
Transplanting: Balled and burlapped in early spring or from container as a young tree. Rose pink flower bracts in late spring. Cornus is also the Latin name for cornelian cherry.Specific epithet is the Japanese name for this species.‘Satomi’ is an upright, spreading, pink-flowered cultivar that typically matures to 12-15' (less frequently to 20') tall. Les espèces de haies sont les plus aptes à ce type de multiplication. Will thrive in full sun or partial shade, and require little pruning, though you can prune back in mid-spring to help keep a comfortable shape. ENGRAIS ET AMENDEMENT tourbe blonde - secret vert; CULTURE sol humifère - sol frais - sol riche - mi-ombre - soleil - sol drainé; FEUILLAGE feuillage pourpre en automne; FAMILLE Cornaceae cornus kousa satomi Un grand arbuste élégant aux branches étalées, couvertes de fleurs en mai-juin; bractées rose foncé; fruits composés décoratifs ressemblant à des fraises; feuilles aux bords légèrement enroulés; couleurs d’automne remarquables. A good rule of thumb is to take care of the watering needs of newly planted trees one year for each inch of trunk caliper. Culture. Septoria leaf Spot cau e angular Spot with dark purple margin S to form on infected leave. Widely cultivated as an ornamental, it is naturalized in New … Bloom occurs in late spring. Attributes: Good size for the average yard, easy to care for, pretty leaf and long lasting flower, beautiful fall foliage, interesting bark and horizontal branching pattern seen in winter. In full sun locations, leaf scorch may appear, particularly if soils are allowed to dry out. A good rule of thumb is to take care of the watering needs of newly planted trees one year for each inch of trunk caliper. Bark: Older bark exfoliates in irregular patches that produce multi-colors of grays and browns. General: A small, low branched tree with horizontal branches and a flat crown. The white cultivar, “Alba”, flowers well most seasons, but, our pink cultivar “Rubra” leaves much to be desired in flower 3 seasons out of 5. A stunning flowering tree or large shrub with good fall color. Water daily or as needed to keep the soil slightly moist for the first week. Gardenerdy tells you how to grow and care for your Kousa Dogwood. Mature form features attractive horizontal branching. Fruit: A tasty drupe that turns a nice dark pink and is conspicuous from August on or until eaten by wildlife. Transplanting: Balled and burlapped in early spring or from container as a young tree. Variétés de Cornouillers conseillées Pour Une Plantation Au Jardin Flower bracts vary in color intensity from light pink to deep pink to rose pink depending on a number of factors including landscape placement, cultural conditions and geography. Best grown in humusy, organically rich, medium moisture, acidic to neutral, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Il se plante au … Choisir son emplacement : on plante Cornus kousa de préférence dans un endroit bien ensoleillé, pour éviter qu’il ne prenne une allure trop dégingandée. Purpose. Culture et entretien du Cornouiller du Japon La plantation s'effectue de l'automne jusqu'à la fin de l'hiver. Cornus x rutgersensis 'Stellar Pink' - similar to the above hybrid, but pink flowering NOTES. Depending on the age of the Kousa dogwood, the trees take on a different appearance. Conditions de culture Pour tous les cornouillers, choisir une exposition ensoleillée mais non brûlante ou bien à mi-ombre. Attributes:  Used as a specimen tree with four seasons of interest (bark, flower, fruit and fall color) Can also be used in groupings or in parks. They are in full bloom here mid to late June. Cultural Instructions. The genus Cornus is a member of the Dogwood family and one that gardeners often look to for ornamental plants. Kousa Dogwood is a small ornamental tree that makes for an excellent and beautiful landscape for your home all year round. The showy parts of the flower are the 4 bracts that persist up to 6 weeks. Life Cycle of Kousa Dogwood. Abundant flowering occurs in June. Cornus kousa is resistant to the dogwood anthracnose disease that can affect Cornus florida. En ce qui concerne le sol, respecter les exigences de chaque espèce : certaines préférant une terre riche et acide, d’autres se montrant moins délicates et acceptent un terrain pauvre ou calcaire. Enjoyed by many bird species. Kousa dogwood should be planted in place of Cornus florida where Discula anthracnose is a problem. Light requirement: tree grows in part shade/part sun; tree grows in full sun Soil tolerances: clay; loam; sand; acidic; well-drained Drought tolerance: moderate Aerosol salt tolerance: moderate Soil salt tolerance: moderate Other Roots: surface roots are usually not a problem Cornus kousa 'Satomi' 3 Avis clients. This tree has something to offer in every season. Cornus kousa is a small deciduous tree 8–12 m (26–39 ft) tall, in the flowering plant family Cornaceae.Common names include kousa, kousa dogwood, Chinese dogwood, Korean dogwood, and Japanese dogwood. 'Satomi' is synonymous with and sometimes sold as 'Rosabella'. The Kousa dogwood is a handsome, small- to medium-sized tree reaching a mature height of 30 feet. Type : Arbuste. HABITAT plate-bande - lisiere - espaces Libres. The dependable Chinese Dogwoods have demonstrated excellent resistance to anthracnose disease and this pink cultivar won't disappoint! Flowers are followed by berry-like fruits (to 1” diameter) which mature to a pinkish red in summer and persist into fall. 'Wolf Eyes' is a particularly popular cultivar of the Chinese dogwood (Cornus kousa).Like the species plant, which is native to China, Korea, and Japan, 'Wolf Eyes' is a multi-stemmed large shrub or small tree with white flowers that appear for up to six weeks in late spring. Growing Conditions: Prefers acidic, well-drained soil and sunny to light shade conditions though will flower more abundantly and have nicer fall color in a sunny location. chinensis est le plus facile à cultiver et à trouver. Performs well in sandy loams. Winner of the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. Often wider than it is tall at maturity. Translation. After this period of time the tree should be established and should only need watering during times of drought. Raspberry-like fruits appear in late summer. This showy selection of Kousa Dogwood has gained recognition for its large, dark pink to rose-pink flower bracts. Noteworthy Characteristics. Great care has to be made in placement and cultivar selection in order to reap any aesthetic benefit. FRUITS fruit rouge - fruit comestible. Cornus kousa var. Elle se pratique en automne, et la séparation d’avec le pied-mère s’effectue au printemps suivant. Great Hill Horticultural Education Foundation | Hampton Falls, New Hampshire | Copyright 2018. Q. As this tree is susceptible to so many diseases, and so intolerant of stress, it’s a gamble to purchase and showcase. Q. Deep watering once a week until established. In fall, the leaves of C. k. 'Satomi' turn reddish purple. Cornus kousa-- Kousa Dogwood Page 3 Culture Figure 3. … Bronze to yellow green when unfolding maturing to dark green in the summer and red to reddish purple in the fall. L’esposizione ideale è al sole o in mezz’ombra nelle zone più fredde, all’ombra nelle zone più calde. Très beau feuillage luisant vert foncé, devenant rouge pourpre foncé à l'automne. Le Cornus Kousa 'Satomi' se plante en milieu ensoleillé ou partiellement ombragé. Le placer dans un sol non calcaire, humifère, profond et frais. CULTURE sol riche - sol humifère - sol drainé - sol frais - soleil - mi-ombre. Planting a Kousa dogwood can extend the spring flowering season several weeks since it flowers just after flowering dogwood. Deep green foliage turns attractive shades of red in autumn. Pink Chinese Dogwood - Cornus kousa 'Satomi' - 2 Gallon Pot; If you've been afraid to plant a Dogwood tree for fear of disease, fear not. Maintenance: Minimal pruning and no insect or disease problems. Oval, pointed leaves (to 4” long) are dark green, but usually turns attractive shades of reddish-purple to scarlet in autumn. Le sol doit être frais mais bien drainé. It is not rated as an urban tough tree … Regular water needs in well-drained soil once established. Growing Conditions: Prefers a well drained, moist, acidic soil high in organic matter. Part shade to full sun. Cornus kousa, commonly called Kousa dogwood, is a small, deciduous flowering tree or multi-stemmed shrub that typically grows 15-30’ tall, with a vase-shaped habit in the early years but eventually maturing to a more rounded form. Deep watering once a week until established. Traiga compost, o incluso brezo, tierra y agujas de pino si su suelo contiene demasiada piedra caliza. kousa is the Japanese name for this tree. Stressors such as pollution, heat, drought or cold only increase likelihood of disease development. Leaves: Opposite, simple and oval, 3 to 6” long. ENGRAIS ET AMENDEMENT secret vert - tourbe blonde. 'China Girl' présente de grandes fleurs ivoire aux sépales pointus, celles de 'Milky Way' rosissent avant de faner et elles sont d’un coloris vieux rose devenant pourpre chez ' Satomi'. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Arbuste d'allure élégante. Le bouturage du cornouiller se pratique aussi en automne sur des rameaux lignifiés, ou au printemps … Il aime la chaleur qui aide à sa floraison et craint les gelées tardives au printemps. Also effective in shrub borders, woodland gardens, bird gardens or naturalized areas.Pink flowers, red fall fruit and purplish-red fall foliage color make this cultivar stunning. L'exposition doit être ensoleillée ou mi-ombragée. Il Cornus kousa può essere coltivato in piena terra o come piccolo albero in vaso, ma questa seconda modalità è più complicata e più faticosa per la pianta. Bark: Grayish brown to black blocks resembling an alligators back. Synonyms are Benthamia kousa and Cynoxylon kousa. Deciduous tree. De même l’ombre trop importante va limiter la quantité de fleurs produites. We grow several nice cultivars including a pretty pink one called ‘Satomi’. The kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa) is an Asian native, originally ranging across Japan, Korea and China. Le Cornus kousa Satomi est un très beau cornouiller du japon offrant une floraison rose spectaculaire au printemps et au tout début de l’été. Flowers April to May either before leaf emergence or while leaves develop. Experience at Great HillThis is a very easy tree to take care of and enjoy. Leaves:  2-4″ long, ovate, dark green in summer turning scarlet in the fall. Plantarlo Cornus kousa en la primavera o el otoño. Mulch with organic matter. Oval shaped light green leaves that turn red in fall. Anthracnose, mildews, leaf spots and rusts, blights, cankers and bacterial diseases and borer…to name a few…. General: One of our favorite small deciduous trees. Maintaining healthy dogwood trees by following the recommended cultural practices is the first line of defense in reducing any of these problems.

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