Both insisted the officers never showed police badges. La vedova di Mario Cerciello Rega ricorda il marito: "E' nei miei pensieri sempre, di giorno e di notte, perché lui mi accompagna sempre". They had snatched the go-between’s backpack and were expecting him to come to retrieve it in exchange for their money. Alle 3.00 di notte del 26 luglio 2019 il vicebrigadiere dei Carabinieri Mario Cerciello Rega viene ucciso in servizio mentre tenta di recuperare una borsa rubata da due malviventi. È morto la notte del 26 luglio a Roma, lui che aveva origini campane. Calling Cerciello Rega a “mountain of a man”, he added: “He tackled me to the ground and put all his weight on me… I could feel his hands first on my chest and then on my neck, with pressure, as if he was trying to strangle or choke me. Omicidio del carabiniere Mario Cerciello Rega, dopo la sentenza di condanna per i due assassini dei vicebrigadiere, parla il sindaco di Somma Vesuviana, città … Omicidio Cerciello, sindaco di Somma Vesuviana: "Dedicheremo una scuola a Mario" "Cercheremo di intitolare una scuola a Mario Cerciello Rega. Aveva 34 anni, originario di Somma Vesuviana, si era sposato poco più di un mese prima di essere assassinato. Our deepest condolences go out to his family, friends and our partners in Italy. Mario Cerciello Rega, via al processo ai due americani. Era un carabiniere, il terzo a essere stato ammazzato in servizio nel solo 2019, ucciso da numerose violente coltellate. Rosa Maria Esilio, vedova di Mario Cerciello Rega, è scoppiata in lacrime di commozione dopo la lettura della sentenza. The slain Carabinieri paramilitary officer, 35, had recently returned from honeymoon when the incident took place. This content is not available in your region, Jury in Rome deliberates over killing of Italian police officer Mario Cerciello Rega, Gabriel Natale-Hjorth, left, and co-defendant Finnegan Lee Elder sit during a break in a hearing of their trial in March 2021, Rosa Maria Esilio, the widow of Mario Cerciello Rega, holds a photograph of her husband ahead of a hearing in September 2020, Finnegan Lee Elder, left, talks with his parents before the jury begins deliberating on Wednesday, May 5, US teenager implicated in Italian policeman murder 'didn't know friend was armed', Trial begins for jailed American pals in Italian policeman's slaying, Watch again: Hundreds mourn policeman allegedly murdered by American teenagers in Rome. 4/17 ©Ansa. Colpito con sette coltellate, di cui una al cuore, muore poco dopo. Both defendants contend that they acted in self-defence. The pair said they had paid for the drug from an Italian dealer but didn’t receive it. La moglie Maria Rosaria: «Con la sua morte è finita anche la mia famiglia» Calabretta said the stabbing of the officer had been “disproportionate and deadly”. La pista dei maghrebini sulla morte di Mario Cerciello Rega. On Wednesday, the defendants were allowed to sit with their lawyers before the case went to the jury, which is made up of presiding judge Finiti, a second judge and six civilians. Copyright © 2021 KGO-TV. Lead Story ‘Child among four dead’ in shooting at office building in Orange, California April 1, 2021 World Justice News Lead Story, News, USA 0. «Sentivo di dover fare qualcosa per lui - spiega Rosa Maria - … Prosecutors allege that Elder stabbed Cerciello Rega eleven times with a knife he had brought with him on the trip from California, and that Natale-Hjorth helped him hide the weapon in their hotel. A verdict is expected to be delivered on Wednesday or Thursday. Bay Area defendant in killing of Italian police officer apologizes, Step-by-step account of what happened in death of Italian officer allegedly by Bay Area college students, Bay Area suspects come face-to-face with widow, brother during trial, Leaked video shows defendant blindfolded during questioning, Parents of Finnegan Elder, Bay Area suspect in Italian officer death, give 1st interview, EXCLUSIVE: Bay Area man says son suspected in Rome officer killing roughed up during questioning, EXCLUSIVE: Parents of SF defendant in Italian police officer's death discuss strategy with I-Team, Trial underway for Bay Area college students in killing of Italian officer after COVID-19 delays, EXCLUSIVE: Autopsy report in death of Italian police officer, Bay Area teens men under arrest, EXCLUSIVE: Father of Italy stabbing suspect talks about son's arrest. Find out in the documentary, "32 Seconds: A Deadly Night in Rome. Prosecutor Maria Sabina Calabretta asked the court to find the two defendants - Finnegan Lee Elder, 21, and Gabriel Natale-Hjorth, 20, guilty of murdering Vice Brigadier Mario Cerciello Rega. Chi era Mario Cerciello Rega. Chi ha messo in giro la storia dei nordafricani. in foto: Mario Cerciello Rega I funerali di Mario Cerciello Rega si celebreranno lunedì 29 luglio a Somma Vesuviana nella chiesa di Santa Croce in via Santa Maria del Pozzo, la stessa chiesa dove un mese e mezzo fa il carabiniere si è sposato. Mario Cerciello Rega nato e cresciuto a Somma Vesuviana, lavorava da alcuni anni a Roma presso la stazione dei carabinieri a piazza Farnese. L’annuncio del sindaco Salvatore di Sarno, amico d’infanzia del vicebrigadiere accoltellato a Roma. Prosecutor Maria Sabina Calabretta had asked the court to convict both defendants and issue them with Italy’s maximum punishment, a life sentence. Mario Cerciello Rega, 35, was stabbed to death as he investigated a drug deal gone wrong in central Rome in 2019. La ricostruzione dell’omicidio di Mario Rega Cerciello (IL Messaggero, 27 luglio 2019) Con Pompei ho instaurato una sorta di collaborazione che ha permesso al mio comando di effettuare alcuni arresti e denunce per spaccio e detenzione di sostanze stupefacenti. Mario Cerciello Rega, Somma Vesuviana dedicherà una scuola al carabiniere ucciso. Under Italian law, an accomplice in an alleged murder can also be charged with murder even without materially doing the killing. Elder also testified that Cerciello Rega had tried to grab the 18-centimetre knife, which he said he had with him as a “foolish precaution”, and turn it against him, after which he stabbed the Italian police officer again. Ho provato a mettermi in contatto con la moglie Rosa Maria. You don’t win or lose, beyond what was already lost: the life of a man.”, Elder’s lawyer Renato Borzone said his client was “tense but confident”, adding: “We hope to get to the bottom of this with courage and independence from the institutions which pressure for an unjust sentence.”. “In a blink of the eye,” he said, “they came around and rushed us without saying a word.”. Instead, the two plainclothes officers arrived. Iscriviti a Facebook per connetterti con Cerciello Rega Mario e altre persone che potresti conoscere. The pair were indicted on charges of homicide, attempted extortion, assault of the victim's police partner, resisting a public official and carrying a knife without just cause. Nella vicenda ad avere un ruolo chiave è Sergio Brugiatelli, 47enne di Roma. Mario Cerciello Rega, 35, was stabbed to death last July as he investigated a drug deal gone wrong in central Rome. On March 1, Elder told the court he thought he was being strangled by a thug. La ferocia della sua scomparsa, di cui un giovane americano si … A jury in Rome has begun deliberating the fates of two Americans on trial for the killing of an Italian plainclothes police officer while travelling Europe. A jury in Rome has convicted two Bay Area college students in the slaying of an Italian police officer in 2019. Bay Area students found guilty in killing of Italian officer, ABC7 I-Team's Dan Noyes reveals what led up to that night in July 2019 when an Italian police officer was killed. ", SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- The deadly altercation lasted just 32 seconds in July 2019, and Wednesday afternoon in a courtroom in Rome, two college students from the Bay Area received life in prison for. 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Mario Cerciello Rega aveva 35 anni. In memoria di Mario Cerciello Rega, fiamma ardente della nostra storia”, è il testo che si legge accanto al secondo maxiposter del militare ritratto in alta uniforme. A piazza Cavour a ricordare Mario Cerciello Rega c'è un maxiposter con la sua foto sorridente e in alta uniforme. Cerciello Rega Mario è su Facebook. Mario Cerciello Rega, la commozione della sua Rosa che chiede onore e rispetto per il marito ucciso Condividi È arrivata la sentenza per l’omicidio del vicebrigadiere Mario Cerciello Rega , ucciso nella notte del 26 luglio 2019 mentre si trovava in servizio insieme al collega Andrea Varriale. Condanna all’ergastolo per Finnegan Lee Elder e per Gabriel Natale Hjorth. “As soon as I felt his hands squeezing my neck, I instinctively took my knife and hit him a few times in an effort to get him off me.”. Last week, Deputy Brigadier Mario Cerciello Rega was murdered by two American teenagers. Mario Cerciello Rega, 35, was stabbed to death last July as he investigated a . Finnegan Lee Elder, 21, and Gabriel Natale-Hjorth, 20, are accused of killing Vice Bridgadier Mario Cerciello Rega on a street near their hotel in the small hours of July 26, 2019. Finnegan Lee Elder, 21, and Gabriel Natale-Hjorth, 20, are accused of killing Vice Bridgadier Mario Cerciello Rega on a street near their hotel in the small hours of July 26, 2019. Chi era Mario Cerciello Rega, il carabiniere ucciso con un colpo al cuore 14:28, 26 luglio 2019 Il matrimonio appena un mese e mezzo fa e la dedizione al volontariato. He had been assigned along with a fellow officer, Andrea Varriale, to follow up on an alleged small-scale extortion attempt by the two Americans after they tried 80 euros' worth of cocaine in Rome's Trastevere nightlife district. Ergastolo per gli assassini di Mario Cerciello Rega. International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators International Association of Chiefs of Police California College and University Police Chief's Association Elder said he did not hear this. Californian students Finnegan … A parlare di due rapinatori “nordafricani” era stato Andrea Varriale, il collega assieme al quale Mario Cerciello Rega era intervenuto in borghese in via Pietro Cossa a Roma per recuperare la borsa rubata dai due cittadini statunitensi. Varriale, who suffered a back injury during the altercation, testified that he had heard his partner cry out “Carabinieri!” as Elder and Cerciello Rega struggled in the street. E' quanto ha stabilito la sentenza della Prima Corte d'Assise di Roma, presieduta da Marina Finiti. All Rights Reserved. the stabbing death of an Italian police officer. È passato un anno e sono ancora molti i dubbi da svelare sulla morte di Mario Cerciello Rega. Ma come nasce questa storia dei maghrebini? È quanto deciso dalla Prima Corte d’Assise di Roma in relazione all’omicidio del vicebrigadiere dei carabinieri Mario Cerciello Rega dopo oltre 13 ore di camera di consiglio. Rejecting suggestions that she was seeking life imprisonment for both as a “trophy,″ she told the court last Monday: ”There is no trophy for anyone here. During the trial, which opened in February 2020, they told the court they thought that Cerciello Rega and Varriale, who were wearing casual summer clothes, were thugs or mobsters out to assault them.
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