug into the US. "So they went and they were successful both times. The pair bought a plane and set up their own cartel, Medellin - involving Pablo Escobar. Jung said: "[Escobar] chopped a huge ball of coke open with a machete and said take what you want. Durante essa época, Jung havia se casado e se tornado amigo pessoal de Pablo Escobar.Após ter sido posto para fora do negócio por Lehder, ele pôde iniciar uma linha mais modesta de negociação diretamente com Escobar, operando de forma muito parecida com a anterior. I was a coke star. "At that time I really didn't know who I was, to be honest with you. "The money meant nothing. Throughout his 78 years of life, George Jung made a name for himself as one of the most infamous smugglers in modern U.S. history. Jung began making an extremely lucrative - but dangerous - living transporting the drugs back over the border. They took him away and then he asked me what I'd like for dinner that night.". He told PBS: "The connection that was supposed to take the pot was also involved in the heroin business, which I had no idea he was doing, and he got arrested for that, and of course then to save his soul he informed on me and they arrested me for the pot.". Negli anni '70 e '80 George Jacob Jung diventato uno dei trafficanti di droga più famosi del mondo. The fear is the high itself. That was the end of it.". La società Lehder-Jung si occupava del trasporto e della distribuzione, mentre il re colombiano della droga Pablo Escobar si occupava di produzione e rifornimento. Jung, whose wild life inspired the hit Johnny Depp film Blow, died today aged 78 at his home in Boston. He made "close to $100 million" pumping illicit substances from South to North America while making Escobar the world's most powerful druglord. Mentre Jung e Lehder si occupavano del trasporto Pablo Escobar si impegnava nella produzione e nel rifornimento della cocaina. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. While staying with Escobar, Jung witnessed the Colombian chillingly murder a rival. "So that was basically the beginning of the influx of cocaine in the United States. It's an adrenaline pump. Negli anni '70 e '80, George Jung divenne uno dei principali trafficanti di cocaina negli Stati Uniti in combutta col cartello di Medellín fondato da Pablo Escobar. The feds eventually busted Jung in 1987 after he returned to Massachusetts, bursting into the mansion where he lived with his wife and baby daughter. Blow è un film del 2001 che racconta la storia di George Jung, con Johnny Depp a vestire i suoi panni e Penelope Cruz quelli della moglie Mirtha. How much does it cost down in Colombia?' The outlet claims that Jung will be cremated, however no information about a funeral has been made publicly available. Jung took off on the run from Massachusetts, intending to flee back to Colombia - however an old pilot friend who he thought was going to help was actually working undercover for the DEA. Commenting is currently disabled on this article. It was in that cell where the seeds of Jung's cocaine-smuggling enterprise were planted. How a Small-Town Boy Made $100 Million with the Me ... Pablo Escobar Home Videos ... Popular Recent Comments. The comparison to Pablo Escobar is further justified by the fact that he was a prominent member of the Medellin Cartel which specialized in … "As time wore on, we got to know each other and then he asked me if I knew anything about cocaine and I told him no. At the height of his powers Jung said he was filling tables with cocaine piled three-feet high. It was there he met an American woman who was living with the son of a Mexican general - with the promise of "all the pot you want". How much does it cost down in Colombia?' To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. More or less everybody knows what happened from there.". DRUG dealer George Jung was a high-flying cocaine smuggler who helped Pablo Escobar bring planeloads of the drug into the US. "You know, I mean - you know, like in "Scarface", just dump it," he said. Nicknamed Boston George and El Americano, Jung was one of the kingpins at the head of the cartel responsible for flooding the United States with Colombian cocaine in the 1980s. Jung said: "[Escobar] chopped a huge ball of coke open with a machete and said take what you want. However a return to his former life proved to be too tempting and Jung was caught with 1,754 pounds of cocaine in 1994 in Topeka, Kansas. He … "I analyzed this over the years, I was a fear junkie. Stay here twenty days if you want. Carlos and I were in the transporting and distribution of it. George Jung urodził się w Bostonie jako syn Fredericka i Ermine Jung. DRUG dealer George Jung was a high-flying cocaine smuggler who helped Pablo Escobar bring planeloads of the drug into the US. Jung helped Pablo Escobar with shipments into the U.S. George Jung, the cocaine smuggler portrayed by Johnny Depp in “Blow,” died on Wednesday at the age of 78. "He walked over and executed the man and then he came back to the table. Jung claimed his former business partner threatened to kill him. He simply looked at me and he said, 'He betrayed me.' Jung began making an extremely lucrative - but dangerous - living transporting the drugs back over the border. With no way out, Jung decided to help the feds and spoke to them about Ledher. Amazon.com Widgets La Catedral was a prison overlooking the city of Medellín in Colombia. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. While staying with Escobar, Jung witnessed the Colombian chillingly murder a rival. Dopo quella volta George tentò di condurre una vita normale per amore della figlia e della moglie Mirtha (Penélope Cruz, prima di essere l’amante di Pablo in Escobar – Il fascino del male). George Jung, the drug trafficker known as El Americano who inspired Johnny Depp's film Blow and helped Pablo Escobar smuggle planeloads of cocaine … Altri elementi del cartello, come i fratelli Ochoa, si occupavano dei contatti politici in Colombia. George Jung, the drug trafficker known as El Americano who inspired Johnny Depp's film Blow and helped Pablo Escobar smuggle planeloads of … Jung died this morning at his home in Boston, sources told TMZ. Ora Lehder ha 70 anni e ha deciso di vivere a Berlino, grazie alla cittadinanza acquisita per le origini tedesche del padre.. Lehder, l’ex socio di Pablo Escobar. I was a coke star... as the money grew, the power grew.". The outlet claims that Jung will be cremated, however no information about a funeral has been made publicly available. Dopo diverse avventure criminali, molte delle quali messe in scena in Blow, Jung fu definitivamente The pair bought a plane and set up their own cartel, Medellin - involving Pablo Escobar. He enjoyed a high-flying lifestyle as his illicit business continued to generate millions of dollars. That's what happened to me. Jung said the incident made him realize that he was "on a road to self-destruction and I couldn't turn the wheel to get off". "This was the first time that we showed the Colombians that you could take huge amounts of cocaine and drop it into the United States via air and also there was a huge market there for it," Jung said. We drank cognac.". There was only, like three or four ounces of coke there and the police thought that a huge load had been flown in and the house was full of kilos of cocaine and money. 1-ott-2016 - Intervista esclusiva a George Jung, il narcotrafficante americano di Pablo Escobar: storia e personaggi del Cartello nei ricordi di chi ne ha fatto parte Pablo Escobar Gaviria - capo del BLOW Ascesa e declino di George Jung (Johnny Depp), il più celebre narcotrafficante americano degli anni '70, che divenne il corriere del ben più noto Pablo Escobar. George Jung wurde einer größeren Öffentlichkeit durch das Drama Blow, der Verfilmung seines Lebens, bekannt. However he began to struggle with addiction to the very drug he was supplying, and began to fear for his life amid increasingly violent scenes. Jung told PBS in 2000: "Basically I was no different than a rock star or a movie star. The feds eventually busted Jung in 1987 after he returned to Massachusetts, bursting into the mansion where he lived with his wife and baby daughter. Nicknamed Boston George and El Americano, Jung was one of the kingpins at the head of the cartel responsible for flooding the United States with Colombian cocaine in the 1980s. Commenting is currently disabled on this article. Drug smuggler George Jung who inspired Johnny Depp's... dailymail.co.uk - Emily Crane • 1d. Juli 2017 wurde George Jung mit 74 Jahren aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Born in Armenia, Colombia, Lehder eventually ran a cocaine transport empire on Norman's Cay island, 210 miles (340 km) off the Florida coast in the central Bahamas. The cause of his death has not been made clear, however the outlet reported that he had recently experienced liver and kidney failure. I had no idea. Burn some money in the fireplace, f*** it, it all meant nothing. "And immediately bells started to go off and the cash register started ringing up in my head. We drank cognac.". "At that time it was easy to come and go through Customs, as far as moving drugs and drugs we concealed in the suitcases. "The cash was generated in a matter of days, millions of dollars. I don't care. “R.I.P. View our online Press Pack. ... Pablo Escobar. "Who the hell cares? One of such people is George Jung, the drug trafficker whose criminal enterprise has been compared to that of Pablo Escobar. He told PBS: "The connection that was supposed to take the pot was also involved in the heroin business, which I had no idea he was doing, and he got arrested for that, and of course then to save his soul he informed on me and they arrested me for the pot.". "That was the end of it - all coming down, house of cards," he said. Im Frühling 2002, rund ein Jahr nach dem Erscheinen von Blow, besuchte ihn seine Tochter erstmals im Gefängnis. La violenza senza scrupoli era parte integrante del processo come la cocaina stessa. "R.I.P. At the height of his powers Jung said he was filling tables with cocaine piled three-feet high. Jung died this morning at his home in Boston, sources told TMZ. "May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face, and the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars. Pablo Escobar was a feared and infamous Colombian Drug Lord who was often referred to as the King of Cocaine. George Jung, affiliato del cartello della droga di Pablo Escobar, è stato portato sullo schermo da Johnny Depp nel 2001. "They said they had such a wonderful time that they were turning around the next day and going back down to get more suitcases, which more or less boggled my mind, I couldn't believe they were going to do this again all in a matter of another day. Jung and Lehder split after the American was cut out of the cartel. Jung was jailed in Danbury, Connecticut, where his cellmate was Colombian Carlos Lehder. "You know, I mean - you know, like in "Scarface", just dump it," he said. Following the news, Jung's Twitter account tweeted a quote from the iconic film. A novembre, il governo decretò lo stato di emergenza. I was a coke star... as the money grew, the power grew.". Jung's cartel was responsible for 90 per cent of the Colombian cocaine flooding the United States in the 80s. The cause of his death has not been made clear, however the outlet reported that he had recently experienced liver and kidney failure. He simply looked at me and he said, 'He betrayed me.' He enjoyed a high-flying lifestyle as his illicit business continued to generate millions of dollars. and he said, '$4,000 to $5,000.'. Quando ci furono di mezzo 796kg di cocaina, Jung però non si tirò indietro e allora furono i federali a fermarlo. Meg's new book reveals how DEVASTED Prince Harry is at losing military titles, Meghan 'SNUBBED' by Prince Charles who ditched her from Archie birthday message, 393 new cases and eight further Covid-19 related deaths confirmed in Ireland, One-shot J&J vaccine begins Irish rollout as antigen tests to be sold at Lidl, ©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. And I said, 'No. I was just alone and I didn't even like myself," he said. George Jung 1985 Bust – 10 Suspects Are Arre ... August 9, 2014. "As time wore on, we got to know each other and then he asked me if I knew anything about cocaine and I told him no. He said: "The income from it was probably, there were three or four of us involved, we were more or less making $50,000 to 100,000 apiece a month. To the Colombians, George Jung was “El Americano,” or “Boston George” Jung and he brought them something they never had before: an aircraft. He then spent more time with Pablo Escobar at his infamous Hacienda Nápoles estate in Colombia, drinking alcohol and using cocaine while dodging federal agencies in the US and the KGB who were pursuing the pair. "I went back there. "Basically Pablo was there for supplying [the cocaine]. Snort it. Pablo rose to become one of the most powerful and notorious drug kingpins in the world. L’imperfetto George Jung si fonde così col carismatico Johnny Depp nell’immaginario hollywoodiano creato a uso e consumo di queste esigenze. In breve tempo Jung divenne il referente statunitense di Pablo Escobar e del cartello di Medellin. I was snorting a lot of cocaine and I had lost myself to a great degree. "They were highly disappointed but there was still enough to arrest everybody, you know, and the last I saw was my daughter who was only a year old being taken away by a police officer. After co-operating with law enforcement, Jung was released from custody a few months later. He had reportedly been in home hospice over the weekend and died with his wife and friend by his side. Colombiano di nascita, ha vissuto negli agi: la madre era figlia di una ricca famiglia di gioiellieri colombiani. "The cash was generated in a matter of days, millions of dollars. He then spent more time with Pablo Escobar at his infamous Hacienda Nápoles estate in Colombia, drinking alcohol and using cocaine while dodging federal agencies in the US and the KGB who were pursuing the pair. Jung claimed his former business partner threatened to kill him. "I was a guy who had a lot of money and unlimited access to cocaine and even if I looked like Bela Lugosi I still had the most beautiful women on the planet because everybody at that time, especially women, were in love with cocaine and of course in love with the money - the access to the automobiles, the clothes, the dinners, the lifestyle.". Nicknamed Boston George and El Americano, Jung was one of the kingpins at the head of the cartel responsible for flooding the United States with Colombian cocaine in … "Boston George" fue la conexion principal entre el Cartel de Medellin y los Estados Unidos en el negocio del trafico de dr0ga. Suzanne Morphew's husband charged with murder as cops plan no more arrests, How to track new wave of $1,400 stimulus checks being sent out this week, School shooting leaves 2 students & custodian injured as student arrested, Push for monthly $2k stimulus checks as over 2million Americans sign petition, © 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, George Jung with actor Johnny Depp, who played him in the movie Blow, Credit: bostongeorgejungofficial/Instagram, Jung helped Pablo Escobar flood the United States with cocaine, Medellin cartel cocaine traffickers arrested by Colombian police in 1988, Jung spent time at Pablo Escobar's Hacienda Nápoles estate in Colombia, Jung began selling marijuana before moving to cocaine, Depp starred as Jung in the 2001 film Blow, Jung witnessed Pablo Escobar ruthlessly execute a rival, Jung spent nearly 20 years in prison for trafficking cocaine, George Jung wishes everyone a happy Cinco de Mayo as he hold as picture of Johnny Depp who played him in the film Blow. "From then on Carlos and I were involved in an intense conversation and then it got to the point where I began telling him that I could transport an aircraft in the United States and I possibly had a major market for it and it just went from there.". Alla fine degli anni 70 decise di acquistare un’isola alle Bahamas da utilizzare come base logistica per il narcotraffico. Fu il braccio destro di Escobar e socio di George Jung: libero dopo 33 anni ex trafficante di cocaina Carlos Lehder. The Massachusetts-born cocaine runner was one of Pablo Escobar's closest confidantes and served as the inspiration for Johnny Depp's character in … "And immediately bells started to go off and the cash register started ringing up in my head. After a while, the cocaine - I didn't have any friends, you know. Upon his release from prison, Lehder told Jung to take two women from Massachusetts to Antigua and have them carry suitcases full of cocaine. I had no idea. "I analyzed this over the years, I was a fear junkie. Straight from the FBI’s vault – Pablo Escoba ... December 15, 2014. That was the beginning of the cocaine business for Carlos and myself.". Sentenced to 60 years behind bars, Jung was released nearly 20 years later in 2014.
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