Looking at the new trailer for Valorant Agent Jett and her abilities By Joey Carr April 2, 2020 Share Tweet Pin Share 0 Image via Riot Games We’re just a few short days away for the Valorant closed beta, which begins on April 7 . Her high risk, high reward playstyle can allow her to take over a match but she can also be a liability in the hands of an inexperienced player. She excels in 1v1 combat, skirmishes, and flanking due to her outplay potential. Jett is springing into action in Valorant's latest agent reveal, a video that showcases her high-flying abilities and play style. [Learn more about Jett] She doesn’t provide much utility outside of a smoke grenade but she can dash to engage/disengage or get up to high positions with her boost jump. Fire to throw a single knife. As you know by now, every hero in Valorant comes with various abilities. She's one of the youngest in the protocol and is very confident in her abilities. If you are wondering how to get better in Valorant as Jet you probably should read the rest of this guide. Select a map to see the best way to use Jett skills. Ultimate This should allow her a little more freedom to make that aggressive, but risky play that creates space for her team. Role VALORANT Jett Jett has abilities that deal with air and wind. Jett Abilities To Master in Valorant Holding down the ability button allows her to … Body: 50 . Jett has been debuted in the latest trailer released to the VALORANT Twitter account. Her abilities include This should give her and her team a little more time to work off of her smokes. Jett is the ninja of Valorant.Quick as a dagger and twice as sharp, she excels in swiftly getting from point A to point B, all while disobeying every law imaginable, including gravity. The combination of the Cloudburst ability and the Blade Storm ultimate make … Uses: 1 Jett is based out of Korea and looks to have some of the more interesting abilities we’ve seen thus far in terms of mobility. South Korean agent Jett was the 10th to join the VALORANT Protocol. Cloudburst Updraft Jett is one of the most mechanically demanding agents in Valorant due to having the most mobility abilities. Spend time to really get comfortable with curving your. Jett also has a cheeky, childish "in-your-face" attitude, seen commonly giving insults for feats she makes on the team and is always spouting her sheer amount arrogance. Jett Tips and Tricks Tailwind doesn’t take vertical angle into account, so you can’t move up or down with Tailwind alone. But we think her team-oriented output is a little too low. Blade Storm Jett has four skills in total, including her ultimate and special move. Affiliation(s) In the spirit of ladies first, we’re gonna start with Jett: READ MORE: Jett in the Valorant Agent Ranking Valorant Agent Guide The Valorant character can move around the battlefield very faster and in ways in which not any other agent can move. Jett is the most mobile agent in Valorant, making her an ideal duelist, especially when she gets her knife ultimate. Jett Jett abilities in Valorant lets players be ultra-aggressive and cautious in their approach and has been favored by a lot of streamers online. They can be thrown quite quickly and have a fairly good range. Although she lacks the utility of other characters, she offers the most outplay potential and can clutch out games that others could not. She also has a smokebomb ability to hinder sightlines and a powerful Bladestorm ultimate that deals moderate-to-heavy damage and remains accurate even while she's moving [1]. Jett's Ultimate allows her to wield several throwing knives that deal moderate damage and kill on headshots. Jett, classified as a duelist, uses her agility and evasive fighting style to take risks no one else can. Jett is one of the few Agents with a passive ability. Hold the ability key to curve the cloud in the direction of your crosshair. Her high risk, high reward playstyle can allow her to take over a match but she can also be a liability in the hands of an inexperienced player. Jett from Valorant has been making the rounds on Reddit, and not just because of the ‘rebibe’ parody. Cost: 100 Our Valorant Jett Agent Guide will help you with all of the abilities for this particular agent along with strategies on how you can combine the abilities in order to win. She has very aggressive and agile fighting abilities. June 2, 2020 (launch) Jett’s abilities are based on a combination of area denial (Cloudburst), burst damage (Blade Storm) and mobility (Updraft). Here they are: Cloudburst – Jett drops a cloud of fog that messes up an enemy vision on Her first ability is Cloudburst which can be thrown anywhere on the map. Cloud Burst smoke duration increased 4 >>> 7 seconds. Jett’s agile and evasive fighting style lets her take risks no one else can. Appearances Instantly propel in the direction she is moving. Jett has one of the highest skill ceilings in Valorant because her kit focuses more on mobility than utility. Cloudbursts are still affected by gravity, however, so make sure you mind their trajectory. Jett for Valorant. Ult. Female From Korea comes Jett, an agile fighter who prioritizes movement over everything. Jett has one of the highest skill ceilings in Valorant because her kit focuses more on mobility than utility. Jett has abilities that will allow her to run circles around every skirmish, cutting enemies up before they even know what hit them. The combination of all three make her a slippery Agent to pin down, and one that can play hyper aggressively, or defensively. INSTANTLY throw a projectile that expands into a brief vision-blocking cloud on impact with a surface. Jett (Korean: 제트; codename Wushu, Hawk, and Woosh) is a playable Agent & Radiant in Valorant and the tenth of the Valorant Protocol. Shannon Williams Abilities We put together a Jett overview infographic that has the best loadouts, strengths, weaknesses, abilities and info as we currently have during this beta release of Valorant. Biography Signature She runs circles around every skirmish, cutting enemies up before they even know what hit them . Representing her home country of South Korea, Jett's agile and evasive fighting style lets her take risks no one else can. Use this to mix up your movement and avoid taking fall damage. She runs circles around every skirmish, cutting enemies up before they even know what hit them. Tailwind automatically breaks Cypher’s Trapwires after being briefly revealed. Updraft: After a brief wind up, propel yourself upwards. Equip a set of 5 highly accurate throwing knives. There are also many different combinations that can be used with Jett's kit to allow her to quickly take a site, catch enemies off-guard, or bait enemy players into misplaying. Out-of-Universe JETT ABILITIES GUIDE Updraft 5m Vertical Range Tailwind 15m Dash Range Cloudburst 3.25s Smoke Duration Blade Storm 150 Damage to Head 50 Damage to Body / Legs 5'4" Voice Actor Jett Abilities Here are Jett's abilities: Cloudburst: Throw out a cloud of fog that obscures vision on impact. Damage: Head: 150. Duelist From Korea comes Jett, an agile fighter who prioritizes movement over everything. Basic Tailwind force is powerful enough that Jett should easily be able to break free of any leash. (x5), DUELISTS Official Launch Cinematic Trailer - VALORANT. The dash can break Cypher traps, therfore making you a good entry onto the site Cypher is holding. Valorant Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Getting a kill replenishes your daggers and you can choose to throw them one at a time or throw all remaining daggers in a short-ranged burst. Her abilities include a teleportation-based dash and an updraft that lets her reach higher ledges. She excels in 1v1 combat, skirmishes, and flanking due to her outplay potential. Gender We’ve all seen an opposing Jett rack up kills with the Operator and disappear, leaving our heads spinning. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jett uses a host of abilities to obtain new positioning as rapidly as possible to keep the enemy second-guessing. Added She does show a much more friendly personality towards teammates. While Jett’s cloudburst is another way to obsc […] Valorant guide: How to play as Jett Jett is one of the most hardcore characters to kill in the game. Alternative Fire to throw all remaining daggers at once. https://www.gameinformer.com/preview/2020/03/02/valorant-preview-a-deep-dive-on-the-new-hero-based-tactical-shooter-from-riot, https://valorant.fandom.com/wiki/Jett?oldid=12799, Cloudburst duration decreased from 7 seconds >>> 4.5 seconds, The time between consecutive Burst Fire use has increased from 0.33 seconds >>> 0.45 seconds, Daggers thrown in Burst now have a damage falloff that begins at 12 meters and drops steadily (to 35 damage) at max falloff, Headshot multiplier on Burst Fire reduced from 3x >>> 2x. Riot Games has unveiled Jett as the latest Agent for their upcoming first-person shooter, VALORANT. Points Origin Quotes. Holding the jump key while in the air will allow Jett to slow her descent. Valorant guide: How to play as Jett The best ways to use all of Jett’s abilities in Valorant By Austen Goslin @AustenG Apr 7, 2020, 5:31pm EDT Valorant Jett Agent Jett is a duelists agent with incredible movement speed and abilities that confuse her enemies. Like a true ninja, this South Korean agent can dash short distances to catch-up enemies or escape dangerous situation, and even propel herself upwards to reach highground places and surprise lurking targets who think they're safe up there. Jett's abilities in Valorant Cloudburst - Jett throws a cloud which creates a smoke dome that obscures vision on impact. Jett has a hidden passive of being able to glide when you hold the jump key. Join other Jett mains and discuss your favorite agent! Blade Storm now refreshes when used to kill Phoenix during Run It Back. Restocks upon killing an enemy. Jett's real name is most likely 'Joon-Hee' as implied by one of Raze's voice lines. Valorant Protocol Joon-Hee Aim up to compensate for the gravitation pull. Height Jett's Radiant powers allows her to control wind. South Korea If Jett is standing still, she will propel forward. Here’s how you can start earning wins with one of Valorant’s most versatile heroes. David has written for games media outlets for the last seven years. INSTANTLY propel Jett high into the air. Valorant Duration: 4.5 seconds. Real Name Jett has abilities that all synergize very well with each other. Jett is an aggressive agent who has a distinctive, sarcastic personality. The Duelists are one of the classes of Valorant that play aggressively and Jett is no exception. Tailwind We feel like Jett has a strong, irreplaceable value in terms of her ability to deny trades. Her abilities include a teleportation-based dash and an updraft that lets her reach higher ledges. Her abilities also either focus quite heavily on movement or supporting her movement abilities. Jett is a VALORANT agent who specializes in mobility and assassinations. Jett Jett is the Valorant agent based in South Korea. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 6 One of the initial poster children for Valorant is the pseudo-Airbender Jett. Cloudburst – Throw out a cloud of fog that obscures vision on impact. HOLD the ability key to curve the smoke in the direction of your crosshair. Hold down the ability button to bend the cloud’s in-flight trajectory. Valorant: Jett Agent guide - abilities, strategies, tips and tricks by Adam Starkey Jett is an agile character armed with deadly throwing knives - here’s everything we know about the Valorant Agent. Uses: 3 Jett. She has at least two confirmed abilities. Getting a kill replenishes your daggers and you can choose to throw them one at a time or throw all remaining daggers in a short-ranged burst. Yet another Valorant smokescreen ability, Cloudburst gives JETT the chance to launch a ball of smoke that blocks vision. We’ll give you a detailed look into each of Valorant’s 10 agents’ abilities and how & when to use them. Jett wields several throwing knives that deal moderate damage and kill on headshots. Instantly throw a projectile that expands into a brief vision cloud on impact with a surface. Each blade of Blade Storm deals 50 dmg to body or legs and 150 to the head. She has many useful abilities such as immediate escape after the shot or a double jump to reach those spots on a map which most of the characters cannot. Cost:♦♦♦♦♦♦ 6 points Because of the Duelists cinematic, many blame Jett for the rising of Venice which created the map Ascent. From Korea comes Jett, an agile fighter who prioritizes movement over everything. Jett is coming to Valorant Riot Games The lore of Valorant still hasn't been released, but Jett is our closest connection to the world of Runeterra …
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