イゾウ Apis | He was also seen holding Japanese fans and dancing. Japanese Name: Oden decided to join Gol D. Roger for one year to assist him with his final journey. they're flirting but they're not together; Summary. After they failed the Payback War, the Whitebeard crew broke up, and for awhile it was unknown what happened to Izo, until eventually he showed up again, arrving back at Wano to help the Straw Hat Pirates and the Nine Red Scabbards in their efforts fighting against Kurozumi Orochi, Kaido, and the Beast Pirates. Two weeks after the Whitebeard Pirates arrived at Wano, Oden secretly followed the crew when they decided to leave Wano at night secretly to prevent him from joining the crew. Dresses like a woman, with a kimono and Kabuki-style hair. On the roof, they prepared to fight Kaido with the Mink Tribe's help.[31]. Ace quickly turned back and Izo tried persuading Ace to forget about Akainu but was unsuccessful. Colton Jones, Izo[6] is the former commander of the 16th division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Like the Nine Red Scabbards, Izo is one of Oden's closest confidants and retainers due to Oden taking him and his sister under his care during his journey around Wano. Demikianlah pembahasan singkat soal Izo One Piece. During the Wano Country Arc, he wears a red pink and white kimono bearing the simplified version of the Whitebeard Pirates' Jolly Roger with an added flame motif, as well as a black cape. [21], After two years with the Whitebeard Pirates, Oden and Toki's son, Kozuki Momonosuke, was born and Oden received a bounty. Đúng vào sinh nhật của mình, Izo lại có màn kết hợp tuyệt vời … Occupation Izo is an extremely adept sniper, especially in close quarters combat. Kin'emon | Later on, he fought alongside his subordinates against the Marines gathered in the plaza. Izo also wears black gloves.[8]. Trong chap 982, nó … Tapi Izo dan seluruh komandan Whitebeard yang tersisa mampu dikalahkan oleh Teach. Read Izo x reader (Fireworks) from the story One Piece by _Ale95_ with 743 reads. Reverendo-2 Agosto 2020 18. Izo Full Story | One Piece EncyclopediaIzo is the commander of the Whitebeard Pirates 16th Brigade. He has a loose, long strand of hair that hangs over the right side of his face. Trafalgar D. Water Law‡ Thatch (One Piece) Izou (One Piece) Izo's hearing is terrible because he's always around guns and canons; Minor Izou/Thatch (One Piece) Pre-Relationship; Kinda? Some time over the course of twenty-four years, the crew expanded from five divisions to sixteen and Izo assumed control of the 16th Division as one of the Division Commanders. Izo 13 Fav. Nami | Materials N/A [19] Following Yasuie's advice, they educated themselves and trained to become dignified warriors. Affiliations: Afterwards, they had to survive on the streets in Ringo. Izo is shocked by Whitebeard's order to back Luffy up. Pirate (Former)Former Sixteenth Division Commander of the Whitebeard PiratesGeisha Ternyata kemudian terungkap Izo … Izo and his sibling, Kikunojo, were born in Wano Country. Nel sondaggio di popolarità dei personaggi di One Piece del 2014 si è classificato 12º. Franky | Tashigi | After Jack and his forces were rendered unable to battle thanks to the minks' efforts, Izo and the Scabbards resumed their confrontation with Kaido. Issho, Shichibukaï‡ Rockstar, Kozuki Clan/Nine Red Scabbards Monkey D. Luffy | Izo Monkey D. Luffy | Whitebeard then gave his final order and the pirates reluctantly followed. Statistics Brook | If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. Jinbe, Revolutionary Army October 13th[4] One Piece: spoiler capitolo 993. Sengoku | Buggy the Clown | Soon after, his fellow comrades, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, were discovered to have stowed away on the ship as well, having waited for Oden. [3] During their childhood, they were raised in a dancing school but their family was torn apart after their father was arrested. Izo is actually a gunslinger, very un-samurai of him. Debut: When he was a child, he was seen dressing as a geisha, wearing a kimono with a diagonal spot design. Before they left the treasure room, they saw who appeared to be Oden.[39]. Usopp | Izo trying to stop Oden from joining the Whitebeard Pirates and leaving Wano. ... One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Trong chương 981 One Piece, chúng ta thấy Marco đang đá con tàu của Big Mom, sau đó, có đôi môi của Izo, người đang nói chuyện với Nekomamushi. Iceburg | He was originally a resident of Wano, till he was scouted by Whitebeard. [30], After Kanjuro and the Beasts Pirates with him were defeated, Izo reunited with Kin'emon and Denjiro. Nojiko | Swordsmanship Izo joins the Red Scabbards as they charge into battle. Upon Luffy's request, Law teleported Izo and the Scabbards to a safe place. He is also the older brother of Kikunojo. Carrot | The Whitebeard Pirates learned about Oden's death several years after it happened. Sabo | Donquixote Rosinante† | After Squard realized that he had been tricked, the Marines raised the siege walls keeping the pirates from entering the plaza. Alias Irony: Izo was born and raised in Wano, where the warriors use swords as their main weapon. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kozuki Momonosuke | One Piece Chapter 962 Theory: Why young Izo was Introduced Lambert Nathaniel. He's the elder brother of Kikunojo. [18] He was also seen carrying a sheathed sword by the end of the Summit War of Marineford. Dresses like a woman, ... Izo. «Dai Raffaè! Hatchan | The Whitebeard Pirates have 1600 men and 16 divisions, and he commands one of them. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Izo[6] is the commander of the 16th division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Though Izo also holds one, he uses a pair of flintlock pistols during the Paramount War. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. 12 Fav. As the Scabbards prepared to attack Kaido, he was shown disarming King of his sword with a single shot. They went into hiding and have not been seen since their defeat. Otohime | When it was revealed that Portgas D. Ace was going to be publicly executed in Marineford, Izo joined the rest of Whitebeard's fleet and their subordinate crews to rescue Ace. Like the other commanders, he is very powerful. Manga post-timeskip Regis | [35], Continuing the battle, Kaido began overwhelming Izo and the Scabbards[36] and later incapacitated them. Izo is a character in the anime and manga series One Piece.. Izo and the Scabbards then entered Kaido's castle, fought their way to the Performance Stage, and launched an all-out attack on Kaido and the All-Stars. Not only did we learn more about Oden’s life, we also saw how he raised in power and popularity. [9] While falling to the lower floor, Izo and his allies managed to inflict wounds on Kaido. Manga. Sabo | [7] When Oden, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, and Izo went missing, Kiku expressed worries as she could not find her brother and the others while crying. Izo is very loyal to the Whitebeard Pirates and Whitebeard, as he was willing to risk his own life in order to save Ace from execution during the Summit War of Marineford. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. When Kozuki Oden arrived and gave them food, they joined him. Wano Country[3] (Ringo) Eustass Kid | Upon the arrival of Shanks and Sengoku calling the war to a close, Izo, like the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates and their subordinates, mourned for the outcome of the war and left the battlefield. Denjiro, Others Fights using two flintlock pistols. 16th Division Commander (former); Pirate (former);[1] Samurai;[2] Retainer of the Kozuki Family Tidak diketahui apakah Izo termasuk yang masih selamat atau yang sudah gugur. He was fiercely loyal to Whitebeard, and his death struck Izo just as much as it did all of the others. The Whitebeard Pirates have 1600 men and 16 divisions, and he commands one of them. One Piece: Two Years Later. the Whitebeard Pirates and Whitebeard, as he was willing to risk his own life in order to save Ace from execution during the Battle of Marineford. Little Oars Jr. Red Haired Pirates Arriving at the Marines headquarters, they fought to save their captured comrade alongside some late additions to the war. Smoker | He was also one of Kozuki Oden's retainers in the past, before the latter man's tragic death. IL NOVECENTO OTTANTASEI F R A T E L L I! During the Summit War of Marineford, he was uninjured even when confronting Akainu. Leo, Royalties Even 20 years after Oden's death, Izo is still very loyal to him, having returned to Wano in order to take revenge on Orochi and Kaido. Koby | All time) 15 Fav. Home Tags Izo. But One Piece Chapter 982 will show Yonko troubling Chopper. He also carries another Japanese-looking, light-red spotted indument tied around his waist. Viola | Tony Tony Chopper | No information Height: Ace, just a few months new to the Whitebeard Pirates, feels someone staring at him. Yasopp | Do-Gooder Kozuki Toki† | He is also the older brother of Kikunojo. November 19, 2019. He eventually became a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, becoming one of Edward Newgate's valued sons, and the Commander of the Sixteenth Division. ↑ One Piece-Manga - Odens Abenteuer (Band 95) - Kapitel 963 ~ Izou und die anderen bessern sich. Like Kiku, he is also associated with the Kozuki Family, namely Kozuki Oden, being one of his retainers.[2]. [14] When Oden left the crew, Izo chose to remain and has been a member for more than twenty-five years and became the sixteenth division commander. Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight: Someone tries to attack him with a sword. Because of this, he is almost aways seen wearing the attire and makeup required, implying that it's more than just a job for him, but a way of life, an important part of his personality. After Luffy freed Ace from the scaffold, the pirates rejoiced. 0. Shanks | Magellan | Big Mom, Eustass Kid, Killer, Roronoa Zoro, Luffy, and Trafalgar Law later arrived at the roof. Zerochan has 81 Izo anime images, wallpapers, Android/iPhone wallpapers, fanart, and many more in its gallery. Izō [27], During the raid on Onigashima, Izo returned to Wano Country along with Nekomamushi and at the same time as Marco. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nekomamushi | Goals Rather than go along with Oden, Izo decided that he preferred sailing with the Whitebeard Pirates and chose to wait alongside Inuarashi and Nekomamushi for Oden to return, but the latter two left him behind when they snuck onto Roger's ship without him.[23]. [15], With a single shot, he was able to break a sword in half as well as injure its owner by shooting it just moments before it slashed him. in Ringo. Izo is a character in the anime and manga series One Piece. Versi anime One Piece sih memperlihatkan kalau Izo setidaknya masih terlibat dalam Perang Balas Dendam melawan Blackbeard dulu. Trafalgar D. Water Law | Bahkan, salah satu Akazaya Nine di masa lalu wajahnya mirip Izo. Whitebeard Pirates (former);[1] Kozuki Family Izo 16th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Bentham | The only one missing is O-Kiku and Izo is there in place of her. Izo also upholds the crew's one iron clad rule of never killing their allies. Brook | Kozuki Oden† | Lastly, it will be revealed that Izo and Kiku are brothers. If Izo is a former Scabbard who travelled alongside Oden, it explains how someone from such an isolationist country ended up being a Commander with the Whitebeard Pirates. Monkey D. Dragon | When Oden stubbornly tried to follow the Whitebeard Pirates in setting sail, Izo joined him. Yūsei Oda;Masamu Ono (young) I’m going to try and update the blog with some of the more recent Izo panels soon, and get back to queuing up some fanart too. Crocodile‡ | Boa Marigold. Boa Sandersonia | Izo is voiced by Yusei Oda and Masamu Ono as a child in the Japanese version of the anime, and Colton Jones in the Funimation English dubbed version of the anime. Jozu | Boa Sandersonia | Type Class Rarity Cost Combo Price Max Lvl / XP; DEX: Shooter: 4: 18: 4: 500: 50 / 392,109 Instead of punishing them, Yasuie allowed them to take the money and encouraged them to use it to become better people for the sake of Oden and Wano Country. However, he is not a very good swordsman and so heavily prefers to use guns. Di seguito le anticipazioni del prossimo capitolo settimanale di One Piece in uscita sulla rivista Shonen Jump. Jack and a platoon arrived at the roof to assist Kaido. Nel pieno della battaglia, distratto dopo essersi accorto del peggiorare delle ferite di Barbabianca, viene ammanettato con l' agalmatolite dal viceammiraglio Onigumo e viene quindi ferito da Kizaru. 6 Izo Sengoku‡| Family Oda obviously did this deliberately. 30 years ago, they visited the Flower Capital with Oden.[20]. He's always seen wearing the standard wardrobe expected of a Geisha, colored mostly pink, but purple on the inside. Gloriosa | Izo is a cross-dressing man who wears a pink and purple kimono. The Whitebeard Pirates have 1600 men and 16 divisions, and he commands one of them. Izo urged Oden to return to Wano for the sake of his wife and son, but Oden insisted on continuing with his adventures. Romanized Name: Izo and the Nine Red Scabbards (minus Kanjuro) vs. Izo and the Nine Red Scabbards (minus Kanjuro) vs. Kanjuro (. Silvers Rayleigh | Kin'emon | [16], During his time in Wano Country, he was seen wielding a sword in order to assist Oden to fight against Ashura Doji. Chaotic Good, Former Sixteenth Division Commander of the Whitebeard PiratesGeisha, Get Revenge on Blackbeard (failed)Defeat Orochi and Kaido (ongoing). Therefore, he and the other retainers attempted to steal money from Shimotsuki Yasuie, but they were caught. A Marineford Marco ingaggia un breve scontro con Kizaru e salva Rufy da un attacco di Aokiji . Alive Manga pre-timeskip However, Izo knew Oden's plan beforehand and chased after him. Riku Dold III | ONE PIECE. Buggy the Clown‡ | Izo, like the rest of the crew, was saddened when Whitebeard and Ace died. Straw Hat Pirates Whitebeard Pirates opfanfiction, onepiecefanfiction, onepieceff. Nico Robin | However, Kiku got badly injured by one of Kaido's wind scythe attacks and had her left arm, along with the shoulder, sliced off. Ashura Doji | After the deaths of Whitebeard and Ace, Izo remained in the crew for a little while, accepting Marco as the new Captain, and aided them in their quest of revenge against Blackbeard. Straw Hat Pirates He was willing to rescue any of his crew when he was at Marineford. Official English Name: [22], Another two years later, the Whitebeard Pirates clashed with the Roger Pirates on an island for three days and three nights before the skirmish became a gift exchange. Roronoa Zoro | As a samurai, Izo appears to value a glorious and meaningful death in battle over his own life, stating that he missed the chance to have one too many times, and is therefore ready to lose his life in the raid against Kaido's dominion over Wano.[9]. No information [28], Izo, Nekomamushi, and Marco later joined some of the Scabbards at the back entrance of Onigashima, where Izo reunited with Kikunojo. Lucky Roo | Rebecca, Amazon Lily/Kuja Tribe Tag: izo. Enemies Crocodile | Powers/Skills Friends/Allies Albeit on the weaker side of Yonko commanders. Boa Hancock | Kuzan‡ | [11] During the raid on Onigashima, they reunited for the first time in over 25 years and he was pleased to see Kikunojo again.[12]. At some point after Ace became the 2nd Division commander, he talked about going to war with Kaido to liberate Wano Country, but Whitebeard never agreed to this request. [13] After Oden officially joined the Whitebeard Pirates, his attitude changed as he became close with the crew. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! Yamato | Izo is the Previous 16th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Portgas D. Ace† | After the timeskip, he is shown to have a small scar over his right eye, his hair appears longer, and he has second shorter strand of hair hanging over the left side of his face. Smoker | Donquixote Rosinante† | Funi English VA: One Piece 1012 ワンピース Spoiler, ... Neko ha raggiunto Onigashima in separata sede, in quanto era andato a cercare Marco (e Izo), era ovvio che non lo sapesse. [29] After Marco left to check on a shadow he saw at sea, the group was confronted by Kanjuro and an army of Beasts Pirates. [33], When Kaido retaliated with a roar that created wind scythes, Izo was alarmed when Kikunojo's left arm got sliced off. One Piece Capitolo 986: l’Omelia del Reverendo. ↑ One Piece-Manga - Odens Abenteuer (Band 95) - Kapitel 964 ~ Oden und Izou auf Whitebeards Schiff. Portgas D. Ace† | the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates fought against the Blackbeard Pirates but ultimately lost, Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Izo?oldid=1790377, Whitebeard Pirates and their subordinate crews vs. the. Birthday: Izo also upholds the crew’s one iron clad rule of never killing their allies. After many adventures together, Izo was seen partying with the crew happily. One Piece chap 992 với những thông tin đầu tiên đang thu hút rất nhiều sự quan tâm của độc giả hâm mộ. [2] Before becoming a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, he was a former resident of Wano Country, and the heir of his father's dancing school, Hanayanagi School (花柳流 Hanayanagi-ryū?) With it, he was able to penetrate Kaido's tremendously tough skin by shooting it.[17]. In One Piece Chapter 981, Chopper and Big Mom are reunited. After Whitebeard was stabbed by Squard, Izo is seen with the rest of the commanders looking on in shock and terror. Anime pre-timeskip Vinsmoke Reiju | Marco | Hobby Even after twenty years since Oden's death, Izo is still extremely loyal to Oden as he would go along with Nekomamushi assist the Nine Red Scabbards and Straw Hat Pirates in the raid on Onigashima to avenge his master's death. Her chances of making it out of the arc alive are quite low. Before leaving Wano, he was the heir to his father's dancing school, Hanayanagi School. Unfortunately, it would take longer before fans know what is about to happen next as the release of the next chapter of One Piece will be delayed for a period of time. Izo is a tall man, with long, black hair tied up in a way that resembles that of a Geisha, black eyes, pale skin, and purple lipstick. Full Name Izo | Kuzan | Viola | He is Kikunojo's older brother too. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. Izo and the other division commanders fought against the admiral to ensure that Luffy sees the New Era. He stated that it was the right time to move on since the Marines were pulling back. Kawamatsu | If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Origin Edward Newgate† | Residence: Japanese VA: [15], Izo possesses an advanced level of Busoshoku Haki, which he can imbue into the bullets he shoots. Release date “One Piece” chapter 962 will be out on Nov. 17. Boa Hancock‡ | Paulie | You would think that as a native of Wano, Izo would be a samurai, but no. Koala | No.257: 16th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. [34] Izo wrapped a tourniquet around Kikunojo's arm, and Kin'emon cauterized the wound. No information After Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, and Kawamatsu joined Oden, they were running low on funds. Emporio Ivankov, Marines Shirahoshi | The One Piece manga continues to give more intriguing information about the late Kozuki Oden and his journey inside and outside the Land of Wano. He hails from the country of Wano, but at some point in the past, for some unknown reason, left the country to beocme a Pirate. Hubungan Izo dan Kiku sempat dicurigai, karena Izo pun adalah sosok dengan fisik laki-laki namun memiliki wajah yang feminin. Marco | Save Ace from Execution (failed)Get Revenge on Blackbeard (failed)Defeat Orochi and Kaido (ongoing) [37] They were placed in the treasure room on the second floor, where a mysterious person was tending to them. Kikunojo is Izo's only sibling. Boa Hancock | Seira | Scarlett | Little Oars Jr. helped the pirates by pushing their ship through the hole that the giant created. Status: After Oden became daimyo of Kuri, he became one of his retainers. Kozuki Momonosuke | Sanji | He hails from the country of Wano, but at some point in the past, for some unknown reason, left the country to beocme a Pirate. He had the top of his head shaven, with his bangs parted and the back tied up and pinned. Bepo | After their father was arrested and convicted, they stayed together to survive in the streets of Ringo and they both joined Kozuki Oden. He was pulled up after hanging onto Oden's body and tied up on the ship for at least three days before Whitebeard decided to let Oden join the crew. Type of Hero Occupations: Jinbei‡ | Izo developed sharpshooting skills back when he was still a street-dwelling child, as part of his entertainment routine. Anime, Comics, Manga. Benn Beckman | Mar 17, 2021. every-izo-ever: Hi everyone!! Izo and the Scabbards watched as the Sulong minks engaged the enemy. As the alliance revealed themselves and attacked the Beasts Pirates, Kaido transformed into his dragon form and flew to the roof of the Skull Dome, with Izo's group grabbing onto him. Edward Newgate† | 16th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Izo is a character from ONE PIECE. Gol D. Roger† | [10] Later, when Nekomamushi and Inuarashi returned to Wano and informed Kiku about Izo staying with the Whitebeard Pirates, Kiku expresses positivity, knowing that her brother will be happy. Fights using two flintlock pistols. RELATED: One Piece: 10 Things You Should Know About Trafalgar D. Water Law. https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Izo?oldid=2241584. This makes him one of three citizens of Wano to be members of the Whitebeard Pirates, along with Kozuki Oden and Kozuki Toki, and one of two to be a division commander, along with Oden. Kaya | Jozu | No.256: 16th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.
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