
Half Life 2 Weapons Pack Half Life 2 Weapons Pack 1.0.0 (2 reviews) By Golden. Favorite. Enter the Fray. The player was meant to go to a place called the Manhack Arcade, where the player would be allowed to control a Manhack in a video game and kill things with it. It can be used in short bursts for accurate shots at large groups of officers. 13 medals 1 legendary 1 rare. All Half-Life 2 cheats for weapons and items need to be entered in the form of weapon_[weapon_name] or item_[item_name]. About This File. So as an example if you would like to give Gordon a stunstick, simply type weapon_stunstick in … About This File. Weapon alyxgun; Weapon annabelle; Weapon ar2; Apc missile; B. Find their other files; Share Followers 0. Hence, not … Wait, please. 25 Pages. When picked up, it uses the Brickbat's Headcrab model, but uses the proper model when thrown. Sorry for bad title icon. Alternate fire: Grenade launcher 4. It's not at all accurate, and it is even less powerful than the pistol, but it spits rounds out so fast that you'll wonder where that 45-round magazine went. Anybody notice that the .357 Magnum is the most powerful projectile-based weapon? Cheat Effect; god: God Mode: notarget: Enemies Ignore You: noclip: No Clipping Mode: give : Get Item: hurtme: … Favorited. XRGM1267 - X-RED Joined 1y ago. In this pack, all the music from Half-Life:Alyx and the sounds of firing from many types of weapons were replaced by sounds from HL:A. All assets belong to Valve. Half-Life 2 | Table of Contents | Walkthrough. Other than that, you'll only want to use the Crowbar when you're really pressed for ammo, such as in the level 'Ravenholm' (which is extremely rare because ammo is in abundance for most of the game). Throughout the development of Half-Life 2, its arsenal of weaponry varied considerably, and it contained several different weapons than when the game was first made public, weapons that were later cut before the final release.. The Combine make for great shields and missiles. Half-Life 2 Cheat Codes . Next Last. Half-Life 2 has a nice mix of weapons including the ever-reliable SMG and shotgun, along with a basic crowbar and even the downright crazy gravity gun. Alternate fire uses a tractor beam that grasps objects (provided they are light enough), allowing them to be thrown with greater accuracy using primary fire, or dropped into place by pressing alternate fire again (this also works on manhacks and pulse rifle alt-fire shots). The trusty crowbar can be used to destroy wooden crates and boarded up doorways. During most of the game where you can use this item, you won't have any more than four Antlions at one time; however, once in Nova Prospekt, expect the number to go way up. Half-Life is a sci-fi FPS developed by Valve and Sierra studios and released in 1998. Despite its power, this "gun" does have a few drawbacks. The Stunstick from the early Half-Life 2 kept its viewmodel, along with the early suit color. 5,861 points Ranked 1,294th. Active 4 years, 11 months ago. It is also an important part of Half-Life 2 modding history, and one that I'm glad to see people keeping alive. It is modeled with two protruding bar… Thank you for printing this page from The goal of Half-Life 2 : MMod is to enhance and expand gunplay, combat mechanics and the immersion factor by giving the Player more options and combat opportunities as well as refine how the Player handles his arsenal. Release Date . Adjusts size of the weapon you're carrying (54 = default) viewmodel_fov # All Weapons: impulse 101: black-and-white mode: mat_yuv 1: brings up position display in top right of screen (0 removes it) cl_showpos 1: can be used to get current coords for use with setpos: getpos: change skill level (# = 1, 2, or 3) skill # Change the density of air. That's right, The Pheropod is actually used to summon Antlions to attack any enemy in the vicinity of the Bugbait's range; in other words, whereever you throw the Bugbait, they'll go there and attack anything in sight. The secondary fire is an energy orb that ricochets off of walls and can kill multiple enemies in the time that it bounces around the environment. See images here. Adds some nice punch to those gunfights. A collection of some new and old HL2 weapons i have made Gravity Gun Super Gravity Gun Spas 12 USP Match Gordon's Crowbar More to come... Changelog. Because of all these attributes, the Submachine Gun remains a useful gun throughout the entire game. If you are good with your gravity gun, you can drop a grenade, then pick it up with your gravity gun and blast it at your enemy. New Marvel Movies and TV Shows in 2021 and Beyond, Essential Tips for Getting Started in Valheim, Little Nightmares 2 Spoiler-Free Puzzle Guides, CoD Zombies: Outbreak Mode Weapon Unlocking, Things to Do First in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, How to Get the New Mario Items in Animal Crossing, Bowser's Fury: 12 Big Tips for Getting Started. Create barricades with barrels and other objects. Select from a wide range of models, decals, meshes, plugins, or … Just wish that ammo wasn't so sparse. Half Life 2 Weapons Pack 1.0.0 (2 reviews) By Golden. Login Register. Крабик; Images. The pods make you immune to Antlion attack and allow you to control their movement and behavior. Juniez' HL2 Weapons Fix Pack. DOWNLOAD. The shotgun becomes the close range weapon of choice once it is obtained. Recently Changed Pages . Short but sweet, this is the first chapter in a planned series of Episode 2 style levels. It's silent, it has a scope, and it's capable of eliminating almost anything in one shot. Towards the end of the game, the Gravity Gun will be "supercharged" so that it is more powerful and can pick up organic materials - the Gravity Gun can just about pick up anything that's not nailed down at that point. Then i mind "there are must be secrets too". Half Life 2 Weapon Pack. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. HALF-LIFE sends a shock through the game industry with its … When choosing Gravity gun ammo, take a few things into consideration. Nice mod! Max damage: 4 per round, 13 per second 3. Go. It's unbalanced, it's unstable, and it's all very silly. During the Highway 17 chapter, your buggy has a chest of infinite SMG ammunition on the back, so this weapon will be of great use to you. 0. Submitter. 13 medals 1 … For Half-Life 2 on the PC, GameFAQs has 300 cheat codes and secrets. Bladed items usually kill in one shot, and saw blades fly fast and accurately. Spawning NPCs. Share. As Cosmonaut uses vanilla Half-Life 2 weapons and balance, I can't see any reason not to use the MMod patch for it, too. H&K FABARM FP6 for the SPAS-12. This weapon was meant to be used as a part of a scrapped minigame that could be played early in Half-Life 2. 1. Half Life 2 Weapon Models; Half Life 2 Beta Weapons; Half Life 2 Modify Weapon Damage; Half Life 2 Weapon Skins; Depot mod Depot is a mod inspired by VALVe's book 'Raising the Bar' and concept-arts. In addition to the complete Half-Life 2, this package also includes Counter-Strike: Source, the Half-Life 2: Deathmatch MOD, and the Source-engine remake of the original, Half-Life: Source. Award. It's moderately powerful and can be used effectively against any Combine Soldier or Elite, as it fires fairly quickly. Alternate fire varies depending on your stance. The secondary fire is a zooming scope that allows you to snipe out unsuspecting enemies from a distance. 10. The Assault Shotgun, which appears to be a French Spas in Half-Life and is a French Spas in Half-Life 2, is one of the earliest weapons you can obtain in both games. This makes it effective against combine soldiers. One other, very interesting fact is that if the player aims at the ground at a direct angle towards the enemy, the bolt will bounce right off the surface killing the enemy with great accuracy; this weapon is also known to pin enemies to nearby walls. Every weapon has advantages and drawbacks, and knowing which weapon to use in which situation is very important; doing so will make the game that much easier. Best and worst Half-Life 2 weapon? Range: Melee ; Max damage: 10 per whack (headcrabs die in 1 hits regardless of type) ; Alternate fire: None ; Magazine: N/A ; Reserve capacity: N/A ; Best used against: Obstacles, headcrabs (all types), zombies, manhacks ; First Appearance: d1_trainstation_06; Best place to get it in speedrun: Skipped ; Zero Point Energy Manipulator (Gravity Gun) The Magnum is a cannon of a handgun. The secondary attack squeezes the pod and brings antlions to your side. However, there is no way to wield it in the retail, as picking one up gives armor instead. In addition, this gun has a grenade launcher - capable of clearing groups of soldiers in an instant. 1 Screenshot. Half-Life 2 stufs (NPCs, weapons...) New stufs (Energy light...) History. Change max Ammo & Change Weapon Damage cheats for Half-Life 2: Aftermath Created by BGmoder. The game is the successor to the popular multiplayer … If you are crouching, however, it will roll a grenade instead, which is handy for destroying concealed floor turrets. 1 of 2 Go to page. Unfortunately, ammunition is scarce, firing rate is slow and reloading is even slower. Unique Downloads. DOWNLOAD. barnacle: Spawns a Ceiling Turret. Add your own weapon to your Half-Life 2 mod. Unique Downloads. Annabelle • AK-47 (cut) • AR3 • Harpoon (cut) • Magnet Gun (cut) • Penguin • Pulse Shield (cut) • Roller Wand (cut) • S.L.A.M • Sticky Launcher (cut) • Vortex Hopwire (cut) • Zero Point Generator (cut) • Weapons and items in Deathmatch Classic • Weapons cut from Half-Life 2 • This is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Range: Close to medium 2. So from the crude scientific contraptions of Half-Life to the more sophisticated physics weapons of Half-Life 2, here are the most powerful and dangerous weapons in the gaming franchise. NOW. So as an example if you would like to give Gordon a stunstick, simply type weapon_stunstick in the console. Wait, please. A weapon model replacement pack for Half Life 2 - based on the original models by Valve Still, this is accurate and deadly, and headshots can kill almost anything, even stronger enemies like Poison Zombies and Zombine. The Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher, or RPG for short, is the most powerful weapon in the game. This "weapon" is obtained after taking down the Antlion Guard. Half-Life:Alyx weapons/npc/cutscenes sound replacments and all music assets. Special Instructions for Entering Half-Life 2 Weapon/Item Names . … Remember to come back to check for more great content for Half-Life 2: Aftermath. Half Life 2 Weapon Pack. Therefore, it should only be used against the toughest enemies like Gunships and Striders. The crossbow serves as Half-Life's sniper weapon. It's not very useful for anything else, though. Code Effect; god: God Mode: notarget [Ignore] Enemies Ignore You: noclip [Clipping] No Clipping Mode: give [Item] Get Item: hurtme [Player] Damage Player: impulse [101] Give All Weapons: impulse [102] Skulls: impulse [76] Grunt: impulse [82] Spawn a Jeep: impulse [83] Spawn Airboat: buddha [Health] Reduce Health: maps [List] List Maps: … Use Half-life 2 Weapons and thousands of other assets to build an immersive game or experience. Half Life 2 Weapon Models; Half Life 2 Beta Weapons; Half Life 2 Modify Weapon Damage; Half Life 2 Weapon Skins; Depot mod Depot is a mod inspired by VALVe's book 'Raising the Bar' and concept-arts. It will also guarantee a kill with a direct hit to any headcrab. Games Movies TV Video. Achievements. This is a quick and accurate weapon that inflicts small amounts of damage. Step 1: Console. The crowbar is the first "weapon" you find. The alternate fire is powerful but very hard to control, as the orb will rapidly bounce around the room and will explode on contact with any organism, including you. 1y 21d 28 22.3k 65. N/A. HALF-LIFE sends a shock through the game industry with its combination of pounding action and continuous, immersive storytelling. Frostuin Feb 25 2014. 3 . those things are Mass, size, how much it blocks your view, how well it flies, and special abilities such as blades or explosions. Pages in category "Half-Life 2 Weapons" The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total. They're excellent against stationary turrets you'll encounter in later levels, and they're great for taking out large groups of enemies, as well as snuffing them out. Fight some turrets with the Crowbar and Gravity Gun! Half-Life 2: Weapons Guide. Doors with windows, if positioned well when picked up, can act as shields without completely obstructing your view, as can radiators. 6. I downloaded the Beta leak of Half-Life 2 and noticed how many weapons it had that were removed from the final game. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. Be the First to Share. Step 2: What to Enter. 2.1 Crowbar; 2.2 Zero Point Energy Manipulator (Gravity Gun) 2.3 9mm Pistol; 2.4.357 Magnum; 2.5 Submachine Gun (SMG) 2.6 Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle (AR2) 2.7 Shotgun; 2.8 Crossbow; 2.9 Fragmentation Grenade; 2.10 Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher (RPG) 3 Pheropod (Bugbait)= 4 Weapon cooldowns; Weapon names. 13 medals 1 legendary 1 rare. 5,972 points Ranked 1,280th. Many of them are better suited to certain situations (and enemies) than others. Hopwire Grenade after being thrown. Add new page. ModDB Profile; See also. Building off of the riveting storyline and gameplay of the debut title, Half-Life 2 pushes the envelope even further and has once again "raised the bar" of the FPS genre. In order to get the most out of this pistol you will have to perfect the headshot. Use the gun to launch grenades back at combine officers. 1. The standard weapon in Half-Life: Alyx, your trusty pistol can make quick work of zombies, headcrabs, and Combine soldiers from any distance. Half-Life 2: Survivor (Battle Mode)/List of weapons and items; Hand Shield; Headcrab Shell; Health Charge Disk; Heavy Machine Gun; Heavy Machine Gun (Half-Life: Alyx) Heavy Shotgun; Hivehand; HK-707; Hopper; Hopwire Grenade; Hover Turret; Hunter-Chopper Bomb; I. Immolator; Incendiary Rifle; Invisible Suit; J. Aim slightly higher than necessary when shooting over a long distance, the bolt will fall slightly due to gravity. Retrieved from "" Because you can only carry three grenades at a time, it is wise to locate an infinite ammo crate before engaging one of the gunships in battle. Exploding items are useful, but remember that if it gets shot, it will blow up in your face. The Shotgun is very useful for taking care of Leapers and Combine quickly. It is notable for being Valve's debut in the gaming industry and the first game in the Half-Life series. Weapon bugbait; Basehlcombatweapon; C. Weapon citizensuitcase; Weapon crossbow; Weapon crowbar; Combine mine ; F. Weapon frag; G. Grenade … mat_wireframe1: Contributed By: Shadow., COMPASSION34, and jbfatman. For most weapons, ammo shouldn't be too much of a concern, as you'll find numerous ammunition drops and crates throughout the game. This weapon was recycled for several mods, albeit with different graphics. Cinder blocks are common in urban areas, and they fly well, don't obstruct your view much, and almost always kill instantly. Hold a manhack with the gun and use it as a melee weapon against combine troops. Best used against: Metrocops, Combine soldiers, Antlions A rapid-fire assault … A collection of some new and old HL2 weapons i have made Gravity Gun Super Gravity Gun Spas 12 USP Match Gordon's Crowbar More to come... Changelog. Wiki Content. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The secondary fire uses two shells and inflicts twice the damage on a target. Localized versions. The … Despite being this game's "sniper rifle", the crossbow is actually very effective at close range. Of these features, the most notable are: instant respawn, weapons have a specific spawn point, quick traveling and special abilities (sprint, flashlight, etc). Half-Life 2: Vanilla Fixed Weapons. If you're a new player, this'll give you a basic rundown of the best uses for the various weapons you pick up in Half-Life 2. IGN Store: We got Tees for Spider-Man, Star Wars, and more! (comes with an optional hands version, but only supports the shotgun and pistol as of now) Sledgehammer --> Crowbar Spraypaint --> Military Themed Spraycan Extinguisher --> More Detail … Category 1: Melee and Special Weapons Crowbar. The new content consists of many new NPCs and weapons, new gamemodes, comprehensive customization and tweaking options, new abilities for the player, and new features to the gameplay, such as level randomization and simple branching in the otherwise linear flow of the main episodes. When combating grenades, use the gravity gun to suck them up and throw them back at the enemy before they explode. Access the console, type in "npc_create npc_" and replace the name with one of these: Effect Code; Spawns a barnacle. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Even for sniping, nothing comes close. Media. 0. This crossbow fires red hot bolts that will instantly kill enemies who are hit anywhere on their body. This weapon is mainly used against Combine Gunships. It looks powerful, sounds powerful and, most importantly, is powerful. For long range, you can use the HEV Suit's Camera function as a scope to make aiming easier. Maps Mods Guides Upload. A Half-Life 2 (HL2) Skin Mod in the Weapons category, submitted by Terg500 1 Screenshot. Its secondary fire is a grenade launcher that does huge amounts of damage and should be saved for either large groups of enemies, or large enemies. Half Life 2 Console Commands: Weapons and Supplies . What secret/unused weapons are in Half-Life 2? Chamber: 7 … This is one of the best weapons, but there is limited ammo so use it carefully. This is redesigned part of Half-Life 2 levels - coastline and prison, but now it's a bit closer to old atmosphere of a dead, dried by Combine, world. 5 3. A variation of this weapon appears in Half-Life 2: Episode One, which was then refined into the Magnusson Device in Half-Life 2: Episode Two. Grenades are explosive devices that are useful for flushing enemies out from behind cover or turrets. Juniez' HL2 Weapons Fix Pack. By Chocoportals. This page was last edited on 5 April 2019, at 23:59. A pump-action shotgun. [Go to top]← Walkthrough | Weapons | Allies and enemies →, From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator (Gravity Gun), Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle (AR2), Note the now-open console. This is useful for all kinds of things, ranging from physics puzzles to actual combat. It offers an unpredictable ride through Half-Life 2, with extra (and sometimes new) enemies added to the world, lots of new weapons, over-the-top effects and bullet time. turret_ceiling: Spawns … You can distinguish this Gravity Gun by the blue hue it gives off instead of the normal orange one. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. Open Portal using the edited shortcut. It comes in quite handy for smashing obstacles, breaking glass, opening crates, or killing headcrabs and normal zombies. 13 medals 1 legendary 1 rare. Shotgun. Unfortunately, it has a lengthy reload animation and ammo is scarce. This listing is for weapons featured in Half-Life 2. Replaces (all weapons with their Half-Life counterparts.) Submitter. The original Heckler & Koch MP7 Prototypeis the main weapon for most Resistance members and Combine Soldiers, and is also issued to Civil Protection teams in volatile situations. Like the Gravity Gun, the Bugbait isn't really a weapon at all. Valve updated and completed this weapon for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. It is very useful up to around Nova Prospekt, where there are too many enemies to focus on a single enemy with this low damage weapon, unless there are explosive barrels or a turret to shoot at from longer range. All Half-Life 2 cheats for weapons and items need to be entered in the form of weapon_[weapon_name] or item_[item_name]. In Half-Life 2: Episode Two, the Pulse Rifle's charged orb is the only weapon capable of killing a Hunter in one shot. Using the secondary fire mode will enable you to look through the scope, though it doesn't cause it to fire any differently. 9mm Pistol. The po… 2021-01-12, 12:33 AM UTC. Posted by Sallycin on Jan 1st, 2007 - Intermediate Server Side Coding [page=Introduction] I'm going to walk you through creating your first weapon. Weapon guide Crowbar. If you encounter an Antlion Guard, the .357 Magnum can take it down relatively easy, if you have the ammo to spare. 1998. If you are standing up, you will drop a grenade, causing it to land very nearby- usually at your feet. D&D Beyond Did you … Unless you have great aim, don't even try shooting one. The SMG is a basic sub machine gun. Thread starter ScourggeFX; Start date Nov 29, 2004; 1; 2; Next. Primary fire launches one shell, and alternate launches two. By ElbridgeGerry in Living Video Games. Launch exploding barrels at enemies for an explosive attack. You can throw them at fairly long distances, but that distance is rather limited by Gordon's throwing strength. I'm was bored and an idea came up. Notably, this gun reloads shell by shell. If you do run out of ammo (which happens very rarely), you can always resort to the Crowbar or Gravity Gun. Reserve capacity: 225 rounds and 3 grenades 7. Download Favorite. In this post I’ll rank my top picks for the best weapons in HL2 ranking down to the #1 best weapon. Antlions will then swarm this area and attack anyone within range. Nov 29, 2004 #1 S. ScourggeFX Gawd. The rockets will automatically follow the targeting laser, making it even more effective against flying targets. Register Start a Wiki. The weapons code also … Wait, please. Half Life 2 Cheats and Console Commands List. Next, it can only load 1 bolt at a time, so it takes some time to reload after every shot. Primary Fire: Swing Crowbar; Damage: 10 per swing; The crowbar is the first weapon you find. Weapons dropped by enemies vaporize regardless of how they are killed. physcannon_mega_enable 1: Wire frame models. a small first part of my epic mission base maps on half life 2 more info is inside the map it self same as the read me I know myself it is fully tested even by me my cousin and I know this is sad my mum like's it too my mother spent 2 hours on my level died 2 times

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