Doesn't it also add a file from Rebecca about Billy to tie in with RE0? REmake 2 (standard) Xbox one disc. Resident Evil 2, conosciuto in Giappone come Biohazard 2 (バイオハザード2 Baiohazādo Tsū? We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Wii Compatibility ----- Like all GameCube titles, Resident Evil 2 on the GameCube will function perfectly on a Nintendo Wii, provided you have a GameCube controller and Memory Card to … If you're searching for the Resident Evil 2 UK Action Replay codes then please follow the link provided to be taken to that guide instead. A community for fans of the Capcom series, Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in Japan). 1. Resident Evil 2 US Action Replay Codes These are all of the US Action Replay codes that I have for Resident Evil 2 which is for the Nintendo Gamecube. And I believe the gamecube version looks a bit better. The chosen character starts in the Underground Umbrella Lab and must race up to the Raccoon Police Station, obtaining four Anti-virus Bombs found in the precinct. Then the bombs are planted around the Umbrella Trainto eliminate the zombie threat on the surfa… Share. Resident Evil 2 (Disc 2)(Claire)[SLES-10972] game is available to play online and download for free only at Romsget.Resident Evil 2 (Disc 2)(Claire)[SLES-10972] ROM for Playstation download requires a emulator to play the game offline. Resident Evil 2 is a survival horror game by Capcom where Leon and Claire made their first appearances. Set just a month or so after the conclusion of the original, Resident Evil 2 sends Leon Kennedy and Clare Redfield right back to Raccoon City, only to … Director's Cut was produced to compensate for the delay of the sequel, Resident Evil 2, and was originally bundled with a … This guide is here to list all the differences between the GameCube and PS2 versions of Resident Evil 4. RE2, & RE3 weren't just ported to the GC, there were many different aspects of the games that were improved upon due to the fact that the GC is capable of way more than the PSX. I just recently ordered on that site and for Resident Evil 2, it only cost me 19 dollars. The GC version is a direct port of the Dualshock version. Product. Currently looking to get 2 for GameCube and a ps1 disc version of 3, as well as REmake 2 physically on PS4. Well, the GameCube is technically more powerful, forcing Capcom to … cause my Loading & game speed is as smooth as good Yes the PS1 version load times, & what not is fine, but the GameCube version is just faster, smoother, & better. While Resident Evil lets players choose either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine, Resident Evil 2 goes further with the concept of two protagonists. Gamecube one is terrible. Different announcer voice that says "Resident Evil Twwwo". This is the game that made Resident Evil a household name, prompting Capcom to mercilessly whore the game on numerous platforms under the sun.. Resident Evil 2 is also known to have had a first draft that Capcom scrapped called Resident Evil 1.5. Of course, just over fifteen years later, the original version of Resident Evil 4 looks more than a little rough around… Currently playing the GC version on my Wii and the graphics are much better than the PS1. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm not saying Capcom should keep rebuilding the same game, but if they are going to keep milking us with old ideas, the least they could do is build a game around the new consoles. What's the difference between the PS1 version and the Gamecube version of OG RE2? I know the PS2 graphics aren't as nice as the GC or Wii but it has extra levels and characters or something, no? Like its predecessor, Battle Game, Extreme Battle tasks the player with surviving a long gauntlet of enemies while using a limited supply of ammunition and health supplies. Resident evil 3 ps3 digital. It was a damn good remake of the PS1 version on Gamecube (same with Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes). Report Save. Close. This lack of notice is largely due to nostalgia goggles, which make us remember the game better than it actually was. Gamecube one is terrible. The GameCube Vault has every GameCube game released in the US, all verified with Redump or No-Intro for the best quality available. And I believe the gamecube version looks a bit better. The reason? Sony PlayStation 2 One thing that all of the development houses we spoke with agreed upon is that the PlayStation 2 is a much more complicated piece of hardware than Gamecube -- … Press J to jump to the feed. Set just a month or so after the conclusion of the original, Resident Evil 2 sends Leon Kennedy and Clare Redfield right back to Raccoon City, only to pit them against the same maddening plague of blood-thirsty zombies that infested the town. Resident Evil: PS4 vs. GameCube Graphics Comparison. Resident evil 2 (original) ps1 disc. Archived. Master Code – Must Be On X2F0-MYQ0-6XAP3 QMAU-8XEW-5GBV3 Infinite Health 6NUT-2APN-7J3HW WGGD-86BA-UTT8F All Files 30EY-UUR6-0MT9V QFAF-N03T-C94E5 5UAC-DNPF-FZA3D GQV1-5B3H-077V1 GB3E-18FN-H85UF 01VW-ATT2-C8KFN UB6C-K3DY … Resident Evil 3 Graphics Comparison Nintendo Gamecube (GCN) VS Playstation1 (PS1)EmulatorSpotRemember to Like and subscribe!!! Resident Evil 2 – Action Replay Codes [US] The following are known Action Replay Codes for Resident Evil 2 on Nintendo GameCube (GCN). Download Resident Evil 2 (Disc 2)(Claire)[SLES-10972] ROM for Playstation / PSX. + EX Files (linking the game's plot to Resident Evil 3 and the then-unreleased Resident Evil Code: Veronica and Resident Evil Zero) + Only version to include Invincibility code + Different unlockable costumes for both characters (Leon has two unlockable costumes) + 4th Survivor and Tofu Survivor can be unlocked from the start with a button code I have somehow managed to get all three of these games. I think that’s it. Otherwise, it is the same as the PS1 Dualshock version. Capcom gives IGN a peek at a work-in-progress build of Resident Evil's HD remake. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the residentevil community. The GC Version has cutscenes that can be skipped and I think it has full 30 FPS. Posted by u/[deleted] 1 year ago. An updated version of Resident Evil for the PlayStation, titled Resident Evil: Director's Cut, was released in September 1997, 18 months after the original release. I'm not real good with the wii-mote or whatever you call it but I imagine the graphics must be a LITTLE nicer than the GC (though I have yet to see an improvement over the GC). ^ might just be ur PS1 or CD thats *****ed up. OG RE2 PS1 vs Gamecube differences? Ok, people. Why spend 40 dollars on Resident Evil 2 and 3 for the Gamecube when you can go on and get them there. None. I have already got it and when they said it was in new condition, it was. Different announcer voice that says "Resident Evil Twwwo". For Resident Evil on the GameCube, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "RE PS1 vs remake". In my review of Capcom’s Resident Evil HD Remaster I noted that while players of the original Gamecube remake might not immediately notice the difference in graphics quality, it is certainly there. Which one is superior? We played and beat Resident Evil 2 several times when it initially released on PS1 and after trudging through the GameCube port, we can confidently state … It's true that there's commonality is some of the data between the two discs, but the bottom line is … 2. ), è un videogioco survival horror, secondo capitolo della serie Resident Evil, pubblicato nel 1998 dalla software house giapponese Capcom per la console PlayStation e successivamente convertito per Windows, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast e GameCube. Resident Evil 2 for PlayStation shipped on two CDs. REmake 2 (deluxe edition) digital PS4. OG RE2 PS1 vs Gamecube differences? 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