
Non vi sono santi e beati che portano questo nome, ma … [1] The most common include shortening a longer name (e.g., "Pete" for Peter) or adding the diminutive suffix /i/ ("movie" for moving picture), variously spelled -y ("Sally" for Sarah), -ie ("Maggie" for Margaret), and -i ("Dani" for Danielle). E voi lo passereste il test di italiano? -lebn: tate-lebn, Malke-lebn. Some Yiddish proper names have common non-trivial diminutive forms, somewhat similar to English names such as Bob or Wendy: Akive/Kive, Yishaye/Shaye, Rivke/Rivele. In questa puntata abbiamo imparato: - ad esprimere un contrasto con i connettivi avversativi invece, mentre e al contrario: avevo paura, invece è andato tutto bene; io lavoro, tu al contrario ti riposi; mi aspettavo un voto basso, mentre il professore ha detto che la mia preparazione è ottima. chico, "small" → chiquito → chiquitito/a, chiquitico/a, chiquitín(a) and even chirriquitico. © 2018 - 2019 Le proprietà dei cristalli riportate nelle schede dei nomi non sono riconosciute dalla medicina ufficiale, NON consiglio assolutamente di sostituire le cure mediche. Some given names, such as Sun Feifei's, are already formed in this way. I testi presenti su questo blog sono puramente informativi (e d'intrattenimento) e non costituiscono il parere di un medico o uno specialista. Nel grafico qui sotto, basato appunto sulle statistiche ufficiali, potete capire sia quanto è piaciuto in passato e quanto piace ancora il nome Luca, sia potete vedere quanti bambini nel corso degli anni sono stati chiamati così. This ending has crossed over into English as well (e.g. L'onomastico di Rino può seguire quello di … La linea rossa mostra la posizione nelle statistiche di gradimento anno dopo anno e la linea blu il numero di bambini chiamati così. rina. Das italienische Äquivalent hierzu lautet „di“, z.B. Such constructions do not appear in Dutch. Thus Volf becomes Velvl, Khaim: Khaiml, mame (mother): mamele, Khane: Khanele, Moyshe: Moyshele, kind (child): kindl or kindele, Bobe (grandmother): Bobele, teyl (deal): teylekhl (mote), regn (rain): regndl, hant (hand): hentl, fus (foot): fisl. A few words have more than one diminutive, of which one is formed by lengthening of the vowel sound with a different meaning. Sabä. Some nouns have slightly irregular diminutives. Some words only exist in the diminutive form, e.g. Another difference is that in the Dutch language also adjectives and adverbs can be conjugated as diminutives as if they were nouns. Use of these diminutive suffixes on a finally stressed word stem causes umlaut of the stressed vowel. brolis (brother) → brolelis, broliukas, brolytis, brolužis, brolužėlis, brolutytis, broliukėlis, etc. Speakers also tend to use longer endings, which are not grammatically correct, to express even stronger form of familiarity or cuteness, for example "miminečíčko" (very small and cute baby), instead of correct "miminko" and "miminečko". 1, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Bulgarian language § Diminutives and augmentatives, Studies on word-formation in Lithuanian (1944-1974), Antanas Klimas,, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles needing additional references from October 2016, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia external links cleanup from April 2019, Pages with non-English text lacking appropriate markup and no ISO hint, Pages with non-English text lacking appropriate markup from May 2020, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2015, Articles containing Russian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles containing Hungarian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, -ock: bittock (wee bit, little bit), playock (toy), sourock (, -ockie: hooseockie (little house), wifockie (little woman), -le: crummle (a bread-crumb), snirtle (snigger, snort), -lin: hauflin (half-grown boy), gorblin (unfledged bird), Slapie: a buddy who one shares sleeping quarters with, Koek en zopie: small food and drinks stall for ice skaters that springs up along frozen canals during winter, Manneke(n): little man, little fellow (from which the word, Bakkie: cup (of coffee), rig (radio transmitter), trailer. Tra gli altri onomastici troviamo: 1. For example, the word конь (kon', a male horse) has a diminutive form конёк (koniok). Vowels of proper names often turn into an umlaut in Highest Alemannic, whereas in High Alemannic it remains the same. The same goes for the North Germanic languages. For example, the common German word for girl is das Mädchen, which is neuter because it is a diminutive of die Magd (feminine) – the maiden (Handmaid, maidservant, not: virgin). Adjectives and adverbs can also have diminutive forms with infix -еньк- (-en'k-): синий (siniy, blue) becomes синенький (sinen'kiy), быстро (bystro, quickly) becomes быстренько (bystren'ko). For example, the diminutive forms of տատ (tat, grandmother), գետ (get, river) and գայլ (gayl, wolf) are տատիկ (tatik), գետակ (getak), and գայլուկ (gayluk), respectively. In other cases the diminutive may be used figuratively rather than literally to imply affection, camaraderie, euphemism, sarcasm, or disdain, depending on context. kitchenette, Corvette, farmette). Several diminutive derivational suffixes existed in Ancient Greek. This is most often applied to children's names, though lifelong nicknames can result: In Punjabi, oftentimes feminine inanimate nouns tend be diminutives of a masculine noun. For generic use (for living beings and inanimate objects), Esperanto has a single diminutive suffix, "-et". They may not even be grammatically related to the base word, only historically, whereas the relation has been long forgotten. Luca è il nome di San Luca Evangelista, autore degli Atti degli Apostoli. Egyptian) reduplication of the last syllable is also used (similarly to Hebrew), as in: Modern Hebrew employs a reduplication pattern of its last syllable to mark diminutive forms. Turkish diminutive suffixes are -cik and -ceğiz, and variants thereof as dictated by the consonant assimilation and vowel harmony rules of Turkish grammar. Luca è il nome di San Luca Evangelista, autore degli Atti degli Apostoli. There are two suffixes that can be systematically applied in German: The contemporary colloquial diminutives -chen and -lein are always neuter in their grammatical gender, regardless of the original word. -uelo/-uela (pollo, "chicken" → polluelo). The first suffix that can be added is -че, (-che). Some of these names may also have Slavic or mixed Slavic-Germanic origins.[13]. : "oi Mädle, zwoi Mädla.". -zuelo/-zuela [pejorative] (ladrón, "thief" → landronzuelo). As is demonstrated by the example, in recursive usage all but the last diminutive "-ne" suffix become "-se" as in forms inflected by case. The suffixes -i and -csi may also be used with names. Some proper nouns are made diminutive with ऊ (-u). di Luca Piccini. Several of them are common as suffixes of surnames, originally meaning the offspring of a certain person, e.g. The most frequently used Persian diminutives are -cheh (چه-) and -ak (ک-). gily. Il santo viene festeggiato il 18 ottobre, giorno dell’onomastico per Luca. Corinne becomes Cogi resp. Sometimes alternating different suffixes can change the meaning. LEGGI IL SIGNIFICATO DEL NOME LUCA NEL DIZIONARIO DEI NOMI DI NOSTROFIGLIO.IT. Posted on 24/6/2017, 15:34 . In case of adjectives the use of diminutive form is aimed to intensify the effect of diminutive form of a noun. Note that in this case, the suffix -ek is used twice, but changes to ecz once due to palatalization. But most of the time you can tell diminutive particle from formative by simply omitting the suffix. French diminutives can be formed with a wide range of endings. It is a very productive ending,[3] can change the function of a word and are formed by adding one of the suffixes -je, -pje, -kje, -tje, -etje to the word in question, depending on the latter's phonology: A few words have several diminutives: kip → kippetje or kipje (chicken), rib → ribbetje or ribje (rib). A little would be äs bitzli (literally a little bite) as to "ein bisschen" in Standard German. Sometimes double diminutives are derived: ""-elītis/-elīte", ""-ēntiņš"", ""-ēniņš/-enīte"". Historically, some common Austro-Bavarian surnames were also derived from (clipped) first names using the -l suffix; for example, (Jo)hann > Händl, Man(fred) > Mändl (both with epenthetic d and umlaut), (Gott)fried > Friedl, and so on. Cute suffixes in Mandarin include "-a" (啊, a) and -ya (呀, yā). For personal names and familial forms of address, the affixes "-nj-" and "-ĉj-" are used, for females and males respectively. Compare this with the High German suffix -chen (see above). The following is a list of diminutives by language. Diminutives are more frequently used than in English. Other less used ones are -izeh and -zheh. ...etc. zeepaardje (seahorse) and sneeuwklokje (Snowdrop), while others, e.g. Ricordando il San Marco di ‘Lilì Marleen’, celebre canzone popolare tedesca che ispira anche il titolo del film di Rainer Werner Fassbinder. I importanti sono: infinito 1. persona italiano dar doy dare estar estoy stare hacer hago fare ver veo vedo saber sapere conocer conozco conoscere salir uscire salgo Grammatica Spagnola Luca Marceglia Nota che si dice yo doy, das, el da ecc. 'sakít plástik', a plastic bag), Aharón אהרון : Á(ha)rale אהר'לה or Rón רון, which in turn can produce Róni רוני, Davíd דוד : Dúdu דודו, which in turn can produce Dúdi דודי, Productive-diminutive, a.k.a. huis becomes huisje (little house); boom becomes boompje (little tree)). It seems that the sound is the decisive factor here, so it might be useless to find some grammatical devices here. -ijo/-ija (lagarto, "lizard" → lagartija "wall lizard"). Sabrina becomes Sabsi resp. By far, the most common are those with -elis/-elė or -ėlis/-ėlė. Suffixes -accio, -accia (rarely -azzo, -azza), -astro, -astra[14] and -ucolo, -ucola, also exist, but they are used to form pejorative words, with no diminutive meaning: tempo → tempaccio (weather → bad or foul weather), popolo→popolaccio (people→bad people, riffraff, dregs of society), amore→amorazzo (love→frivolous, short-term love story), giallo → giallastro (yellow → yellowish, sallow), poeta → poetucolo or poetastro (poet → rhymester, poetaster), Such suffixes are of Latin origin, except -etto and -otto, which are of unclear origin.[15]. Diverse le varianti straniere invece. Note that adverbs get an extra s appended to the diminutive: Some nouns have two different diminutives, each with a different meaning: A few words exist solely in a diminutive form, e.g. -ok; kiçkok, berxok, derok. Il cognome Chini è molto diffuso in trentino e nel vicino bresciano, nel milanese, in Toscana, soprattutto nel fiorentino, e nel Lazio. Some words have a slightly different suffix, even though the diminutive always ends with -je. -lekh (-like): roytlekher (reddish), gelblekher (yellowish), zislekher (sweetish). Note the various stem mutations due to palatalisation, vowel shortening or vowel lengthening: In Polish diminutives can be formed of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and some other parts of speech. Tore è sardo. In varieties of West Low German, spoken in the east of the Netherlands, diminutives occasionally use the umlaut in combination with the suffixes -gie(n): In East Frisian Low Saxon, -je, -tje, and -pje are used as a diminutive suffix (e.g. In Yiddish the primary diminutive is -l or -ele in singular, and -lekh or -elekh in plural, sometimes involving a vowel trade in the root. La sua diffusione è in parte condizionata diatopicamente, essendo prediletto in Toscana, in competizione con -etto soprattutto in Veneto e ne When used, the diminutive has mostly a neutral or positive connotation: The diminutive can, however, also be used pejoratively. Può essere comunque l'abbreviato di altri nomi quali Ornella, Annella; vengono usati anche i seguenti vezzeggiativi: Nelluccia, Nellina, Nedda, quest'ultimo usato molto al Sud Infatti, se andate nelle informazioni relative alla chat troverete solo il nome con cui gli stessi partecipanti hanno registrato il proprio profilo. igualito – diminutive of igual, same and pochino or pochettino - diminutive of poco, a little/a few). Origine. As well, the ending -on was used for both genders, as Alison and Guion from Alice and Guy respectively. Nây نای (pipe) → nâyzheh نایژه (small pipe, kitāb كِتاب (book) → kutayyeb كتيّب (booklet), hirra هِرّة (cat) → hurayra هُرَيرة (kitten), jabal جبل (mountain) → jubayl جبيل (little mountain), baṭṭa بطة (duck) → baṭbūṭa بطبوطة (small duck), khatúl חתול (cat) : khataltúl חתלתול (kitty), adóm אדום (red) : adamdám אדמדם (reddish), kóva כובע (hat) : kovaʾón כובעון (small cap, also means condom), sak שק (sack) : sakít שקית (bag; e.g. casa, genere cioe' maschile, propri di animale, comuni possono essere astratti, collettivi es. In inglese, nelle forme Luke e Lucas, il nome è in uso sin dal Medioevo; è utilizzata anche la forma italiana Luca, sin dal XIX secolo, ulteriormente popolarizzata dalla canzone di Suzanne Vega Luka . At this points the noun has become neuter, because of the -e ending. For example: кучка (kuchka, a small pile) -> куча (kucha, a pile) - the general meaning remains, it is a diminutive form, but тачка (tachka, wheelbarrow) -> тача (tacha, no such word) - the general meaning changes, it is not a diminutive form, потолок (potolok, ceiling) -> потол (potol, no such word) - the same with masculine gender. Dovrebbe derivare dall'aferesi di diminutivi dei nomi Francesco o Luca diventati prima Franceschino o Luchino. Hence, "Petřík" may well mean "our", "cute", "little" or "beloved" Peter. "pejorative": /y_ish/, Contemptive-diminutive, a.k.a. generico sia nel genere che nel numero. A familiar example of the -erl diminutive is Nannerl, the childhood name of Maria Anna Mozart, the sister of the celebrated composer. Significato: Nome tipicamente medioevale derivante dal tedesco con il significato di "ricchezza, possesso". Significa Luce, deriva da lux e lucis per il latino e da lukios (lùcio) per il greco. Some examples of common diminutives: Russian has a wide variety of diminutive forms for names, to the point that for non-Russian speakers it can be difficult to connect a nickname to the original. In Sinhala, proper nouns are made diminutive with -a after usually doubling the last pure consonant, or adding -iya. Diminutives are generally constructed with suffixes applied to the noun stem. -ete/-eta (perro, "dog" → perrete; pandero, "tambourine" → pandereta). pie, "foot" → piecito → piececito, piececillo. Una persona che preferisce star sola ma che non disdegna la compagnia degli amici più stretti. Considerato patrono dei pittori. casona, diminutivi es. Contrary to the previous section, umlaut are not used that frequently (Gurke - Gürkchen vs. Gurkerl). Manuele o Manuel: diminutivi di Emanuele, nome che viene dall’ebraico e significa “Dio è con noi”.L’onomastico si può festeggiare il 17 Giugno o il 26 Marzo; Marcello: nome che viene dal latino e significa “consacrato a Marte”.Festeggia l’onomastico il 16 Gennaio; Marco: nome di origine latina che può significare “uomo virile” oppure “consacrato al dio Marte”. Forms such as "pisikesekesekene", having three diminutive suffixes, are grammatically legitimate. Tra i due, per una bimba, sicuramente meglio Ludy. Gabriel becomes Gäbu in Highest Alemannic. In Dutch, the diminutive is used extensively, have different meanings than size alone and is not merely restricted to nouns. E' il nome del primo imperatore romano d'occidente, Flavio Onorio. Il suo significato è infatti 'onorevole, persona che è rispettata'. However, -ling has a masculine gender. -ucho/-ucha [pejorative] (médico, "doctor" → medicucho). alice: ali. For example, the proper noun (name) Wickramananayaka can make the diminutive Wicky. The same with сыр (syr, cheese), сырок (syrok, an affectionate name or a name of a small packed piece of cheese, see the third paragraph), сырочек (syrochek, an affectionate name). All these suffixes East Frisian Low Saxon shares with Dutch. For example, a small house would be a "Häusle" or a little girl a "Mädle". Some suffixes generally express stronger familiarity (or greater smallness) than others. porcellus. The following diminutives palatize (noted as /y_/) all the preceding ⟨d⟩ → ⟨j⟩, ⟨s⟩ → ⟨sh⟩, ⟨t⟩ → ⟨ch⟩, ⟨z⟩ → ⟨zh⟩. Not only names, but adjectives, adverbs and pronouns can have diminutives as well, as in Portuguese, Polish and Russian. -[e]nyu: kale/kalenyu (dear bride), harts/hartsenyu (sweetheart), zeyde/zeydenyu (dear grandpa). Every noun has a grammatically-correct diminutive form, regardless of the sense it makes. But конёк (koniok) also means a skate (ice-skating, no diminutive sense in this case), and has another diminutive form конёчек (koniochek, a small skate). Lùcio invece, ne ha circa 35.000. In Magahi, proper nouns are made diminutive with -a or -wa. In addition to denoting small size and/or endearment, they may also function as amplificatives (augmentatives), pejoratives (deterioratives), and to give special meanings, depending on context. luca, acrescitivi es. caña, "cane" → canilla, literally "small cane" but actually "water tap" or, in some places, "baguette". -cik is applied in cases of endearment and affection, in particular toward infants and young children by exaggerating qualities such as smallness and youth, whereas -ceğiz is used in situations of compassion and empathy, especially when expressing sympathy toward another person in times of difficulty. Corä. Può essere interpretato anche come “nativo della Lucania” oppure “nato alle prime luci del mattino”. NELLA Diminutivo variato di Nilla, troncato di Petronilla, col significato di Pietruzza. The most common ones were -ιο-, -ισκο-/-ισκᾱ-, -ιδ-ιο-, -αρ-ιο-. There are many examples of this kind: сота (sota, a honeycomb) and сотка (sotka, one hundred sqr. Undici nuove ballate piene di melensaggini che strizzano clamorosamente l’occhio ad un pubblico femminile da telenovelas, abbandonando del tutto quella ricerca di nuove sonorità che sembrava trasparire nei precedenti lavori più ambiziosi, peraltro non premiati da un gratificante successo di vendite. Tutti ricordiamo almeno un Luca molto famoso che poi è Luca Evangelista, autore degli Atti degli Apostoli e che fu medico nell'antica città di Antiochia ma nel corso della storia questo appellativo è stato utilizzato da moltissime altri personaggi divenuti poi famosi. beetje, a [little] bit, mandje, basket) as compared, i.e. Also, the suffixes -on and -it sometimes mark diminutive forms; sometimes the former is masculine and the latter is feminine. [8] Some of these name bases are difficult to recognize in comparison to standard German; for example, Dumke, Domke < Döm 'Thomas',[9][10] Klitzke < Klitz 'Clement',[11][12] etc. A unique feature of Swabian is that words other than nouns may be suffixed with -le, which is not the case with other German dialects (except Bernese Swiss German), High German, or other languages: wasele (diminutive of was, what) or jetzetle (diminutive of jetzt, now) or kommele (diminutive of kommen, come). Mi è venutoin mente Mavi, diminutivo di Maria Vittoria. In Hindi, Some common nouns and adjectives which are declinable and some which end in a consonant can be made diminutive by changing the end gender-marking vowel आ (ā) or ई (ī) to ऊ (ū) or by adding the vowel to ऊ (ū) respectively. Nomi maschili (Nòm mascolin) Modifica. -(e)shi: bobe/bobeshi (dear grandma), zun/zuneshi (dear son), tate/tateshi (dear daddy). In both cases the first suffix -ок changes к to ч, when the suffix -ек is added.

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