
Gabriele Galimberti is an award-winning Italian photographer who works on long-term documentary photography projects around the world, several of which have become books, including Toy Stories, In Her Kitchen, My Couch Is Your Couch and The Heavens. He has photographed people and guns in their homes and neighbourhoods, including locations where no one would expect to find such collections. Documentary, Film, Uncategorized 17 August 2017 The many faces of tax evasion. OpenWalls In the US, there are more guns than there are people, and more gun stores than there are pharmacies, Starbucks, and McDonald’s restaurants combined. The Ameriguns: Galimberti, Gabriele: Fremdsprachige Bücher Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener … Of all the firearms in the world owned by private citizens for non-military purposes, half are in the United States of America. Female in Focus The Ameriguns Gabriele Galimberti. “I try to analyse why guns are so deeply ingrained in American culture, and how the second amendment has changed its meaning over 250 years, from the moment it was written into the constitution, till now,” he explains. Despite making up just five per cent of the world’s population, the US is home to more than half of the world’s firearms; twice as many as Yemen, three times as many as Uruguay, and ten times as many as Egypt. We use cookies to make sure that you have the best experience on our site. Imprimer -+ Ajouter au panier. Share This. The Ameriguns: Gabriele Galimberti’s analysis of US gun culture by. Photographer Gabriele Galimberti has travelled to every corner of the United States, from New York City to Honolulu, to meet proud gun-owners, and to see their firearms collections. Confronted by this huge collection of guns, Galimberti realised he had found a new subject matter to continue with this “visual formula”. Il fotografo Gabriele Galimberti ha viaggiato in ogni angolo degli Stati Uniti, da New York City a Honolulu, per incontrare orgogliosi possessori di armi e per vedere le loro collezioni di armi da fuoco. Plus de détails. She studied English Literature and History of Art at the University of Leeds, followed by an MA in Magazine Journalism from City, University of London. “For me… it was a big surprise to see that the bias that many people have about gun lovers is not really true,” he continues. Design by Tommaso Tanini (DISCIPULA), BUY THE BOOK (English USA)     BUY THE BOOK (English UK)    COMPRA IL LIBRO (Italiano). Accanto agli scatti di Galimberti, i racconti, le interviste, le parole della giornalista Gea Scancarello. These, often unsettling, portraits, along with the accompanying stories of the owners and their firearms which are based on interviews, provide an uncommon and unexpected insight into what today is really represented by the institution of the Second Amendment. Learn more about our use of cookies: Cookie Policy. Two hundred and fifty years later, the Second Amendment is still entrenched in all aspects of American life and this book frames its current status through what are seen as four fundamental American values: Family, Freedom, Passion, Style. Carrying on with the dinosaur assignment in Montana, Galimberti visited another gun store, and within a couple of hours, he was in another home, photographing an even larger collection of guns. It’s just a tool that they have in the house, and they need to know how to use it.”. CO-PUBLISHED WITH DEWI LEWIS. Write for us 1,317 Likes, 63 Comments - Gabriele Galimberti (@gabrielegalimbertiphoto) on Instagram: “THE AMERIGUNS, my new book is ready! Top Photojournalism RSS Feeds on. Marigold Warner 3 February 2021. In number they exceed the country’s population: 393 million for 328 million people. November 2020 – Designed by Tommaso Tanini (DISCIPULA) Texts by Gea Scancarello. La manifestazione fieristica tornerà in presenza; L'Arezzo verso la sfida decisiva di Legnago: i convocati di Stellone; Coronavirus, in Toscana 1.150 nuovi casi, età media 43 anni. "A Gabriele i miei più che meritati complimenti per la sua costante crescita professionale nel mondo della fotografia, senza aver mai perso di vista il suo legame con il suo paese”. Numerically they exceed the country’s population: 393 million for 372 million people. He had a few days off, and was intrigued by a huge gun store he passed in the middle of nowhere. The book is split into four sections — freedom, family, passion, and style — “the four big values that keep Americans so attached to guns”. Our site uses cookies. Gabriele Galimberti. They use Instagram and Facebook to sell guns as a ‘cool’ product,” says Galimberti. For many families, guns are an inherited tradition. Gabriele Galimberti: The Ameriguns (Dewi Lewis & Skinnerboox, 2020) Gabriele Galimberti is an award-winning Italian photographer who works on long-term documentary photography projects around the world, several of which have become books, including Toy Stories , In Her Kitchen , My Couch Is Your Couch and The Heavens . Toy Stories pictures children with their favourite toys, while In Her Kitchen pictures grandmothers from across the world, photographed with their signature dish. He has photographed people and guns in their homes and neighbourhoods, including locations where no one would expect to find such collections. Image Credits. Video recensione di un libro fotografico, dedicato all'America e alle sue Armi Along with the portraits, the photobook includes essays about the history of the second amendment – the right for American people to bear arms, ratified in 1791 – as well as infographics and statistics, and excerpts from the social media profiles of gun enthusiasts and influencers, who are increasingly being hired to promote guns. Con CouchSurfing, un progetto pubblicato per due anni su D la Repubblica delle Donne, ha viaggiato per 58 paesi e cinque continenti. Di tutte le armi da fuoco al mondo possedute da privati cittadini per scopi non militari, la metà si trova negli Stati Uniti d'America. News ; Design; Technology; Lifestyle; Calendar; Contact Us. Our History Portrait of Britain He followed this pattern in three more states, and returned home with a collection of five portraits. Authors 1854 Media is a multi-award-winning digital media organisation with a global community including millions of photographers, arts lovers and international brands. “Guns are attached to the DNA of America.”. More information about the photo Less information about the photo. Photographer Gabriele Galimberti has travelled to every corner of the United States, from New York City to Honolulu, to meet proud gun-owners, and to see their firearms collections. “It doesn’t matter if you are Democrat or Republican, it doesn’t matter if you’re Black or white, rich or poor,” says Galimberti. Rafal Milach’s book triptych interrogates three border walls and the architecture of propaganda, The Ameriguns: Gabriele Galimberti’s analysis of US gun culture, Bindi Vora studies the language of 2020, selecting characteristic phrases and pairing them with a vintage archive, La Caravana del Diablo: Ada Trillo’s troubling portrait of a US-bound migrant caravan, As the radical far-right in Germany gathers support, Jörg Colberg warns of the danger it poses, Ethical Portraits: In Search of Representational Justice, A photographer bears witness to the gentrification of his childhood home, A Parallel Road: A multi-layered exploration into the Black experience of the American road trip. The Ameriguns: Gabriele Galimberti’s analysis of US gun culture. Title: The 'Ameriguns' by Gabriele Galimberti, Italy, for National Geographic / Putnam Valley, New York. La foto vincitrice racconta in modo toccante, personale e globale, la pandemia. World Press Photo 2021: Galimberti sul tetto del mondo con “Gli Ameriguns” Vaccino, agende aperte per gli over 70; OroArezzo, se ne riparla nel 2022. © Gabriele Galimberti from The Ameriguns, published by Dewi Lewis. The people who Galimberti reached out to were not the bible-toting conservatives that the media tends to portray. In number they exceed the country’s population: 393 million for 328 million people. 2021 Photo Contest. Submit to editorial The Ameriguns. Marigold Warner joined the British Journal Photography in April 2018, and currently holds the position of Online Editor. Interviews & texts by Gea Scancarello Il fotografo Gabriele Galimberti ha viaggiato in ogni angolo degli Stati Uniti, da New York City a Honolulu, per incontrare orgogliosi possessori di armi e per vedere le loro collezioni di armi da fuoco. BJP International Photography Award As a valued member of our community, every Wednesday and Sunday, you’ll receive the best of international contemporary photography direct to your inbox. Gabriele Galimberti "The Ameriguns", i collezionisti di armi: l'altro volto degli USA nelle foto di Gabriele Galimberti L'intervista al fotografo a Deejay chiama Italia. Classe ’77, toscano di nascita, ma cittadino del mondo di adozione. Gabriele Galimberti is an Italian photographer based in Tuscany. Contribute; Advertise; Home Lifestyle The Ameriguns. “For example, here in Italy, when we are six or seven years old, your father teaches you to ride a bike,” says Galimberti. Gabriele Galimberti / The Ameriguns. It is the history of the Second Amendment, ratified in 1791 to reassure the inhabitants of the newly independent territories that their Federal Government could not, one day, abuse its authority over them. Dietro una fotografia si nascondono ore di studio. Gabriele Galimberti first met a gun-collector in 2018 in Kansas, while he was on commission shooting dinosaur fossils for National Geographic. Gabriele Galimberti has travelled throughout the USA, from New York City to Honolulu, to meet proud gun-owners and see their firearms collections. “I’m a curious person, so I started to speak with people,” he recalls. Menu. We use cookies to make sure that you have the best experience on our site. He has spent the last few years working on long-term documentary photography projects around the world, some of w... Read the full biography . Get in touch Ameriguns by Gabriele Galimberti is published by Dewi Lewis. “ The Ameriguns ” è il nuovo libro di Gabriele Galimberti, pluripremiato fotografo toscano, classe 1977. Studio 1854 Ha vinto il World Press Photo 2021, l’” Oscar delle immagini ”, il fotografo toscano Gabriele Galimberti, che Il Reporter aveva intervistato in occasione dell’uscita del suo progetto The Ameriguns, premiato oggi dalla giuria del contest internazionale. Photographer Gabriele Galimberti has travelled to every corner of the United States, from New York City to Honolulu, to meet proud gun-owners, and to see their firearms collections. Ha fotografato persone e pistole nelle loro case e nei loro quartieri, anche in luoghi dove nessuno si aspetterebbe di trovare tali collezioni. October 16, 2020. Galimberti is the author of several photobooks that take a topological approach to their subjects. Galimberti’s latest photobook, The Ameriguns, is the result of this journey, backed up by two years of research. 37,91 € Épuisé. He found 50 willing subjects in around 30 different states, and booked a flight to America, where he spent the next two months travelling and photographing individuals and families, posing proudly with their collections. February 03, 2021 in 03, 1854 Photography. LINK IN BIO ——— Here you can see a quick preview - Text by…” Of all the firearms in the world owned by private citizens for non-military purposes, half are in the United States. © Gabriele Galimberti. £35.00 . Back in Italy, he continued to research, joining Facebook groups for gun enthusiasts, and reaching out to over 500 people to ask if they were willing to be photographed. In the US, it is illegal to advertise guns on social media, so hiring influencers has become a loop-hole for many manufacturers. This is no coincidence, nor a matter of market alone: it is rather a matter... Read More. Lo storico premio di giornalismo visuale ha scelto le immagini più belle capaci di raccontare l'attualità del 2020. Gabriele Galimberti is an award-winning Italian photographer who works on long-term documentary photography projects around the world, several of which have become books, including Toy Stories, In Her Kitchen, My Couch Is Your Couch and The Heavens. Gabriele Galimberti from THE AMERIGUNS, By the way: “An average of two-thirds of firearm-related deaths are suicides; a ‘mere’ third are homicides, a negligible few of which are in mass shootings. Ha fotografato persone e pistole nelle loro case e nei loro quartieri, anche in luoghi dove nessuno si aspetterebbe di trovare tali collezioni. Gabriele Galimberti è risultato uno dei tre vincitori del World Press Photo 2021 nella sezione ritratti con progetto ′′Gli Ameriguns", realizzato per il National Geographic. Numerically they exceed the country�s population: 393 million for 372 million people. Home / 03 / 1854 Photography / The Ameriguns: Gabriele Galimberti’s analysis of US gun culture. This image is collected in. Gabriele Galimberti has travelled throughout the USA, from New York City to Honolulu, to meet proud gun-owners and see their firearms collections. He has photographed people and guns in their homes and neighbourhoods, including locations where no one would expect to find such collections. “The gun industry is working exactly like the fashion industry. Plus de détails . He has photographed people and guns in their homes and neighbourhoods, including locations where no one would expect to find such collections. In einem Pflegeheim in São Paulo hat der dänische Fotograf Mads Nissen eine Szene aufgenommen, die eine internationale Jury zum Pressefoto des Jahres kürte. “In the US, when you are six or seven, your grandfather will probably teach you how to shoot a gun. The Ameriguns by Gabriele Galimberti Posted on October 20, 2020 - By Dewi Lewis Publishing Of all the firearms in the world owned by private citizens for non-military purposes, half are in the United States. He said, ‘probably more than 60’.” By instinct, he asked if he could photograph them, and within an hour, he was in his front room, surrounded by a collection of pistols, shotguns, and rifles. THE AMERIGUNS - Gabriele Galimberti (ENG+ITA) 0.00. Skip to content. “I try to analyse why guns are so deeply ingrained in American culture, and how the second amendment has changed its meaning over 250 years, from the moment it was written into the constitution, till now,” he explains. Bookspread from The Ameriguns, published by Dewi Lewis. Gabriele Galimberti, viaggio in “Ameriguns” “The Ameriguns” è una grande fotografia, nel senso lato del termine, che racconta una realtà senza esprimere giudizi. In the same way that we learn how to bike, they learn how to shoot. Shop Accept Press enquiries, Portrait of Humanity “I was talking with this guy, and I asked him how many guns he had. Decade of Change, About 1854 Her work has been published by titles including the Telegraph Magazine, Huck, Gal-dem, Disegno, and the Architects Journal. GABRIELE GALIMBERTI: The Ameriguns - Collector's Edition £320.00 This special collector's edition is limited to 3 sets of 10 copies. Each set comprises of the book and a choice of one of the three prints shown to the left. Galimberti’s latest photobook, The Ameriguns, is the result of this journey, backed up by two years of research. Reading Time: 3 minutes From the history of the second amendment, to Instagram influencers and inherited weapon collections, Galimberti’s latest publication charts America’s obsession with guns. The ‘Ameriguns’ April 19, 2019 ... Gabriele Galimberti. This is no coincidence, nor a matter of market alone: it is rather a matter of tradition and Constitutional guarantee. Of all the firearms in the world owned by private citizens for non-military purposes, half are in the United States of America. 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