
Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorne (born October 8, 1997) is an American actress, dancer, model and singer. Thorne berperan sebagai Ruthy Spivey di serial televisi berjudul My Own Worst Enemy (2008) dan Tancy Henrickson di musim keempat dari Big Love (2010), sebelum memerankan CeCe Jones di serial Disney Channel … Leben. [kilde mangler Bellas Liv. Buhez prevez. Annabella Avery Thorne (z. Bella's first language was Spanish, she doesn't speak it … Anyone can edit and have a good time here! Remy also enjoys reading and video games. She has three siblings, Remy Thorne, Dani Thorne and Kaili Thorne, all of whom have also acted.Her father was of Cuban and Italian descent. Annabella Avery Thorne (lahir 8 Oktober 1997) adalah seorang aktris dan penyanyi berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat. 1992) and Dani Thorne (b. Sy is bekend vir haar rolle in die rolprente Blended (2014), The Duff (2015), en The Babysitter (2017), en in die televisiereeks Scream: The TV Series (2015). We are growing and still developing. Im April 2010 gab Thorne bekannt, dass sie an Dyslexie leide.. Thorne ist pansexuell und polyamorös orientiert. Bella Thorne nació'l 8 d'ochobre de 1997 en Pembroke Pines, Florida, la fía de Tamara y Delancey Reinaldo "Rei" Thorne. Beliau dikenali dengan peranannya sebagai Ruthy Spivey dalam siri TV, My Own Worst Enemy, Tancy Henrickson dalam musim keempat Big Love dan CeCe Jones dalam siri Disney Channel, Shake It Up.Beliau juga muncul sebagai Hilary/"Larry" dalam Blended dan sebagai Celia dalam … Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorne (født den 8. oktober 1997 i Pembroke Pines, Florida) er en amerikansk skuespiller, model, danser og sanger. Il sole a mezzanotte - Midnight Sun (Midnight Sun) è un film drammatico romantico americano del 2018 diretto da Scott Speer e scritto da Eric Kirsten, basato sull'omonimo film giapponese del 2006.Il film ha come protagonisti Bella Thorne, Patrick Schwarzenegger e Rob Riggle, e segue la vita di un'adolescente con xeroderma pigmentosum, che le impedisce di uscire alla luce del sole. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Bella Thorne he deus bevet gant ar raper Lil Peep. Bella Thorne (2016) Bella Thorne (2018) Annabella Avery Thorne (d. 8 Ekim 1997; Pembroke Pines , Florida ) Amerikalı aktris, manken, şarkıcı ve yönetmen. Ihre Geschwister sind auch alle Schauspieler oder Models. Deze is geproduceerd door Ben Charles, Aaron Harmon en Jim Wes. Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorne (lahir Oktober 8, 1997) ialah seorang pelakon, penyanyi dan model Amerika Syarikat. 8ê Çiriya Pêşîn, 1997) lîstikvan, model, stranbêj, û derhênereke amerîkan e. EwEhewî zêde bi rolele xwe ya bi navê CeCe Jones di rêzefîlma Shake It Up (Disney Channel) de tê naskirin. Hun er blant annet kjent fra TV-serier som Shake It Up og Magikerne på Waverly Place , begge fra Disney Channel , filmen Forget Me Not og har i tillegg vært med i over 40 reklamefilmer. Watch Me is a song originally sung by Margaret Durante and is included on the season 1 soundtrack, Shake It Up: Break It Down. Ye la más nueva de cuatro hermanos; Kaili (n. 19 de febreru de 1992), Danielle "Dani" (n. 19 de xineru de 1993), y Remy (n. 22 d'avientu de 1995); los cualos tamién son actores. Bella Thorne. Is an active boy who enjoys a variety of sports including hiking, biking, skateboard and dirt-boarding. Annabella Avery ”Bella” Thorne (s.8. D'an 23 a viz Eost 2016, Thorne a embanne e oa dedennet kement gant ar baotred evel gant ar merc'hed war Twitter. Dia memulai kariernya dengan tampil sebagai model anak-anak. Sister of Kaili Thorne, Remy Thorne and Bella Thorne. Annabella "Bella" Avery Thorne hè un'attrice è cantatrice statunitense Ultima mudifica di a pagina: u 5 fer 2021, 08:25. Source Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorne is an American actress, voice actress, singer, dancer, director, and model. U testu hè dispunibile sicondu a licenzia Creative Commons Attribuzione-Cundivide à listessu modu; cundizione ulteriore ponu applicà si dinò. Аннабелла Эйвери «Белла» Торн (англ. lokakuuta 1997 Pembroke Pines, Florida, Yhdysvallat) on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä, laulaja ja malli.Hänet tunnetaan parhaiten Disney Channelin tilannekomediasarjasta Shake It Up (2010–2013), jossa hän näytteli toista päähenkilöä, CeCe Jonesia Vedi e cundizione d'usu per i … Bella Thorne wurde im Oktober 1997 als jüngstes von vier Kindern in Pembroke Pines im US-Bundesstaat Florida geboren. Actress and singer Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorne, known for Shake It Up (2010), The DUFF (2015), Blended (2014), and Midnight Sun (2018), was born in Pembroke Pines, Florida, to Tamara (Beckett) and Delancey Reinaldo "Rey" Thorne. Bella's Italian-American, Irish-American, Welsh-American, German-American & English-American on Tamara's side and Cuban-American on Rey's side. Bella's full name in Cuba is Annabella Avery Thorne Beckett. ベラ・ソーン (英語: Bella Thorne、本名: アナベラ・エイブリー・ソーン 英語: Annabella Avery Thorne 、1997年 10月8日 - ) は、アメリカ合衆国の女優、歌手、モデル、ダンサー。 身長168cm Sie lebt in Los Angeles, Kalifornien.. Karriere. Bella Thorne; Thorne in 2019. The films stars Bella Thorne as a young woman known only as Girl, who returns to her hometown with the intention of murdering her abusive father, only to discover that somebody else has already murdered him by the time she arrives. Welcome to the Bella Thorne Wiki [edit | edit source] You can find everything about Bella Thorne and her life. She also played Avalon Green in the 2012 DCOM Frenemies. La frageda vârstă de șase ani, Bella a pozat pentru primul ei pictorial pentru Parents Magazine.Ea a continuat să fie căutată de reviste naționale și internaționale. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Primeros años. You can search this Wikia page and more! Bella Thorne v září 2012. 1997). Annabella Avery «Bella» Thorne; 8 октября 1997 года, Пемброк-Пайнс, Флорида, США) — американская актриса и певица 1993) and one younger sister, Bella Thorne (b. Zendaya's tweede single "Watch Me", waarin ook Bella Thorne te horen is, werd uitgebracht op 21 juni 2011. Annabella Avery Bella Thorne (n. 8 octombrie 1997, Pembroke Pines ⁠(d), Florida, SUA) este o actriță, model, cântăreață și regizoare americană. Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorne, född 8 oktober 1997 [1] i Pembroke Pines i Florida, är en amerikansk skådespelare, sångare, modell och regissör. Hun er mest kendt for sin rolle CeCe i Disney Channels Shake It Up, og er også i gang med filmningerne til filmen The Snow Queen 2. V roce 2010 nahradila Jolean Wejbe v roli Tancy Henrickson v seriálu stanice HBO Velká láska. Ur bloaz war-lerc'h e oa graet ar memestra gant Lil Peep. He has two elder sisters, Kaili Thorne (b. Bella Thorne (gebore 8 Oktober 1997) is 'n Amerikaanse aktrise, vervaardiger en regisseur. Zlom v kariéře nastal se získáním hlavní role v seriálu stanice Disney Channel Na parket!. English: Girl is a 2020 thriller film written and directed by Chad Faust. All four of the Thorne children are involved in acting and modelling. Kamundagan: Annabella Avery Thorne Oktobre 8, 1997 (edad 23) ... Si Annabella Avery Thorne (ipinanganak Oktubre 8, 1997) ay isang Amerikanong artista, mang-aawit, direktor, at dating modelo ng bata. Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorne (e lindur: 8 tetor 1997) është një aktore, këngëtare, modele dhe kërcimtare amerikane.Ajo është e mirë njohur për rolin e saj si Ruthy Spivey në TV serialin "My Own Worst Enemy", si Tancy Henrickson në sezonin e katërt të "Big Love" dhe si CeCe Jones në serialin origjinal te Disney Channel "Shake It Up". Hon har medverkat i fler än 20 filmer och TV-serier och i fler än 60 reklamfilmer, men är mest känd för sin roll som den unga och lovande dansaren Cecilia "CeCe" Jones i Shake It Up.Hon har också varit med i filmen Frenemies, som Avalon Greene. Bella Thorne på Commons Annabella Avery «Bella» Thorne (født 8. oktober 1997 i Florida ) er en amerikansk barne- og ungdomsskuespiller, sanger og modell. Bella Thorne and Kelli Berglund Movieguide Awards.jpg 1,920 × 1,280; 407 KB Bella Thorne at JCPenney “Joe Fresh” Launch Party.jpg 2,218 × 3,019; 1.35 MB Bella Thorne for Vogue 2019 02.png 601 × 732; 362 KB She's Italian-American, Irish-American, English-American, Welsh-American & German-American on Tamara's side and Cuban-American on Rey's side. Bella Thorne. She is well known for her role as Cece Jones on the Disney Channel original series Shake It Up and again on Good Luck Charlie. Thorne a c'hoari Paige er stirad Famous in Love war ar chadenn Freeform. Dat nummer bereikte positie 63 in de Billboard Hot Digital Songs, nummer 86 in de Billboard Hot 100 en de 9e plaats in de Amerikaanse Top Heatseekers . Her first commercial was for "Pampers" and her most memorable job was with Hilary Duff at Hershey Park. This file has been extracted from another file: Bella Thorne March 18, 2014.jpg Licensing [ edit ] This image, originally posted to Flickr , was reviewed on 4 April 2014 by the administrator or reviewer Stemoc , who confirmed that it was available on Flickr under the stated license on that date.

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