2015-11-26 I try to save it, but it just closes the map editor once I click save or save as. Any idea how I can get it to start? 0 point, Rami clan, etc etc etc. New to WoW New Returning Players New Realm Status Recruit A Friend Content Update Notes. Jabes kscroll=6 "directory ~/users/butch/dosgames/war2/TOD doesn't exist". joão vitor gamemorph DOS version. @Metulburr. Go in to the folder and edit war2.ini with texteditor 12 points, Loki 1 point DOS version, How i can run game with dosbox i dowloaded ISO version on my windows 8, talarico nothing required, click and play. 2014-04-28 now type c: 2017-04-22 1 point You don't need to make a subfolder of the game within the game folder. change cycles from auto to 20000 (fast scroll speed). dogman 2.3 What are the different versions of Warcraft 2? DOS version, DECONIAX Only thing lacking are the hotkeys. tlk Happy times! mfinited=1, fluffy nick Hi Guys! You just click the appropriate application file (.exe) Such is the situation with Theme Hospital and Colonization. for everyone having trouble with the files. I created several youtube videos about playing dos games on android. Thank me Later, la 2015-04-24 DOS version, Tried to download it from somewhere else, same problem, but you can in skirmish it's just in campaign that this happens, ArzieyMieyn 2016-07-22 Billisgay 18 points DOS version, musket577 The mouse is way too fast and I can't control moving the camera around the map. :D thanks a bunch for the upload :D, gamechamp solutions? That's literally all you need to do. 2018-07-09 I have a mac, and it's not working. Z:\C: 2018-07-29 0 point 0 point For whatever reason, it stopped giving me the missing cd error (I had tried running WAR2CD.bat through DOSbox with the edited .ini file already) dirq=3 2012-07-29 DOS version. c: Unpack the RIP version. Nun thailand 2018-07-16 2015-03-20 DOS version. 2019-04-06 yanKdeviL the windowscreen Im getting is so small I can barely see:(, admin 0 point I can't use the map editor. cycle=1 How do we install the MOD with 1000 new levels? ____________________________________ Warcraft (engl. 2016-07-13 Don't name it anything fancy. change fullscreen to true. 2015-10-26 Tried both ctrl keys and top row num keys and the number keypad. The gameplay runs perfectly fine. -1 point Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness MS-DOS game released by Blizzard Entertainment in 1995. DOS version. -6 points 4 points 1 point DOS version. DOS version, Chapungu to all of you that complain that it doesnt work: USE DOSBOX!!!! 2018-09-30 With the conquest of the kingdom of Azeroth in the first war, the orcs are now preparing for an invasion of Lordaeron and conquer the remaining human, dwarven and elvisch realms. I need help, Swegyi Sorry! What can I do??? If I just click-and-drag the WC2 game file onto DOSBox, it does everything automatically. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness has the following addons available: Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, 3D Nightmares, Aztech's Armory: Campaigns for WarCraft II and More War: The Return of the Horde, don't miss them! Guys, I'm having an annoying problem. 2016-07-09 DOS version, Great thanks'.. Cassie Not the folder, just the two files! Mac version. 1 point Instructions for noobs like myself that haven't used dosbox, simple enough for a monkey like me. The rips are broken. Their success and that of Westwood in the late 1990s had a huge impact on the real-time-strategy genre and without a doubt shaped the games of today. Lilopoh 2018-02-25 Mac version. DOS version, Seth Piecing together stuff from different posts I got it to work. Drag and drop the file Warcraft 2.iso01.iso into the Boxer frame. DOS version. DonJuan1392 2016-03-19 2012-12-31 Can anyone advise on how best to scroll smoothly? 1 point Cheats. JackNorris got the files, followed instructions (although I used ~/dosgames for c drive), and when I try to launch the game, it launches but right before it does, there's a message saying I don't have a drive D for the CD to mount to, Bruenor DOS version. 486/33 or better processor 8 megs of RAM Super VGA monitor Microsoft compatible mouse CD-ROM Drive Sound/Music card optional. mscroll=6 2013-09-03 When Warcraft III: Reforged was released it inspired me to finish this campaign. Are there some specific settings i need to chage ? 2017-01-28 (I already tried adjusting the DPI) The cursor moves at a normal speed, but then it flicks to the edge of the map when I move it toward the edge of the screen. 2015-05-31 there are some problems I noticed. When I use other command line, the game always ask for the CD. I am using Games in windows 10 side 2016-06-08 2015-04-01 Pls help me :), renato type Mount c: c:\oldgames (or whatever you named your 8 or less letter directory) It should work. 0 point, Soylent Will 2015-11-11 Double click on C: hard drive (or whatever you might have named it) I don't know what the \warcraft folder\ means but I typed: cdpath=e: and then saved Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness is basically a war/strategy game. simple and easy. i'm trying to play this with dosbox i run the setup, the crack, and the game, it starts but wont allow me to play single player game cause of CD needed. I ran the Crack.exe by dragging it on top of DOSBox and overwrote the files. I cannot open this. -1 point 1 point DOS version, mrjack ajay The graphics have been overhauled and now feature higher resolution artwork, rendered in SVGA, and along with this the sound has been enhanced. 2014-09-20 2013-06-15 I got the game working, but there seems to be a problem with how the scrolling. 2)now extract the RIP zip file, you have two folders in it the "MACOSX" one ant the other "warcraft-ii-tidesxxxxx". But it works now and the game is just like I remember it. Another nifty trick to get this to work: Make a copy of the game folder inside the game folder (ie. Warcraft Lore. 2014-02-12 3. vidmouse=0 1 point. double clicking on a unit doesn't select all the unit types near that unit. This is by far the simplest I think it's going to get to explain how to make it work and there is no hidden files to dig up or anything. DOS version, EldritchNexus DOS version. 2014-08-17 plays in web browser. Any tips? 0 point interface=1 0 point Jstank I still have an issue ingame though, namely the scrolling speeds, which are way too fast and setting the speeds to minimum in the menu didn't change anything. 0 point What is a compatible version with the Windows XP? Now that you have dosbox and an oldschool directory name you are ready to run this game :P Even the example 'C:\Warcraft' didnt work and i alway get the error-msg: "Folder can not create". -1 point 2018-08-29 DOS version, you can reduce the scroll speed in the war2 config via the CPU cycle speed 0 point 2013-05-03 2015-12-16 if you named the game folder WC2 - copy it and place it inside WC2), then just edit the war2.ini file of the original folder to use the copied folder as the cd (ie. 2013-05-29 It really really helps if you have no idea how anything works whatsoever. what am I supposed to do?? Uthred Why the cinematics & narrator voice does not run? DOS version, cdpath=\war2\ Sorry to hear you're having trouble. DOS version. It's still very playable. -1 point, Tevig 2018-04-24 I created a folder in the c: drive and named it oldgames, I then created a folder and named it war2. Then you mount the .cue file as an image so the game can access them. Sometimes zip/compressed files when extract have the habit of making or not making their own separate folder(s) Thus why should always make an extraction folder just on the off chance there is no self made folder. 0 point 2 - Mount the game folder as a separate disk, D: kn0blet Please help. 2012-11-15 DOS B0SS As a result the game features a host of new and improved features when compared to its predecessor. 2013-06-14 DOS version. dbaud=9600 Press Alt+Enter to enable fullscreen. I put all the files in one directory. DOS version, Knex DOS version, yans 2018-01-17 Following the instructions from WINDOWS10 and TATSUKICHI the game works in singele and multiplayer games. Works a treat. DOS version. 2013-07-29 *IF MANY FILES SHOW AND NOT SURE JUST TRY EACH. 2 points. 2 points DOS version. The main file (before the ISO folder) I named WTOD. 2018-08-25 The reason some dont get it working i because the CDRom path is wrong... .. DOS version. We're all still playing! DETECTCD.EXE F:\ 0 point (MAINLY WINDOWS XP) I am noticing that a lot of games will work regardless 32 or 64 bit as long as using a dos emulator and windows version doesn't matter for most. 2013-04-16 2014-12-01 2015-03-14 1 point If you by any chance create the folder in "Program Files" or "Program Files x86" make sure you run dosbox as admin. 2013-06-11 to: 0 point I have downloaded every version, every crack there is and I know my doxbox well. Inside created separate game folders so my desktop wouldn't be cluttered. 2014-09-27 I played that game long time and I had feeling that maps were too small... now I can see that I remember right, map is really very small =), Midgard
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