
This coordination was allegedly conducted mainly through the sharing of intelligence to allow Los Pepes to bring down Escobar and his few remaining allies, but there are reports that some individual Search Bloc members directly participated in missions of Los Pepes death squads. As a result, he quickly became one of the richest people in the world,[3][4] but consistently battled rival cartels domestically and abroad, leading to massacres and the murders of police officers, judges, locals, and prominent politicians,[5] making Colombia the murder capital of the world.[6]. He and cartel co-founder Carlos Lehder worked together to develop a new trans-shipment point in the Bahamas, an island called Norman's Cay about 350 km (220 mi) southeast of the Florida coast. Escobar's influence allowed him to discover the plan in advance and make a successful escape, spending the remainder of his life evading the police.[36][37]. The journalist stated that Escobar had financed the operation, which was committed by M-19; but she blamed the army for the killings of more than 100 people, including 11 Supreme Court magistrates, M-19 members, and employees of the cafeteria. Eventually, the government negotiated with Escobar and convinced him to surrender and cease all criminal activity in exchange for a reduced sentence and preferential treatment during his captivity. It has never been proven who actually fired the final shot into his ear, nor has it been determined whether this shot was made during the gunfight or as part of a possible execution, with wide speculation remaining regarding the subject. [68] On 5 June 2018, the Argentine federal judge Nestor Barral accused her and her son, Sebastián Marroquín Santos, of money laundering with two Colombian drug traffickers. Escobar quickly became known internationally as his drug network gained notoriety; the Medellín Cartel controlled a large portion of the drugs that entered the United States (including Puerto Rico), Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, and Spain. -Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota", "Military & Defense: A luxurious Miami mansion built by the 'King of Cocaine' is no more", "Military & Defense: This dilapidated villa once served as a Caribbean getaway for drug-kingpin Pablo Escobar", "Colombia Drug Lord Escobar Dies in Shootout", Interview with Hugo Martinez – the man who 'got' Pablo Escobar, "Drug boss Pablo Escobar still divides Colombia", "Colombian Attorney General on Virginia Vallejo's offer to testify against Santofimio", "Virginia Vallejo takes refuge in United States", "Pablo Escobar's Ex-Lover Flees Colombia", "Virginia Vallejo testificó en el caso Palacio de Justicia", "Truth Commission Blames Colombian State for Palace of Justice Tragedy", "Colombia ex-officer jailed after historic conviction", "Colombian 1985 Supreme Court raid commander sentenced", "Galan Slaying a State Crime, Colombian Prosecutors Say", "Colombian Leader Disputes Claim of Tie to Cocaine Kingpin", "A Cursed Family: A Look at Pablo Escobar's Family 21 Years After His Death", "Se conoce foto de la hija de Pablo Escobar en Buenos Aires", "Pablo Escobar's widow and son in Argentina money laundering probe", "Pablo Escobar's widow and son held on money laundering charges in Argentina", "Pablo Escobar's widow, son charged with money laundering in Argentina", "Narcos season 2: Pablo Escobar's son labels Netflix show 'insulting', lists 28 historical errors", "Pablo Escobar's sister trying to pay for the sins of her brother (Luz Maria Escobar), the sister of Colombian cartel boss Pablo Escobar, has told how she is trying to make amends for her murderous brother", "California Business Portal: Successor-In-Interest", "Crece controversia en el país por decisión de cazar a hipopótamos de Pablo Escobar", "Pablo Escobar's Escaped Hippos Are Thriving in Colombia", "Zoo Gone Wild: After Escobar, Colombia Faces His Hippos", "Could Pablo Escobar's Escaped Hippos Help the Environment? Mio padre”. When he later bought fifteen bigger airplanes, including a Learjet and six helicopters, a close friend of Pablo's died during the landing of an airplane along with the plane being destroyed, according to his son. His killing was mourned and his funeral attended by over 25,000 people. Juan Pablo, figlio del narcotrafficante colombiano: «Mio padre Escobar fu seguace di Totò Riina» Articolo riservato agli abbonati 26 Marzo 2017 di Marco Ventura (Lettura 6 minuti) ‘ Pablo Escobar , una storia da non ripetere’, è il titolo scelto per non glorificare in nessun modo la vita e la figura di un genitore scomodo, ma proponendo un racconto, per quanto possibile, sincero e doloroso. Non posso che consigliarlo a tutti gli addicted della serie tv. These include making public statements in the press, leaving letters on the graves of his victims and on the 20th anniversary of his death organizing a public memorial for his victims. Ecco cosa ha raccontato il figlio di Escobar riguardo al rapporto del padre con Totò Riina. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (/ˈɛskəbɑːr/; 1 December 1949 – 2 December 1993) was a Colombian drug lord and narcoterrorist who was the founder and sole leader of the Medellín Cartel. They would find unusual holes in floors and walls, as well as a safe that was stolen from its hole in the marble flooring before it could be properly examined. In May 1976, Escobar and several of his men were arrested and found in possession of 18 kilograms (39 lb) of white paste, attempting to return to Medellín with a heavy load from Ecuador. Following Escobar's escape, the United States Joint Special Operations Command (consisting of members of DEVGRU (SEAL Team Six) and Delta Force) and Centra Spike joined the manhunt for Escobar. conoció la sucesión que dejó Abel Escobar tras su muerte en 2001. The relationship was discouraged by the Henao family, who considered Escobar socially inferior; the pair eloped. Patrick Cockburn reports", "Japan's Tsutsumi Still Tops Forbes' Richest List", "Colombia 1993 Chapter II: The Violence Phenomenon", "Colombian Drug Baron Escapes Luxurious Prison After Gunfight", "Escobar escape humiliates Colombian leaders", "Angry Over Blast, Colombia Vigilantes Kill Escobar Lawyer", "Loving Pablo Director on Reuniting Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz: It's Been Very Intense", "Me Matan, Limon! The compound, now half-demolished and overtaken by vegetation and wild animals, featured a mansion, apartments, courtyards, a large swimming pool, a helicopter landing pad, reinforced windows, tiled floors, and a large but unfinished building to the side of the mansion.[44]. Davison, Phil. [61] Due to threats, and her cooperation in these cases, on 3 June 2010 the United States granted political asylum to the Colombian journalist. [12] His life has also served as inspiration for or has been dramatized widely in film, television, and in music. [He] was affectionate and sweet. 1 – L’esatta misura della ricchezza di Pablo Escobar potrebbe essere data dalla sua inclusione per ben sette anni di fila nella classifica annuale che la rivista Forbes dedica agli uomini più ricchi del pianeta. In futuro diventerà architetto e scriverà un libro sulla storia del padre, "Pablo Escobar, mi padre" (2016). A nove anni, Juan Pablo Escobar Henao, aveva ricevuto da suo padre, il narcotrafficante piu' famoso del mondo, la sua prima lezione sulla droga. [65] Living under her assumed name, Henao became a successful real estate entrepreneur until one of her business associates discovered her true identity, and Henao absconded with her earnings. Later, the dilapidated property was owned by Christian de Berdouare, proprietor of the Chicken Kitchen fast-food chain, who had bought it in 2014. [84] A report published in a Yale student magazine noted that local environmentalists are campaigning to protect the animals, although there is no clear plan for what will happen to them. [64], After escaping first to Mozambique, then to Brazil, the family settled in Argentina. Pablo è il terzo di sette fratelli, figlio di un'insegnante di scuola elementare, Ventitré anni dopo la morte del capo del cartello colombiano di Medellín, Juan Pablo Escobar, figlio di Pablo Escobar, torna nel passato per raccontare una versione inedita del padre, un uomo che era capace di compiere crudeltà indicibili e, allo stesso tempo, di amare molto la sua famiglia. Colombian President Ivan Duque said the demolition "means that history is not going to be written in terms of the perpetrators but by recognizing the victims," hoping the demolition would showcase that the city had evolved significantly and had more to offer than the legacy left by the cartels.[87]. [74], Escobar's sister, Luz Maria Escobar, also made multiple gestures in attempts to make amends for the drug baron's crimes. Accounts of Escobar's continued criminal activities while in prison began to surface in the media, which prompted the government to attempt to move him to a more conventional jail on 22 July 1992. Before he gave himself up, the extradition of Colombian citizens to the United States had been prohibited by the newly approved Colombian Constitution of 1991. [85] In 2018, National Geographic published another article on the hippos which found disagreement among environmentalists on whether they were having a positive or negative impact, but that conservationists and locals – particularly those in the tourism industry – were mostly in support of their continued presence. , Nel maggio 2012 viene trasmessa la serie TV, Pablo Escobar viene inoltre citato nella canzone, Pablo Escobar viene citato nella canzone di, Pablo Escobar viene citato anche in una canzone del rapper marocchino, Pablo Escobar viene citato anche dal rapper, Pablo Escobar viene nominato nella canzone, Pablo Escobar viene citato nel remix della canzone. Quindi ho avuto la possibilità di parlare con Willian Rodríguez e lui ha riconosciuto il mio lavoro per la pace, l’atteggiamento che ho assunto di fronte alla vita, di non continuare le orme di mio padre e di non trasformarmi in un Pablo Escobar 2. La stima è che vennero arsi qualcosa come 2 miliardi di dollari in una sola sera. During all the years they went after him, he would say to me every day that if he was really cornered without a way out, he would 'shoot himself through the ear'. Si è in due a mantenere la cornetta del telefono: perché Juan Pablo ha accettato di tenere il padre così tanto tempo al telefono? "The Road to Italy: In the Shadow of the Drug Barons". A 37 anni ha deciso di raccontare la storia dell'uomo che accumulo' una fortuna gigantesca con il traffico di cocaina verso gli Usa durante gli anni 1980 e scateno' una sanguinosa guerra con lo Stato colombiano per evitare la sua estradizione verso quel Paese. La più clamorosa riguarda un presunto tradimento all’interno del circolo familiare di Escobar. [15], Raised in the nearby city of Medellín, Escobar is thought to have begun his criminal career as a teenager, allegedly stealing gravestones and sanding them down for resale to local smugglers. Iguarán acknowledged that, although Vallejo had contacted his office on 4 July, the judge had decided to close the trial on 9 July, several weeks before the prospective closing date. [49], On 4 July 2006, Virginia Vallejo, a television anchorwoman romantically involved with Escobar from 1983 to 1987, offered Attorney General Mario Iguarán her testimony in the trial against former Senator Alberto Santofimio, who was accused of conspiracy in the 1989 assassination of presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galán. Escobar's infiltration into the U.S. created exponential demand for cocaine and by the 1980s it was estimated Escobar led monthly shipments of 70 to 80 tons of cocaine into the country from Colombia. Tra i seguaci illustri del più potente boss di Cosa Nostra, a quanto pare, c'è anche Pablo Escobar. De Berdouare would later hire a documentary film crew and professional treasure hunters to search the edifice before and after demolition, for anything related to Escobar or his cartel. Il padre intimo, che vedevo pochissime volte e per poco tempo, e quello pubblico, che era Pablo Escobar. Initially, Pablo tried to bribe the Medellín judges who were forming a case against him and was unsuccessful. This level of income is roughly $26 billion per annum ($55.5 billion in 2021 money). Queste le parole di Sebastian Marroquin, figlio di Pablo Escobar, intervistato da Agi. In 1991, Escobar surrendered to authorities, and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment on a host of charges, but struck a deal of no extradition with Colombian President Cesar Gaviria, with the ability of being housed in his own, self-built prison, La Catedral. Io dico che il mio treno è già passato ed è troppo tardi. In the early 1970s, he began to work for various drug smugglers, often kidnapping and holding people for ransom. His brother, Roberto Escobar, denies this, instead claiming that the gravestones came from cemetery owners whose clients had stopped paying for site care and that he had a relative who had a monuments business. Giovedì 11 marzo 2021 Primafila 14. [63] This attitude proved to be the reason the cartel did not kill her and her children after Pablo's death, although the group demanded (and received) millions of dollars in reparations for Escobar's war against them. [42], In 2014, Roberto Escobar founded Escobar Inc with Olof K. Gustafsson and registered Successor-In-Interest rights for his brother Pablo Escobar in California, United States. [24][25] Escobar was the official representative of the Colombian government for the swearing-in of Felipe González in Spain.[26]. Lo que mi padre nuca me contó". In 1992, Escobar escaped and went into hiding when authorities attempted to move him to a more standard holding facility, leading to a nation-wide manhunt. [66] According to her son, Henao fell in love with Escobar "because of his naughty smile [and] the way he looked at [her]. Il figlio di Pablo Escobar, che si è distaccato dallo stile di vita del padre in tutto e per tutto, si chiama Juan Pablo e racconta ai microfoni de Le Iene il suo ‘Escobar’ padre amorevole e dagli insegnamenti saggi.Sì, avete capito bene! In the 1982 Colombian parliamentary election Escobar was elected as an alternate member of the Chamber of Representatives as part of the Liberal Alternative movement. Members of the Cali Cartel even replayed their recordings of her conversations with Pablo for their wives to demonstrate how a woman should behave. Dal suo punto di vista: di figlio, uomo, padre. [18] In the early 1970s, prior to entering the drug trade, Escobar acted as a thief and bodyguard, allegedly earning US$100,000 by kidnapping and holding a Medellín executive for ransom. Ed è proprio la presentazione di questo libro che ci porta a Buenos Aires, all'Auditorio BajaLibros, il pomeriggio del 16 Febbraio. Intorno alla figura di Pablo Escobar tra verità e leggenda c'è spesso un confine molto labile. ", "Venezuelan actor Edgar Ramirez to Play PABLO ESCOBAR", "Joe Carnahan Is Going to Be Killing a New Pablo, and We Know Who It Is", "Javier Bardem on Playing Pablo Escobar With Penelope Cruz in, "Mugshots | Pablo Escobar – Hunting the Druglord", "Telemundo Media's 'Pablo Escobar, El Patron del Mal' Averages Nearly 2.2 Million Total Viewersby", "New on Netflix August 2015: From Narcos and Spellbound to Kick Ass 2 and Dinotrux", "Ex-DEA agents who fought Pablo Escobar headline new NatGeo documentary", "Is Countdown to Death: Pablo Escobar (2017) on Netflix USA? Sixteen months after his escape from La Catedral, Pablo Escobar died in a shootout on 2 December 1993, amid another of his attempts to elude the Search Bloc. The Robin Hood image that Escobar had cultivated maintained a lasting influence in Medellín. Ora Lehder ha 70 anni e ha deciso di vivere a Berlino, grazie alla cittadinanza acquisita per le origini tedesche del padre.. Lehder, l’ex socio di Pablo Escobar. [32], While seen as an enemy of the United States and Colombian governments, Escobar was a hero to many in Medellín, especially to the poor. Un documentario arricchito dalle parole della vedova del criminale, Maria Isabel Santos, e dall’incontro fra Marroquin e i figli di due vittime illustri, assassinate da Escobar. He was a natural at public relations, and he worked to create goodwill among the poor of Colombia. Oggi il figlio di Escobar è un oratore motivazionale che si chiama Sebastian Marroquin. “Se si ascoltano le registrazioni, io abbassavo continuamente, non volevo parlargli più. The group was financed by his rivals and former associates, including the Cali Cartel and right-wing paramilitaries led by Carlos Castaño, who would later fund the Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Córdoba and Urabá. [7], After the assassination of Luis Carlos Galán, the administration of César Gaviria moved against Escobar and the drug cartels. Mi padre"). Sebastian Marroquin, il figlio del narcotrafficante Pablo Escobar, porta in Italia il suo spettacolo-verità sulla vita del padre. Earlier in the campaign he was a candidate for the Liberal Renewal Movement, but had to leave it because of the firm opposition of Luis Carlos Galán, whose presidential campaign was supported by the Liberal Renewal Movement. In 2007, the journalist Virginia Vallejo published her memoir Amando a Pablo, odiando a Escobar (Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar), in which she describes her romantic relationship with Escobar and the links of her lover with several presidents, Caribbean dictators, and high-profile politicians. Non mancano le rivelazioni e i dettagli inediti. They trained and advised a special Colombian police task force known as the Search Bloc, which had been created to locate Escobar. [83], The National Geographic Channel produced a documentary about them titled Cocaine Hippos. 151628 (85') 19:30 Mio padre, Pablo Escobar - Cod. Cinque anni dopo esce il suo libro “Pablo Escobar, mi padre”, per arrivare al suo più recente lavoro “Pablo Escobar: In Fraganti. As demand for more and better cocaine increased, Escobar began working with Roberto Suárez Goméz, helping to further the product to other countries in the Americas and Europe, as well as being rumored to reach as far as Asia. Racconta la storia di Pablo Escobar da un punto di vista inedito: il punto di vista del figlio. Pablo Escobar: Beyond Narcos (2016), by Shaun Attwood, tells the story of Pablo and the Medellin Cartel in the context of the failed War on Drugs; American Made: Who Killed Barry Seal? Colombiano di nascita, ha vissuto negli agi: la madre era figlia di una ricca famiglia di gioiellieri colombiani. Los Pepes carried out a bloody campaign, fueled by vengeance, in which more than 300 of Escobar's associates, his lawyer[38] and relatives were killed, and a large amount of the Medellín cartel's property was destroyed. Afferma anche che suo padre si era suicidato. Vive i primi anni di vita tra gli agi e il lusso prodotti dalla ricchezza generata dal traffico di droga di suo padre. 484 pagine per raccontare la vita del narcotrafficante più famoso di sempre con gli occhi del figlio Juan Pablo. figlio di Pablo Escobar, il narcoterrorista colombiano leader del cartello di Medellin e morto nel 1993, ha esordito con un agghiacciante ricordo di vita domestica, il momento in cui suo padre gli confessò di aver fatto uccidere Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, allora ministro della giustizia. A lifelong sports fan, he was credited with building football fields and multi-sports courts, as well as sponsoring children's football teams. All'interno del libro è presente una sezione dedicata alle fotografie dell'epoca. In linea generale, ripercorre la serie tv narcos, aggiungendo e correggendo dettagli. Vive i primi anni di vita tra gli agi e il lusso prodotti dalla ricchezza generata dal traffico di droga di suo padre. Ecco cosa ha raccontato il figlio di Escobar riguardo al rapporto del padre con Totò Riina. ", E-40 – ‘The Block Brochure Parts 4, 5 & 6’ (Album Covers & Track Lists),, Members of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia, People shot dead by law enforcement officers in Colombia, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles lacking reliable references from March 2016, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles with dead external links from March 2018, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Infobox person using certain parameters when dead, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from May 2016, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2016, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, US $30 billion (1993 estimate; equivalent to $59 billion as of 2019). The video was seen by 14 million people, and was instrumental for the reopened case of Galán's assassination. 21:30 Mio padre, Pablo Escobar - Cod. [82] Without management the population size is likely to more than double in the next decade. [41], After becoming wealthy, Escobar created or bought numerous residences and safe houses, with the Hacienda Nápoles gaining significant notoriety. Siamo spiacenti ma "Mio padre, Pablo Escobar" non è in programmazione durante la settimana, di seguito puoi trovare la programmazione passata. Escobar was listed as a part of Los Extraditables. At the height of his power, drug traffickers from Medellín and other areas were handing over between 20% and 35% of their Colombian cocaine-related profits to Escobar, as he was the one who shipped the cocaine successfully to the United States. Ten percent of the cash had to be written off per year because of "spoilage" due to rats creeping in and nibbling on the bills they could reach. [17], Escobar eventually became involved in many criminal activities with Oscar Benel Aguirre, with the duo running petty street scams, selling contraband cigarettes, fake lottery tickets, and stealing cars. ", "Pablo Escobar's six-floor apartment demolished in Medellin as symbol of rebirth", "What is actor Christian Bale doing next? Vi racconto mio padre, l’affettuoso e spietato Pablo Escobar Juan Pablo Escobar, conosciuto anche col nome di Sebastian Marroquín (Foto ripresa dal sito 23 Mar 2017 Il figlio di Pablo Escobar, Juan Pablo, ha scritto un libro: "Gli ultimi segreti dei Narcos". [9] Escobar suffered gunshots to the leg and torso, and a fatal gunshot through the ear. [40], A drug distributor, Griselda Blanco, is also reported to have conducted a clandestine, but passionate, relationship with Escobar; several items in her diary link him with the nicknames "Coque de Mi Rey" (My Coke King) and "Polla Blanca" (White Cock). Ultimately, authorities were unable to link her funds to illegal activity, and she was released. [78], Escobar kept four hippos in a private menagerie at Hacienda Nápoles. The two fugitives attempted to escape by running across the roofs of adjoining houses to reach a back street, but both were shot and killed by Colombian National Police. La lettura risulta abbastanza scorrevole, mai pesante. Juan Pablo Escobar y Pablo Escobar/Foto: Archivio “SEMANA”. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria nacque a Rionegro, il terzo di sette figli dell'agricoltore Abel de Jesús Escobar Echeverri e Hermilda Gaviria, un'insegnante di scuola elementare . Later, as the conflict between Escobar and the governments of the United States and Colombia dragged on, and as the numbers of Escobar's enemies grew, a vigilante group known as Los Pepes (Los Perseguidos por Pablo Escobar, "People Persecuted by Pablo Escobar") was formed. Ma poi mi avvertì "il vero uomo non ha bisogno di quelle schifezze". The book provides a firsthand insight into details of his father's life and describes the fundamentally disintegrating effect of his death upon the family. Ammise di averle provate quasi tutte, ad eccezione dell'eroina. "[29] In 1989, Forbes magazine estimated Escobar to be one of 227 billionaires in the world, asserting that he had a personal net worth of approaching US$3 billion (~$6.4 billion in 2021 money),[30] while his Medellín Cartel controlled 80% of the global cocaine market. However, Escobar was vilified by the Colombian and U.S. governments,[7] who routinely stifled his political ambitions and pushed for his arrest, with Escobar widely believed to have orchestrated the DAS Building and Avianca Flight 203 bombings in retaliation. Declaring an end to a series of previous violent acts meant to pressure authorities and public opinion, Escobar surrendered to Colombian authorities in 1991. Sebastian Marroquin e Pablo Escobar. Pablo Emilio Escobar, colombiano, è stato uno dei più noti e ricchi trafficanti di cocaina di tutti i tempi, con un patrimonio stimato di oltre 40 miliardi di dollari nei primi anni ’90. Through this, he was responsible for community projects such as the construction of houses and football fields, which gained him popularity among the locals of the towns that he frequented. Allo stesso tempo ciò indica quanto tra gli anni ’80 e ’90 la sua figura fosse divenuta così famosa da essere considerata alla stregua di un imprenditore alla Donald Trump. Non mancano le … This act was controversial, as it was suspected that Escobar and other drug lords had influenced members of the Constituent Assembly in passing the law. I fell in love with his desire to help people and his compassion for their hardship. di Ivana Pisciotta. 6 persone l'hanno trovato utile Hostages were also taken for negotiation of their release, thus helping to prevent the extradition of Los Extraditables to the U.S. for their crimes. [69][70][71] The judge ordered the seizing of assets for about $1m each. [22], Soon, the demand for cocaine greatly increased in the United States, which led to Escobar organizing more smuggling shipments, routes, and distribution networks in South Florida, California, Puerto Rico, and other parts of the country. [72], Argentinian filmmaker Nicolas Entel's documentary Sins of My Father (2009) chronicles Marroquín's efforts to seek forgiveness, on behalf of his father, from the sons of Rodrigo Lara, Colombia's justice minister who was assassinated in 1984, as well as from the sons of Luis Carlos Galán, the presidential candidate who was assassinated in 1989. Henao even successfully negotiated for her son's life by personally guaranteeing he would not seek revenge against the cartel or participate in the drug trade. The luxury house contained a colonial house, a sculpture park, and a complete zoo with animals from various continents, including elephants, exotic birds, giraffes, and hippopotamuses. Foto degli anni 70 di Pablo Escobar con suo figlio Juan Pablo (Cine Colombia/Everett/Contrasto) On 31 August 2011 Santofimio was sentenced to 24 years in prison for his role in the crime.[54][55]. È appena uscito nelle librerie colombiane e si intitola “Pablo Escobar. Il padre di Cano, Guillermo Cano, editore del quotidiano El Espectador, fu assassinato da Escobar nel dicembre del 1986.

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