The concerto grosso is a type of instrumental concerto that was developed during the late 17th century. Information and translations of concerto grosso in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. (noun) Definition of concerto grosso in the dictionary. Noun . The concerto began to take its modern shape in the late-Baroque period, beginning with the concerto grosso form developed by Arcangelo Corelli.Corelli's concertino group was two violins, a cello and harpsichord. concerto grosso - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Etymology . Italian. The titles of early concerti grossi often reflected their Define concerto grosso. Ritornello form A structure often employed in the first and third movements of a concerto; the ritornello is restated throughout the movement. "Ripieno" can also be used to refer to the larger ensemble itself. Concerto grosso definition, a musical form, common in the Baroque period, in which contrasting sections are played by full orchestra and by a small group of soloists. concerto grosso synonyms, concerto grosso pronunciation, concerto grosso translation, English dictionary definition of concerto grosso. A composition for a small group of instrumental soloists and an orchestra. Concerto Grosso. See more. Ritornello, Ripieno. This lesson discusses the development of the form and its most common characteristics. What does concerto grosso mean? 1750), characterized by contrast between a small group of soloists (soli, concertino, principale) and the full orchestra (tutti, concerto grosso, ripieno). Explains the concepts and terms associated with the Concerto Grosso, an orchestra form popular in the Baroque Period (1600-1750.) Meaning of concerto grosso. n. pl. passages featuring the larger ensemble in a concerto grosso. Late in the 17th century, within a generation after the vocal-instrumental concerto had last flourished in Germany, the concerto grosso began to assume a clear identity of its own in Italy and soon after in Germany and beyond. The Baroque concerto grosso (c. 1675–1750). An Italian term meaning "full" or "complete"; in the context of a concerto grosso, it denotes the ensemble that supports the soloists. concerti grossi A composition for a small group of instrumental soloists and an orchestra. Concerto grosso definition is - a baroque orchestral composition featuring a small group of solo instruments contrasting with the full orchestra. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary ... English Wikipedia has an article on: concerto grosso. Wikipedia . concerto grosso. Concerto grosso, common type of orchestral music of the Baroque era (c. 1600–c. popular in the Baroque era, a type of concerto that pits a small group of soloists against a larger ensemble. concerto grosso (uncountable) a musical form, common in the Baroque period, in which contrasting sections are played by full orchestra and by a small group of soloists. All Free. What does concerto-grosso mean?
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