
È il secondo film della saga cinematografica Resident Evil, tratto dal videogioco per PlayStation, GameCube e altre piattaforme Resident Evil. Una foto dal set del reboot di Resident Evil svelerebbe una location che conferma la connessione del film ai videogiochi, in particolare all'iconico Resident Evil 2. [15] The Lickers, a type of mutated zombie, were completely CGI. Gli esterni sono stati girati a Toronto: sono riconoscibili molti edifici della città canadese, come il municipio. Location. [41] The site's critics consensus reads: "Resident Evil: Apocalypse has lots of action, but not much in terms of plot or creativity". Licker: creature feroci create in laboratorio; hanno degli artigli molto lunghi per attaccare ed arrampicarsi sui muri, denti affilati e una lingua molto lunga. Umbrella deploys a heavily mutated experimental supersoldier, Nemesis, who kills the remaining STARS members before searching for Alice. In response to the virus reaching the bridge, Major Timothy Cain, leader of the Umbrella forces in Raccoon City, seals the exit and forces the residents to return to the city. Jovovich confirmed her character would return in the sequel if the first film was successful. [19] Very few sets were made for the film. After being abandoned by their employer following a failed attempt to rescue a civilian, Umbrella soldiers Carlos Olivera and Nicholai Ginovaef team up with the surviving STARS operatives to repel zombie attacks. With Nick Apostolides, Stephanie Panisello, Jolene Andersen, Eliza Pryor. L'azione si sposta su alcuni degli ultimi sopravvissuti: la bella e imprevedibile poliziotta Jill Valentine, la giornalista Terri Morales ed un altro poliziotto collega di Jill, Peyton Wells. Benché ne riprenda i personaggi, presenta una trama indipendente dal videogioco. [68][69] "The Resident Evil Collection" consisting of the first four films was released in September 2012 on DVD and Blu-ray,[70] a version containing the first five films was released on DVD and Blu-ray in December 2012,[71] and "Resident Evil The Complete Collection" containing all six films was released on Blu-ray in May 2017. La trama risulta avvincente ;ritengo che chi sostiene il contrario non abbia mai giocato a resident evil e dovrebbe quindi farlo prima di dare opinioni affrettate. The effects team had originally used animatronics for some of the scenes, but were unhappy with the results. Re-imagining of Resident Evil 2 (1998), with a third-person over-the-shoulder view, new details, rearranged and new areas, no more loading screen doors, new puzzle solving opportunities, a gunpowder crafting mechanic and more. [34] A novelization of the film written by Keith DeCandido was published by Simon & Schuster the following month. [15] Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody was given a cameo as a zombie Ginovaef kills. ", "All 6 'Resident Evil' Movies, Ranked Worst to Best", "Resident Evil: Afterlife is top-grossing Canadian flick", "The 31st annual Saturn Award Nominations", Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, "Resident Evil Flicks Resurrected, Bundled", "Resident Evil/Resident Evil: Apocalypse (Double Feature)", "Resident Evil – The High Definition Trilogy", Resident Evil: Apocalypse Production Notes,, Films with screenplays by Paul W. S. Anderson, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz release group identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 May 2021, at 16:38. Seguono Resident Evil: Afterlife (in Italia, 10 settembre 2010), Resident Evil: Retribution (28 settembre 2012) e infine Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (in Italia, 16 febbraio 2017), capitolo conclusivo della saga. [32], Marcus Nispel was hired to create a teaser trailer, titled Regenerate. create dall'Umbrella Corporation, è un modello sperimentale di Tyrant tratto da Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Possono trasmettere il T-Virus a chiunque mordano. Alice gains the upper hand over the supersoldier, though she ceases fighting after realizing that he is Matt Addison, mutated by Umbrella's experiments. It was followed by Resident Evil: Extinction in 2007. Il budget del film è di 45.000.000 dollari. Asfhord è riluttante all'ordine e "risveglia" a distanza Alice, sedata in un laboratorio. Resident Evil: Apocalypse is a 2004 action horror film[10] directed by Alexander Witt and written by Paul W. S. Anderson. [49] The A.V. A small canister of photography film. Alice vince, ma si rifiuta di dare a Nemesis il colpo di grazia, avendo riconosciuto in lui Matt Addison, ormai mutato. resident evil 2 remake full movie subtitle indonesia. Resident Evil Film Series by MustakimFaiazPrime | created - 08 Aug 2017 | updated - 08 Aug 2017 | Public Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. Based on the first and second games by Capcom, it serves as a reboot of the Resident Evil film series, which is based on the video game series of the same name, and stars Kaya Scodelario, Robbie Amell, Hannah John-Kamen, Avan Jogia, Tom Hopper, Lily … Il loro corpo si è putrefatto ed il loro intelletto è scomparso, sostituito dalla fame di carne umana e dalla necessità di muoversi. [57], Resident Evil: Apocalypse won Best Sound Editing and the Golden Reel Award at the 25th Genie Awards,[58][59] and was also nominated for Best Overall Sound. Alcuni agenti dell'Umbrella la prelevano dalla scuola elementare, ma durante il tragitto l'auto in cui si trovano viene travolta da un camion. This page contains the Film Roll: Hiding Places Location in Resident Evil 2 Remake for both the Main Story run for Claire and Leon and the Second Story run, where some locations are different. A news segment shown in the film, which claimed that reports of corporate wrongdoing were false and that people should instead be thanking the Umbrella Corporation, was "a barely disguised allegory of lying by corporations and the state during the Bush-Cheney era". Office - Police Station 2F Leon A (Normal) [10] The film also opened at number one in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Mexico, and performed well in Japan, France and Brazil, though the horror film Saw overshadowed it at the box office in the United Kingdom, and it received a lackluster reception in Sweden,[36][37] where it grossed $473,550. [29] Mr. X Inc. created additional effects including the scene showing the destruction of the Toronto City Hall building. È un personaggio giocabile in Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles e Resident Evil: Revelations 2.Nei tre film ispirati alla saga, Claire viene interpretata dall'attrice statunitense Ali Larter, mentre nel … ), è un videogioco survival horror, secondo capitolo della serie Resident Evil, pubblicato nel 1998 dalla software house giapponese Capcom per la console PlayStation e successivamente convertito per Windows, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast e GameCube. Valentine kills Wells after he turns into a zombie. 's press room after obtaining the Club Key.In the "B" scenario, the film is instead found in the back of the evidence room, in the same location where Film A was previously found.. [30], Jeff Danna composed the film's score performed by the London Philharmonia Orchestra. is a file that can be found in Resident Evil 2. Film; Film (Resident Evil 2) I can't tell what's on the film until I develop it. Attaccano in branco ma sono molto lenti e stupidi. Dal sito Consensus si legge: "Resident Evil: Apocalypse ha un sacco di azione, ma non molto in termini di trama o creatività." Resident Evil 2 - Ghost Survivors; Resident Evil 2 - Launch Trailer; Resident Evil 2: Leon Gameplay – Familiar Faces Director: Paul W.S. Nei contenuti speciali del DVD la Jovovich afferma che fu sua l'idea di ambientare la storia con un clima prettamente estivo, il fatto però che le riprese vennero fatte in pieno inverno principalmente di notte causarono non pochi problemi agli attori, in particolare Sienna Guillory la quale indossa durante tutta la pellicola solo un leggero top azzurro (proprio come il personaggio di Jill Valentine nel videogioco). Resident Evil – Apocalypse streaming altadefinizione Alice, che a seguito di una manipolazione biogenetica ha acquisito poteri fuori dal comune, scopre che gli zombie sanguinari che aveva combattuto sono tornati nella città che circonda la sede segreta dell’Umbrella Corporation. With Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Ryan McCluskey, Oscar Pearce. [14] The sequel was officially greenlit by Sony Pictures in mid-2002 but Anderson chose not to direct due to his commitments to Alien vs. 1 Location 2 Transcript 3 Gallery 3.1 Location 3.2 Original script Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery With Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Eric Mabius, Oded Fehr. While criticizing all three films released in the Resident Evil series at the time, they concluded that Apocalypse deserved their vote "Because, like any sequel, it’s an enabler ... sequels to bad movies just enable further sequels to be considered". Anderson said he began writing the screenplay for the second film after completing the first, and had plans for Alice to meet up with Jill Valentine. Mabius still appears via stock footage from the previous film used in a flashback scene. L'Umbrella invia una squadra speciale di agenti, tra cui Carlos Olivera e Nicholai Sokolov che si fanno strada combattendo per la città. resident evil 2 subtitle indonesia . The character was dropped,[20] but did appear in the film's sequel, Resident Evil: Extinction (2007), portrayed by Ali Larter. In the previous film, former security operative Alice and environmental activist Matt Addison fought to escape an underground genetic research facility called the Hive, the source of a zombie outbreak. The studio created over 250 special effects including superimposing Jovovich's face onto a stunt double;[29] Jovovich performed most of her own stunts though her insurance company would not allow her to attempt several of the more dangerous ones. This Resident Evil 2 Remake film roll is found in the Safety Deposit room with all the lockers on the first floor of the Police Station. Hinting the player to combine the Red Book (Art Object) and the Statue's Left Arm.. Nel videogioco subisce due mutazioni, mentre nel film nasce con degli esperimenti effettuati su Matt (co-protagonista del primo capitolo della serie cinematografica) infettato da un Licker evoluto. Predator (2004). Colors in the film were edited heavily in post-production, giving it a darker look overall while enhancing the brightness of blood and gore. Questo gesto risveglia il fondo di umanità rimasto nel mostro, che si ribella al condizionamento mentale a cui è sottoposto e attacca i soldati dell'Umbrella, consentendo al gruppo di Alice di fuggire sull'ultimo elicottero, non prima di essersi sbarazzato di Cain. ... A partire da lunedì 25 ottobre … There are a number of different items you’ll pick up in Resident Evil 2 and you’ll have to figure out what to do with them. Angela reveals that the zombie outbreak is the result of a virus created by her father to treat the genetic disease from which she suffers: only by regularly injecting herself with the virus is Angela able to survive, though she must also take anti-virus serum to prevent turning into a zombie. ‘Resident Evil 2’ Diner Spotted on the Set of ‘Resident Evil’ Film Reboot Movies [Review] Netflix’s ‘Things Heard & Seen’ Offers Minor Chills in Predictable Horror-Thriller Nemesis turns on Major Cain and attacks the Umbrella troops, but is killed protecting Alice. [15] The film's theatrical trailer was released on Yahoo! Alice si risveglia in un laboratorio dell'Umbrella gestito dal misterioso dottor Isaacs, uno dei tanti scienziati dell'Umbrella, immersa in una vasca piena d'acqua: le sue ferite sono completamente rigenerate. [22] Frantic Films created 78 special effects for the film including tracer fire, muzzle flashes, lasers and slow motion, using effects programs Eyeon Fusion, Autodesk 3ds Max as well as in-house software. Il maggiore Timothy Cain - uno degli amministratori della Umbrella Corporation - da fuori dalla città ordina la chiusura delle porte di evacuazione abbandonando i cittadini in balia dei morti. [21] The role eventually went to Sienna Guillory who prepared for the role by studying Valentine's movements and posture in the games. Alice sacrifices herself to save Angela and is impaled on a metal pole. The release included three audio commentaries, 20 deleted scenes, several featurettes and a blooper reel. Angela Ashford, the daughter of Umbrella researcher Dr. Charles Ashford, goes missing after her security car is involved in a collision while being extracted from the city. It is also the highest-grossing zombie film series, and was the highest-grossing horror film series as of 2017. Valentine and Morales continue, picking up stranded civilian L.J. DVD Talk awarded the film 3½ stars out of five for both video quality and special features. Film: "Commemorative" is a key item in the Resident Evil 2 remake. [48], Dave Kehr of The New York Times gave the film a positive review, praising Anderson's screenplay and describing Witt's direction as "fast, funny, smart and highly satisfying in terms of visceral impact". Developing the film in the dark room will create the file.. Resident … [28] Taylor was chosen as his height at 6.7 feet (2.04 m) and weight of 320 lb (145 kg) made him suitable to portray the character. By May 2004, the teaser had been downloaded 8.5 million times from the film's official website. Meanwhile, disgraced Raccoon City Police Department Special Tactics And Rescue Squad (STARS) operative Jill Valentine returns to her former precinct to suggest her fellow officers that they evacuate Raccoon City. [51], Gregory Kirschling of Entertainment Weekly, who gave the film a 'D−' rating, praised Jovovich but felt that "the rest of the cast was strictly straight-to-DVD";[52] Cinefantastique, on the other hand, commented that Jovovich looked bored and that Guillory's portrayal of Jill Valentine was the film's "saving grace". Terri e Nicholai vengono uccisi. Payton Wells. Alice uses some of the anti-virus to cure Olivera. Resident Evil 2’s Film: "Hiding Place" item leads you on a picture hunt. [43] Audiences surveyed by CinemaScore gave the film a grade B on a scale of A to F.[44], Leonard Maltin rated the film a "bomb" in his book Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide and called it a "tiresome" sequel that ended up playing more like a remake. [33] Part of the teaser was shown in the film briefly on a television in the background and a part of it also appears in a mid-credits scene. [60] For composing the film's score, Jeff Danna was awarded the SOCAN International Film Music Award in 2007 and 2009. Despite all the instalments receiving mixed-to-negative reviews from critics, the Resident Evil film series is the highest-grossing film series based on a video game, having grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide. Alice and the others head to Angela's location, where they are ambushed by Nemesis. [19] Gina Philips was originally to appear in the film portraying the character Claire Redfield, but she eventually turned down the role which was then given to Emily Bergl, who left before production began. T.V. The survival horror masterpiece, reborn. He makes an identical offer to Olivera and Ginovaef and explains that Umbrella intends to rid Raccoon City of the zombie infection by destroying it using a nuclear bomb. en route. There are a total of 5 different films in the game, developing all of them will unlock the Dark Times, Dark Room record which in turns unlocks the Alligator concept art. Il film è uscito nelle sale statunitensi il 10 settembre 2004 mentre in Italia per il 5 novembre dello stesso anno. Alice engages Nemesis but is wounded and forced to retreat separately, luring Nemesis away from the rest of the group. Step 2 - After moving the subs file for Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse (2004) to the same movie file location, the movie might play alongside the subtitles without any further settings or configuration. [15] Anderson used the game Resident Evil 3: Nemesis as the basis of the story and wrote in elements from his favorite films, such as the perimeter wall in Escape from New York and the deserted city in The Omega Man. The rest of the survivors seize the helicopter; they eject Major Cain from it, and he gets killed by the zombies, including a zombified Dr. Ashford. At the bridge, Valentine meets with her former partner, Sgt. [31] Mike Brennan from gave the score 2½ stars out of five, praising the blend of orchestral and electronic styles, though saying it "could have easily benefited from some more thematic development and a bit more variation in the sound of the music". Al gruppo di Alice si unisce L.J., ladruncolo scampato a Nemesis, e incontrano Carlos e Nicholai alla scuola elementare dove salvano Angela. The colors of the Nemesis costume were also tweaked to make it look more lifelike and Alice and Valentine were given modifications such as increasing the glow of their skin and redness of their lips. Apocalypse showed an "ironic awareness" of racist stereotypes, though "it stops short of challenging them and, indeed, often deploys them". [27] Anderson and other crew members considered making the zombies move faster but decided that it would be breaking a fundamental element of the games. The script had already been completed when Witt was hired. [18] The original film did not feature any characters from the games, but it had always been the intention to add several to Apocalypse. L'opinione pubblica accusa Jill e Carlos di essere terroristi, mentre l'esplosione nucleare di Raccoon City viene motivata con un guasto alla centrale nucleare che ne ha provocato l'esplosione. Ashford riesce ad individuare sua figlia e contatta indipendentemente dall'altro Alice e Carlos con i telefoni pubblici, offrendo un passaggio per uscire dalla città se verrà trovata sua figlia viva. Earning $129 million worldwide on a $45 million budget, it surpassed the box office gross of the original film. When the film is developed in the Dark-room, it shows a picture of the statue located at the Art Room with the Left Arm with Book already attached to it. Con un piccolo gruppo di persone non infette, si prepara a dar battaglia per la seconda volta alle terribili … Cani zombie: dobermann uccisi e poi rianimati dal T-Virus, dal corpo putrefatto e dal temperamento estremamente aggressivo. [22][23] The role of L.J., Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e molti collegamenti (soglia maggiore), Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. We use cookies to ensure you have the best experience on the website and for other purposes. [46][47] Carrie Rickey of The Philadelphia Inquirer gave the film one star out of four, concluding that even for people interested in the biological horror genre, Apocalypse was "pretty generic stuff". The film ended as Alice and Addison were taken into custody by Umbrella. Il film ha incassato in tutto il mondo 129.300.000 superando il primo film. Jovovich confirmed her character would return in the sequel if the first film was successful. Resident Evil: Apocalypse è un film del 2004 diretto da Alexander Witt. I loro unici scopi sono nutrirsi di carne umana e muoversi. Club's Nathan Rabin said that it progressed too slowly to be considered a good film, "but when Jovovich finally starts kicking zombified ass, it becomes good enough". Un attimo dopo avviene l'esplosione nucleare, che coinvolge anche l'elicottero, schiantandolo sulle montagne. While promoting the first Resident Evil film in late February 2002, Milla Jovovich and director Paul W. S. Anderson discussed a potential sequel. It was initially reported that Mabius would be reprising his role as Matt Addison in the form of portraying Nemesis,[14][17] but the part ended up going to Matthew G. Taylor. Zombie: uomini e donne uccisi e poi rianimati dal T-Virus. Il regista Alexander Witt ha fatto la parte di un cecchino durante il film: più precisamente il cecchino che tenta di colpire Carlos sulla piattaforma dell'elicottero davanti al municipio di Raccoon City che viene però messo K.O. [35], Apocalypse opened at number one in the United States on September 10, 2004, where it grossed over $23 million on its opening weekend. [65], Special "Resurrection Editions" of both Resident Evil (2002) and Resident Evil: Apocalypse were released in a two-disc set on September 4, 2007. [11] Anderson considered several ways to justify having the revealing costume in the storyline, such as making it her undercover outfit, though eventually decided to ignore the issue on the grounds that anyone questioning her attire "probably shouldn't be watching a Resident Evil movie". An exclusive scene for the then upcoming sequel Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) was included, along with several other bonus features. Resident Evil: Apocalypse is set directly after the events of the first film, where Alice escaped from an underground facility overrun by zombies. Half of the scene was filmed before the ending was rewritten. Harper also criticized how their revealing clothing and camera angles objectified Alice and Valentine throughout the film, and noted that through the African-American character L.J. È una corsa contro il tempo: all'alba Raccoon City verrà bombardata con un ordigno nucleare. A special military unit fights a powerful, out-of-control supercomputer and hundreds of scientists who have mutated into flesh-eating creatures after a laboratory accident. As they are escaping, Dr. Alexander Isaacs, a top-ranking Umbrella employee, reveals that Alice's escape is part of Umbrella's plan for her. La pellicola è interpretata tra gli altri da Milla Jovovich e Michelle Rodriguez Trama. 1 Location 2 Transcript 3 Gallery 3.1 Official English localization 3.2 Original Japanese script The file is obtained from one of the films, found in the S.T.A.R.S. Johnny Loftus of AllMusic gave the soundtrack three stars out of five, saying it was an "unscrupulous moneymaker" that predictably catered to the film's target audience of teenage boys, adding the "aggression, mania, and generally apocalyptic tone of this material fits well with a movie based on a video game about blowing away crazy zombies". [25] Jovovich and Matthew Taylor spent several hours a day for six weeks practicing martial arts together for the fight scene between Alice and Nemesis. All Roll Film Locations in Resident Evil 2. [66][67] Trilogy sets containing the first three films were released on DVD and Blu-ray in 2008. Umbrella sends a team to the Hive to investigate what happened there; the team is overrun by zombies who quickly spread to the nearby Raccoon City. Possono trasmettere il virus a chiunque mordano. L'Umbrella porta in salvo gli scienziati più importanti, ma il dottor Charles Ashford rifiuta di andarsene finché non vedrà sua figlia Angela, dispersa in città.

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