
A couple who came together and will leave together at the end of the night. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. She raises her eyebrows, sending a pointed look at the six empty shot glasses on the table. She makes a mental note that she definitely needs more coffee. Maybe she’s not getting her heart broken tonight. Last night the shirt hugged Bellamy’s lean, muscular chest and shoulders really, really well. Clarke’s been in this industry long enough that she knows some people are workaholics. The thunderous beat of the celebrating crowd wracks through her again. The chaste kiss that follows feels like a promise. And probably one for Raven too, she owes her. but i clearly overestimated my ability to consistently write so here i am actually posting it on new year's day, months later. His eyes linger on her a little longer after she’s broken eye contact. “Bellamy and I. We’re not dating. When she was eleven, her grandmother once told her that if she saw a black cat she should stay away from it because it brings bad luck. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. Bellamy did indeed get lucky. Spending the rest of the night with Bellamy next to her feels dangerous. If anything, she and Bellamy were both in complete agreement with this decision. Intelecto misturado com estresse interno. 21/UK/queer they/she this blog is a fucking mess idek. A collection of 10 of the best vodka drinks in the world. The idea of a New Year’s Kiss means nothing to her. Brandy doesn't make many appearances in the average bar, but it's a natural choice for simple and sophisticated drinks like the B&B , a snifter of brandy and Benedictine. “Working during the break without a heavy-handed hint from Diyoza, Bellamy? “Shoot your shot.”. Looking quickly down at her person, she saw the very same white button down that Bellamy was wearing last night when he came over her apartment and subsequently slept over after a very good night together. Created by MillerCoors, Henry's Hard Sparkling Water is a lightly flavored drink that is fairly easy to sip at the club or pound on the sand. mrfylke2001: arunima: ↵ Originally from arunima Lusty nights gave way to soft mornings spent in languor and laziness. Raven clears her throat. View Entire Discussion (7 Comments) More posts … hi!! She reaches him when Jasper’s at four. They both make their way to the door, pushing through bodies and likely stepping on some people’s feet. “You’re wearing his lucky favourite shirt.”. His life has always been at the very edge, feeling the harsh extremes of everything. She saw it ruffle Bellamy’s curls, pushing it off his forehead. I want it all, Bellamy.”, He opens his mouth, then closes it. The fall spice cordial recipe is the perfect example of how it's done. They had dinner at some random café in Trafalgar Square and it was decidedly the best non-date Clarke’s ever been on. Jasper sweeps them up in a weird, drunken dance off where the only willing participants were Jasper and Monty. “What are you doing here on a weekend, Blake?”, “I was just picking up a case file to work on over the break. No space between them exists when she finally pulled him down. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. Traditionally made with amaretto liqueur and fresh lemon juice, some also add an egg white to this classic cocktail.Check out these easy mixed drinks you need to know. Clarke snorts. She’s swivelling her head around like a crazy person, she knows. Perfect Strangers (feat. In retrospect, she probably should have known. “I want more than just kissing you, you idiot. Clarke whips her head back to Raven. “Clarke. Raven swings back around in her chair, facing the table again. Closer. Maybe she’s not the only one who wants a specific someone. Takes a hard look at the paper she’s been reading for the past ten minutes, then puts it down and pushes it away. She can hear Raven masking a laugh with a cough, but all she can look at is Bellamy. They do. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. And then while scrolling through her phone halfway into season six, Clarke got an e-mail reminder from their local art gallery that today was the last day for the exhibit she’s been planning to see. She finds Raven and slips into the booth across from her. Until of course that same interloper comes up and knocks on their open door. It’s a case she’s been working on for the first eight months of her career, so sue her, she wants to get drunk on tequila. Clarke’s never been the one to believe in superstitions. Then they hear the ding of the elevator. The tantalizing flavor is a mix of bourbon, vanilla liqueur, and a hint of orange. Sometimes they would watch documentaries on the couch or sometimes they would traverse the outdoors and introduce the other to their favourite spots in the city. She and Bellamy are still fucking and life is still good. Follow. Raven replies her agreement and Bellamy looks back to Clarke with a raised brow. It looks better on you, anyway.”, That pulls a laugh out of Clarke. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. Home. Gathering the courage, she looked over and he’s already watching her. The exact origins of this sweet drink are mostly a mystery. Licor forte misturado com um pouco de intelecto. “Why did you think that?”, Raven finally looks up from the paper she’s reading and looks Clarke up and down. High key Harry Styles trash. But he was busy talking to Monty and Raven was tugging on her elbow to get drinks. I only wanna talk about Harry Styles but also don't you dare talk to me about Harry Styles. His mouth twitches and there’s a glint in his eyes as he looks her up and down. He goes through the routine again. You see everything. But now it’s New Year’s Eve. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect sports enthusiast ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ Berlin ️ Bavaria plant based love is love They made eye contact, his eyes bright, more open than she’s ever seen them before. Clarke shakes her head too, taking a sip of her coffee after sitting down and sighing at the ridiculous amount of paper work they have to get through. Fluttering her eyes open, she’s met with a crinkly, stark white shirt blocking her way. Normally a sound they wouldn’t hear from this conference room, drowned out by the sounds of everyday office chatter and noise. left kudos on this work! Just for a bit. Harry Styles - "Kiwi"She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect And all the boys, they were saying they were into it … I don’t have that control.” She takes a deep breath. “It was worth a shot.”. home questions archive theme. The urgency is dampened by the slow pace of his thumb at her jaw, softening the pull of his lips. Quite potent with a 42% alcohol content, Sambuca can be used as the best alcohol for shots or even with a little bit of water. Raven’s already there. Next time, tell me you’re going to wear it out before you leave me shirtless and asleep in your bed.”. enby-life. ترجمة Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect, مدبلج: الإنترنت مترجم الى العربية. Tonight she wants to keep her mind clear, opting instead to sip slowly on a fruity cocktail than knocking back shots of Tequila with Raven and Jasper. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, clarke is oblivious to all the feelings but raven clears her right up, bellamy has a slight kink for clarke wearing his clothes, clarke isn't superstitious unless it comes to bellamy obvi. Raising her eyebrows, she says, “What?”. A unit. Absolutely-Adopt-Us. Screw Raven for making her think she needs more. She feels the loss of heat from Bellamy’s palm at her hip, only to find it at her jaw, angling her face towards him. She squeezes Bellamy’s arm before nodding in Raven’s direction. His long strides carry him to her in less than a second. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Bellamy pulls away from their kiss first, eyes bright and a small smile already forming on his lips as the rest of the world comes back to them. Licor forte misturado com um pouco de intelecto. “Excuse me?”, “I’ve always wondered if you two were sleeping together. Since simple syrup is easy to make at home, it's the ideal venue for a little heat. 1 Favourites. You have me.”, Nuzzling his jaw, she smiles contentedly. I know you wanted to—”, Clarke looks up from the file she was holding when Raven stops abruptly. The bar is busy. But in the cool winter air, Clarke sees her breath as she wraps her arms around herself. Hard Liquor Lyrics: Dre you must've been of the Hennessy when you did this my nigga / Hard liquor / Hard liquor / Hard liquor / Is there anymore hard liquor / Make sure that it's mixed / And twisted Encha meu copo com álcool. Misturado com a atitude, olhe como ela é quente. Raven gives a no-nonsense greeting, already nose-deep in a file in the centre of the conference table. Harry Styles Kiwi Sticker Designed by dexypop $2.70 Alcohol isn’t good for you — no surprise there. The hand she has resting on his heart makes a fist with his shirt, finally pulling his lips to hers. “Nope.”, Clarke looked out the window, watching the rain from between the blinds. She’s a pretty good lawyer. I want more than wondering if the last time I kissed you is the last time I’ll ever get to. She widens her eyes and Bellamy sends her a challenging look. She knows Bellamy’s favourite bookstore is the one down the street from their office building, and when Clarke sends Bellamy out on coffee runs he knows exactly to get her favourite drink from the café just around the corner from her flat. “I think you of all people, Clarke, are aware of how talented I am.” Bellamy winks. “You’ve always had me. Kiwi - Harry Styles; Fill my cup, pour some liquor in it . Tags: harry styles, kiwi, album, cigarettes, song, cute, fun, lettering, quote, words, black, hard liquor, hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. “Thank God.”. Technically not her fault. The idea that there is a next time makes her chest tight and she breathes him in, feeling his arms tighten around her. Give us a break from having to catch up to you in her good graces.”, “I can’t help something that comes naturally.”, “Ah yes, just one of your many hidden talents.”. She wishes she could wrap herself around it right now. She feels her cheeks heating up at the implied suggestion and she really can’t bring herself to come up with something worth saying to that. He cups her jaw with one hand while another pulls her against his chest. She starts making her way to him at the same time he starts walking towards her. In the corporate landscape full of greed and deceit that make up London’s top money makers, Bellamy somehow created a niche for himself, tackling almost a quarter of their entire firm’s pro bono cases all on his own. Instead, he had said, “Why not? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She wants to tell him how badly she means it. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. Breaking eye contact, she pulled herself up and plopped herself on his lap. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d be afraid you’re two sheets to the wind by now.”, Raven ignores the comment. She nodded, wrapping a hand around his nape, the other working on the buttons of his shirt as they both lean in. Follow. All I do is go to concerts watch tv shows and movies & cry She told Wells about it the next day with the arrogance that only an eleven year old who thought they were wiser than really were could possess, ready to hear his scoff. Or that if she wished on a shooting star, her wish could come true. Clarke’s a second year junior associate in the London-based Kane Diyoza firm, she’s used to having strange work hours and grumbling about it. She stopped walking. Ou a um bar de esquina e levantar o balcão de bebida. One beer is considered to be a 12-ounce beer, with 5 percent alcohol content. That’s it.”, Raven raises an eyebrow. as well as Technically. The problem with that was how it kept happening. anyway, title is from kiwi by harry styles aka the loml. That everything she tried to convey in their kiss was true. WARRIORS-CTS. At the entrance is none other than Bellamy Blake, Clarke’s not-so-favourite fellow associate. Not that it’s a significant point or anything. Log in to see their photos and videos. She stays seated at the table, fiddling with one of the empty shot glasses left behind when she hears Jasper’s shouts break through the music. ), “I heard you won the Eligius case, Griffin.”, Something about tequila just makes all her filters disappear. I just got my answer.”, Clarke’s jaw drops. “See you both at the bar tonight then?”. Licor forte misturado com um pouco de intelecto. Posts; Ask me stuff! T-shirts, stickers, wall art, home decor, and more featuring designs by independent artists. bi. Alcohol … Raven shoots him a grin and a not-so humble shrug. 160 guests No Lie (feat. But the itch to locate Bellamy and be by his side is strong and something she can’t explain. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. She can feel him roaming her figure, leaving her feeling naked. She remembers tugging on the collar, pulling Bellamy’s face to hers for the first time that night. She wants to be the one who hears about his day, all his good ones and his bad ones. “What?”, Clarke shrugs. I don’t have that control.” She takes a deep breath. My posts. One serving of hard liquor is a 1.5 ounce glass of 80-proof liquor. ill fucking kill you. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect: Fake Instagram Posts of Harry Styles and Y/N || Requests are open :) Ask me anything Submit a post. Staring at the shelves of a local liquor store can be an intimidating experience — whether it's picking out the perfect birthday gift for a liquor connoisseur, or expanding an alcohol repertoire previously reliant on whatever cheap liquor shaped your college experience. The first time Bellamy and Clarke slept together it wasn’t her fault. The third time he opens his mouth, a laugh comes out. His eyes flick over to Monty, whom he’s still talking to. my face. Every purchase you make puts money in an artist’s pocket. Menulis apa yg aku rasakan, yg aku lihat, yg aku dengar dan aku igaukan. He’s known for clever arguments and seemingly ruthless attacks. “I know.”, “Hear me out here.” She sweeps her eyes over the apartment, eyes catching on the throw thrown over the couch, the amount of times she’s sought comfort by burying herself in that blanket is more than she can count. It’s a fact. So yeah. i hope you enjoy all the gratuitous fluff!! Fireball Cinnamon Whisky is a mixture of Canadian whisky, cinnamon flavoring and sweeteners that is produced by the Sazerac Company.Its foundation is Canadian whisky, and the taste otherwise resembles the candy with a similar name, Ferrara Candy Company's "Atomic Fireball" candy. This time though he turns his head just at the right time and makes direct eye contact with her and holds it. JP Cooper) - Jonas Blue; Intellect mixed with inner stress . Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. “You good?”. 1 year ago. n-u-m-n-u-m-s. Group Member 14. Quite potent with a 42% alcohol content, Sambuca can be used as the best alcohol for shots or even with a little bit of water. “I’m a planner. Muh. It feels like a promise, much like the first time she kissed him. Random post. multi-fandom account. A constant battle between cataloguing each touch just in case it’s the last time she’ll ever get to do it or simply living in the moment. CLICK THAT LITTLE 'HD' BUTTON! Of all things Bellamy is in this world, her favourite is how soft he is. Clarke would also begrudgingly admit that Bellamy is hot. jill. Harry Styles Kiwi lyric sticker Sticker. She just happens to also look cute while wearing Bellamy’s shirt. 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After a few seconds where they confirm that whoever the guest is, they are clearly not in the business of interrupting Raven and Clarke's work, the pair go back to their respective papers, half listening to the person make their way from the elevator and into one of the offices down the hall. It is bottled at 33% alcohol by volume (66 U.S. proof).. Jasper is trying to pull Monty who is trying to pull Clarke into the dance floor when Clarke spots Bellamy over Jasper’s shoulder. i dont even know what passive means. Just for a bit. Clarke is happy. Clarke bites her lip. Hard Liquor Mixed With A Bit Of Intellect. He’s like a furnace; she loves to press her nose against his shoulder in the middle of night, slotting her feet between his shins, trying to share his warmth. She wants to be sitting on the couch or lounging on the bed and hear him come home. The shirt strikes again. He shoots her a smile and mouths, I’ll find you. A very good night, if Clarke does say so for herself. Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. “You two seriously need to get your shit together.”. But all that matters is the press of Bellamy against her, his solid presence like a buoy keeping her afloat and stagnant in the sea of partygoers. She’s watching him shrug off his coat while toeing his shoes off, the familiar sound of the hallway closet closing makes Clarke ache. Leaving Clarke to call for a lyft while Bellamy tries to get as much water and food in their system in the meantime. “Now tell me that that guy over there is cute because I really want to make out with him.”, Clarke looks in the direction Raven’s looking. It’s just past three in the afternoon when the rhythm that settled between the two breaks. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. Mixed drinks, sure, whatever. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. She wants a life with him. The world around them is a cacophony of cheers and claps, welcoming the new year with a bang. He’s good. If you want.”. Uptown Funk! It’s never been a problem until now, around Bellamy Blake. “From this stack onward, they’re all organized by date and the initial four lines of code markers. Already follow af.fresco? Her favourite resident IT genius who she probably owes four lives to given how many times Clarke has gone to her for help in wading through copious data files for multiple cases in the past year. I want to keep you forever. USA. But really, my favorite is Scotch. Syahrul Padli. After having dropping off Jasper and Monty and checking in on Raven (who is still with Shaw), Clarke followed Bellamy to his apartment. Submit a post; Archive; thegirl-almighty. 22. mass. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Hard Liquor Lyrics: (Hard liquor) / Me and my people be so drunk we don't drive / We take the trolley cause of (Hard liquor) / We started Waldo to Westport and P&L then Martini Corner at … Or maybe it was a date. (Clarke thinks he spends sixty percent of his day pushing those curls out of his eyes. And when I want something, I can’t make a shooting star appear across the night sky at will just so I could wish on it. Copy and paste the following code to link back to this work (CTRL A/CMD A will select all), or use the Tweet or Tumblr links to share the work on your Twitter or Tumblr account. Not Afraid - Eminem “You can keep it. Home about sideblog talk to me Submit. Clarke smiles. Closer. Sonia ♈ hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. And when I want something, I can’t make a shooting star appear across the night sky at will just so I could wish on it. Swinging her bag onto the nearest open chair in the conference room Raven has commandeered to organize all the files for their case work. “Clarke, you can have all the kisses that you want.” His eyes shine with mirth. Maybe she’s not the only one who needs to be with someone too. Any-Adoptables. Actually, don’t sue her. Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor . Today she’s got it loosely tucked into a pair of skinny jeans, the sleeves messily folded up just before her elbows, and the first two buttons undone. He stiffened. Photos 31352 Notes. Clarke replies with a grunt. He can schmooze his way into any opportunity and out of any real repercussions when he doesn’t strictly follow their managing partner’s orders. The figure rolled over and it’s none other than Bellamy Blake. That’s the thing with their arrangement; never really knowing if the last time is the last time. She opens her mouth to reply but any word that she could have said aloud would have been drowned out by the sound of cheering around them, lost in the raucous excitement and joy of a new year. Standing quickly, she barely registers the sound of glass hit the wooden table. An hour later, his hand was warm inside the both of hers as she walked backwards, tugging his laughing form out of the bar and into the warm spring night. I’m so fucking in love with you, it’s ridiculous. Vodka is a mixer (oxymoron intended). 2. He’s alone, the way his shoulders are set makes it look like he’s also pushing through the crowd, looking. Damn, haven't heard that name in a long time. The next morning, she rolled over in bed and found she can’t go any further. You can adjust the non-alcoholic ingredients to your preference if you prefer a weaker or stronger drink. UltimateAdopts. He walked her home and kissed her on the cheek after bidding her good night. The only reply she gets is a smirk and a slight shake in the head before Raven continues on with her explanation. #tbh She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect And all the boys, they were saying they were into it Such a pretty face, on a pretty neck #harrystyles Similar to a liquor infusion, you can create some interesting cocktails by spicing up the drink's sweetener. Tasting like a combination anise, star anise and licorice, the next time someone offers you a Sambuca shot, know that this is one of the best-tasting alcohols in the world. The feeling of his arm brushing against hers as he animatedly talks to Monty is familiar and intimate. Posts; Ask me anything; Submit a post; Archive; toms-gf. We’re just sleeping together. She ended up staying the whole day with him. Not all of us are geniuses who can memorize shit, Reyes.”. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. Work Search: AnimalAdoptionAgency. Her laugh is smothered by his chest and she lays her cheek down, hearing the soft, steady thrum of his heart and feeling the warmth seep through all the layers he’s wearing onto her own skin. Kiwi - Harry Styles; And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed . Just when I kissed you at midnight. E estou tão confusa, me sinto encurralada e pressionada. Hard liquor: An easier keto alcohol. If you really want something and you would do anything to get it, believing some make-believe fairy tale can’t hurt right?”. “The whole sticking together at a party thing doesn’t really scream we’re just fuck buddies to me.”, Raven’s silent for a bit. 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