Wolf Creek, su Il mondo dei doppiatori, AntonioGenna.net. Impaktní kráter leží 145 km jižně od města Halls Creek a je zároveň středem chráněného území, vyhlášeného pod názvem Národní park Meteoritický kráter Wolfe Creek (oficiální anglický název parku … The first season of Wolf Creek consisted of six episodes and was released on 12 May 2016. This page was last edited on 26 February 2021, at 06:05. '[17] Variety's review commented that the film was "neither as striking nor as fundamentally scary as its predecessor" but was "still quite a ride, and one that genre-inclined distribs should have no qualms about hitching." Wolf Creek is an Australian horror web television series which screens on Stan. Despite Bulmer's desperate pleas, Mick breaks his leg, stabs him in the back with a bowie knife and places the fatally wounded officer back in the car before dousing it with petrol and setting it alight. When he wakes up, Paul finds himself, dressed only in his underpants, on a footpath in a small town, with multiple wounds across his body. Paul then drives off, remorsefully leaving Katarina's body in the sand and covering it with just a sleeping bag at daybreak. [13][14] Special features include an Audio commentary by writer/director/producer Greg McLean, a fifty-minute documentary titled Creating a Monster: The Making of Wolf Creek 2 and nine deleted scenes. Tuvo el éxito suficiente como para producirse una continuación. In North Western Australia, highway patrol officers Gary Bulmer (Shane Connor) and trainee Brian O'Connor (Ben Gerrard) are parked by a rural road and are desperate to meet a quota for speeding tickets. Mick Taylor(John Jarratt), a pig hunter, drives past going under the speed limit and they pull him over, claiming he's going over the speed limit. Informativa sulla privacy; … [9], Filming was set to begin in 2011, but the loss of Edelsten's backing delayed the production. Immediately afterwards, Mick finds and subdues Paul, and headbutts him unconscious. Krater pojawił się w australijskim … (EN) Wolf Creek, su Internet Movie Database, IMDb.com. He soon realises that Mick is driving the truck, having killed the original driver. Una tale storia descrive che il cratere si è formato con il passaggio di un arcobaleno ed un serpente è sbucato dalla terra, mentre un altro serpente è sbucato vicino a … [16] The Hollywood Reporter summarized the story thus: 'A psychopathic serial killer and his knife carve out an edge-of-seat gorefest that follows safely in the tracks of its predecessor. Un bel posticino romantico dove andare in … Inhalt. The character's personality traits were modeled after J… Later he said he regretted that decision: 'If I'd known then what I know now about how long it would take to get this up, I'd probably have said yes to a sequel earlier. Exhausted and dehydrated, he passes out near an outback homestead and is given food and shelter by an elderly couple. [15], The film grossed over $1,510,578 at the box office, making it the number one film in its opening weekend. When Rutger declines his offer, Mick loses his temper and stabs Rutger in the back. In North Western Australia, highway patrol officers Gary Bulmer and Brian O'Connor are parked by an outback highway, desperate to meet a quota for speeding tickets. They plan to take Paul to the nearest town after he has eaten, but Mick finds the house, and shoots the couple dead. During the investigation, he suffered a complete mental breakdown and was deported back to the UK and placed in full-time care at Ashworth Hospital, Merseyside. Lobo was a North American gray wolf who lived in the Currumpaw Valley (Corrumpa Creek) in New Mexico. La película fue lanzada en DVD, digital y disco Blu-ray en Australia el 25 de junio de 2014 a través de Roadshow Entertainment. Mick Taylor (John Jarratt) drives past going under the speed limit and they pull him over, claiming he was speeding. Fabuła. La serie è uno spin-off dei film horror Wolf Creek e Wolf Creek 2. [7] McLean and Emu Creek Pictures denied they had misled Edelsten,[8] and said they had shown Edelsten documents that clearly set out his A$5 million share of the A$5.2 million support expected from private investors. While being pursued by an injured Mick, Paul eventually stumbles across an exit, but notices a sheet on the ground directly in front of it. During the 1890s, Lobo and his pack, having been deprived of their natural prey such as bison, elk, and pronghorn by settlers, were forced to prey on the settlers' livestock to survive. The film was released on DVD, digital and Blu-ray Disc in Australia on 25 June 2014 through Roadshow Entertainment. It was released on 30 August 2013 at the Venice Film Festival, then released in Australia on 20 February 2014. Recepción Respuesta crítica The crater was featured in the 2005 horror film Wolf Creek, and the sequel in 2013, Wolf Creek 2. in Kanada: Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 10. Portale Cinema: accedi alle voci di Wikipedia che trattano di cinema Questa pagina è … Phillipe Klaus as Rutger Enqvist, a tourist visiting from Germany. Der Film basiert laut Einblendung auf einer wahren Begebenheit. It follows Eve, a 19-year-old American tourist, who is targeted by the crazed serial killer Mick … A film a címét a Wolfe Creek meteoritkráterről kapta, mely a főhősök úticélja. Wolf Creek – australijski horror z 2005 roku w reżyserii Grega McLeana, w Polsce znany także pod pełnym tytułem Wolf Creek − walka o życie z psychopatycznym morderc ą. W 2013 roku wydano sequel filmu. McLean risked losing the funds from the government bodies if he could not find another private investor. [6] When the funding deadline had passed, Emu Creek Pictures sent Edelsten's Millennium Management a statutory demand for A$4.923 million. Wolf Creek – miniserie televisiva australiana del 2016; Cratere di Wolfe Creek – Cratere di origine meteoritica australiano Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 7 gen 2017 alle 13:31. Jordan Cowan as Young Woman, one of Mick's victims who has become emaciated and completely deranged after years of captivity. It was the setting for Arthur Upfield's 1962 novel The Will of the Tribe. As they drive away, Mick uses his sniper rifle to splat… Wolf Creek 2 - La preda sei tu (Wolf Creek 2) è un film del 2013 diretto da Greg McLean. At the same time, English tourist Paul Hammersmith (Ryan Corr) is driving along the highway, and stops when he sees Katarina standing in the road. Wolf Creek 2 se estrenó en los cines de Australia el 20 de febrero de 2014. Mick must now track and kill Paul as a witness to his killing of Katarina. Wolf Creek es un largometraje australiano de terror, dirigido y escrito por Greg McLean y estrenado en 2005. Wolf Creek Dam, on the Cumberland River in Kentucky The film follows a young German couple, and a British tourist, who fall victim to the kidnapping and torture of Mick Taylor, a deranged xenophobic killer, while travelling in the Australian outback. Wolf Creek é um filme de terror, australiano de 2005, escrito e dirigido por Greg Mclean. Jarratt's evil laugh, which he claims took four months to get just right, gave costarring actress Cassandra Magrath nightmares. În rolurile principale joacă actorii John Jarratt, Cassandra Magrath, Kestie Morassi și Nathan Phillips.. Povestea filmului se învârte în jurul a trei excursioniști care ajung captivi și, ulterior, sunt vânați de un criminal în serie din Australia. Nella zona del cratere di Wolfe Creek è ambientato il film horror Wolf Creek diretto da Greg McLean. Despite the first film's success, McLean chose to begin work on the film Rogue rather than develop a sequel. [12], While developing the script, McLean chose to focus on Mick Taylor as the character was "the most interesting thing about the first movie. The film grossed over $4.7 million at the Australian box office. A Wolf Creek – A haláltúra egy 2005-ben bemutatott ausztrál horrorfilm. The wolf is the largest extant member of the family Canidae, males averaging 40 kg (88 lb) and females 37 kg (82 lb). It was released on 30 August 2013 at the Venice Film Festival, then released in Australia on 20 February 2014. Bezsilni i … Wolf Creek post office was established 1882, while a railroad station called "Almaden" was located in the same place in 1883. I hope to hell there'll be a third one. Jarratt's performance has been highly praised and has since been thought of as one of the great horror heavies in film. La prima stagione consiste in 6 episodi ed è stata pubblicata in lingua originale a partire dal 16 maggio 2016. Si tratta di un horror australiano, sequel del film del 2005 Wolf Creek, ed ha come protagonista John Jarratt, lo stesso che ha interpretato il ruolo di Mick Taylor nel primo film. Tanto per cominciare, il famigerato sito turistico di Wolf Creek esiste veramente, anche se il suo vero nome è Wolfe Creek. [5], Geoffrey Edelsten signed on to invest in the production of Wolf Creek 2, but later withdrew his support of the film and alleged that McLean had misled him into believing that he would not be the largest single private investor. Edelsten asked the Supreme Court of Victoria to set aside the demand so he could seek further legal recourse. (EN) Wolf Creek, su AllMovie, All Media Network. Mai 2016 auf dem australischen Streamingdienst Stan ausgestrahlt. La película se inspira levemente en crímenes reales ocurridos en Australia, como los Backpacker murders en los 90 o la desaparición del turista británico Peter Falconio en el verano de 2001. The movie's total collection in Australia stood at $4,732,168. The funding plan specified that any shortfall from that level would be made up by Screen Australia and the South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC). Si tratta di uno dei più noti e ben conservati crateri che dobbiamo alla simpatica caduta di un meteorite sulla Terra. The critical consensus states "After a strong start, Wolf Creek 2 devolves into an unnecessary – and disappointingly predictable – sequel. When Paul intentionally gets the next answer wrong, Mick cuts his other hand free (at Paul's request) from the zip tie and grinds off a finger. "[18], The film currently has a "rotten" score of 50% on Rotten Tomatoes based on 52 reviews with an average rating of 5.6/10. "[2] McLean says that the second story, like the first, is based on true events, a point he said would be "pretty obvious when [viewers] see the film".[2]. Vezi și Paul answers the first two questions correctly and reveals that he is a history major. After belittling and insulting Mick, the two officers give him a speeding ticket and an order to get rid of his truck. Greg Mclean, diretor e roteirista do filme, escreveu o enredo originalmente como ficção, mas quando soube da história real de dois assassinos da Austrália que atacavam mochileiros, editou o roteiro para que coincidisse com os casos reais. Wolf Creek (Alabama), Ort in Alabama Wolf Creek (Oregon), Stadt in Oregon Wolf Creek (Montana), Ort in Montana Wolf Creek (Wisconsin), Ort im Polk County, Wisconsin Wolf Creek ist der Name folgender Flüsse: . John Jarratt, who portrayed Mick Taylor in the films, reprises his role for the show. L'attore John Jarratt che interpretava il ruolo di serial killer film, riprende il suo ruolo anche per la mini serie. After he gets the next question 'wrong', Mick (irritated by Paul's knowledge) grinds off one of his fingers with a sander. After belittling and insulting Mick, the two officers give him a speeding ticket and an order to get rid of his truck. In Staffel 1 tötet er eine amerikanische Touristenfamilie, wobei nur Eve, die 19-jährige Tochter, seinen Angriff … Os assassinos são Bradley John Murdoch, que matou um mochileiro inglês e tentou … Om du kom hit via en wikilänk i en annan artikel, gå gärna tillbaka dit och korrigera länken så att den pekar direkt på den sida som länken avser. Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term, Wolf Creek (Lewis and Clark County, Montana), Wolf Creek (Slippery Rock Creek tributary), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wolf_Creek&oldid=997088301, Disambiguation pages with short descriptions, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Wolf Creek (McCone County, Montana), a tributary of the, Wolf Creek (Roosevelt County, Montana), a tributary of the, Wolf Creek (Minnesota), a tributary of the, Wolf Creek (southern Minnesota), a tributary of the, This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 23:23. A series of title cards before the credits reveal that despite reporting Mick to the police, Paul was held as a suspect in various unsolved murders in the Wolf Creek area. In the middle of the night, Mick arrives at the campsite and offers them a lift to a caravan site so they do not get charged for camping in a national park. I locali Djaru (Jaru) aborigeni Australiani si riferiscono al cratere come Kandimalal. She flees into the bush and Mick pursues her in his truck, referring to this as playing a game of hide and seek. Januar 2019 um 19:20 Uhr bearbeitet. [11] Filming began in 2012 and continued into early 2013. Soon after in retaliation, Mick shoots O'Connor in the head as the officers drive away, causing the car to crash in a gully. "[19] The film also has a score of 44 out of 100 on Metacritic based on 13 critics indicating "Mixed or average reviews. Mick sends the truck hurtling down into Paul's vehicle, which explodes as he barely escapes the area. Wolf Creek è una miniserie televisiva australiana del 2016 pubblicata da Stan (una società di streaming australiana). Mick departs, leaving Bulmer to burn alive in the resulting explosion. The film is a sequel to the 2005 film Wolf Creek and stars John Jarratt, reprising his role as Mick Taylor.
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