
For a general desalination plant, 10% to 40% of the O&M cost is fixed costs (e.g., labor). The installed cost of desalination plants is approximately $1m for every 1,000 cubic meters per day of installed capacity. This may be due to many factors, such as the necessity to remove high calcium and magnesium (hardness) levels, the addition of chlorination and dechlorination steps to destroy microbes, or the necessity of using UF to remove high molecular weight organic compounds. For an RO system, the required product water quality will dictate the number of membrane passes required, thereby impacting costs. However, there is no consensus on how the costs will vary. This paper examines the cost competitiveness of an extra-large-scale (275,000 m³/d) solar-powered desalination, taking as a case study the Chtouka Ait Baha plant in Morocco. (WRA, 2012). Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC) is primarily used to desalinate high TDS (> 45,000 mg/l) and/or industrial wastewater for the purpose of reuse and not necessarily potable uses. The type of intake and outfall selected for a desalination plant is one of the most important technical considerations for a plant’s cost-efficient design and optimum operation. As a rainfall-independent source of water the desalination plant complements Victoria's existing drainage basins, being a useful resource in times of drought. San Diego County Water Authority. The desalination plant price offered here are the perfect fit for commercial water treatment plants that purifies water on a large-scale basis. (Arroyo, et al., 2012). The nonpartisan research group recently issued a lengthy report on the state of desalination in California. From a construction point of view, careful considerations are recommended for items such as local soil conditions (may require new soil fill or structural concrete piles) and close proximity to a reliable power source to reduce the power transmission costs. Two desalination plants faked water quality data to cut costs Energy Ministry inquiry reveals that Sorek plant manipulated chloride amounts before daily samples were taken; workers at … As an example, in 2012 the Texas Water Development Board estimated that the total production cost of desalinating brackish groundwater ranged from $0.29 to $0.66 per m3 of capacity ($1.09 to $2.49 per thousand gallons) (Arroyo, et al., 2012). Currently in 2017, in some locations, the cost of MSF has decreased by up to 20 percent from 2010 due to technological development and lower energy prices. Should northern California build desalination plants, and if so, where? The typical CAPEX cost and components for most desalination plants can be further divided into nine parts, as follows: intake and raw water conveyance; pretreatment; desal treatment; post-treatment; product water pumping and storage; electrical and instrumentation system; plant buildings, site and civil works and balance of plant; brine discharge and solids handling; and miscellaneous engineering and development costs. Fortunately, water desalination technology has matured and production and operating costs have been dropping, Almar Water Solutions’ CEO Carlos Cosin highlights in a recent blog post. The use of RO has been a tradeoff between low OPEX (using electromechanical energy vs. typically more expensive thermal energy) vs. high CAPEX (due to the cost and relatively short life of membranes, so high replacement cost). A large number of countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are under serious freshwater stress and are facing a projected increase in water scarcity well into 2025. The effects of climate change, population growth, and the rise of industrialization have played a significant role in water scarcity and have had a substantial impact on water demand. As Keppel Infrastructure’s appointed engineer, AECOM provided innovative solutions to overcome the design and control challenges in the design and construction of the world’s first dual-mode desalination plant, which can treat 137,000 m 3 /day. The decision is being seen as a hedge against Perth’s drying climate, which has experienced a decline in annual rainfall in the past decade. The technology selection will also determine the type of chemicals that will be used for pretreatment and post-treatment which impact operational costs. 7], As noted in this paper, the cost of developing, constructing, and operating a desalination facility depends on the location of the plant, the raw water type and quality, type of intake and outfall, the desalination technology and energy recovery systems used, the cost of electrical power, any required post-treatment and storage, distribution costs, and environmental regulations. Table 1 for three SWRO plants located in various locations of the globe, such as the US, the Middle East, and Australia. In 2014, it was reported that the desalination plant was costing the taxpayers $534,246 per day as the plant sits idle. Higher raw water salinity may also reduce the feasible product water recovery per gallon of raw water for both RO and thermal systems. These desalination plant cost are much advanced and ideal for commercial uses. Therefore, a large-scale desalination plant serving 300,000 people typically costs in the region of $100 million. The Sorek desalination located about 15km south of Tel Aviv, Israel, became operational in October 2013 with a seawater treatment capacity of 624,000m³/day, which makes it world’s biggest seawater desalination plant. The uique design helps Singapore to harness new technology cost effectively. The Sorek facility features 16in membrane elements installed in vertical pressure vessels. Andrew Bolt has just reported that that the Victorian desal plant is going to cost over $19 Billion. The primary reason is cost. Research from the International Desalination Association (IDA) has forecast the market value for containerized desalination plants in 2013 to be US$830 million, with an annual growth rate of 15%. Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) distillation technology is used, each with a capacity of 80,000 m3/day. Each of these items has a significant cost impact. Infrastructure costs include items such as earthworks, concrete, steel, structures, drainage, and building materials. In the early 1980s, a desalination plant on the island of Malta operating at 30% to 33% recovery produced water at a cost of US$ 1.08 per m3. The cost of locating a facility closer to the point of use and a suitable power source should be weighed against the costs associated with additional intake and discharge pipeline right of ways, pipeline costs, materials transport, permits, labor and maintenance associated with moving a plant farther away from the coast or distribution service area (WRA, 2012). This number increased from 78.4 million cubic meters in 2013, a 10.71% increase in 2 years. 5 Factors Affecting Desalination Plant Cost ]As technology advances and scale enlarges, the cost of international seawater desalination plant reduces by a certain degree. For example, WorleyParsons/Advisian conducted a study to develop the CAPEX and OPEX for a 35,000 m3/day desalination plant located in the Arabian Gulf region and being fed with oil field produced water and producing boiler feed water. The saltier the water the more expensive it is to desalinate, so it may be cheaper to desalinate brackish (slightly salty) water or wastewater rather than seawater. Based on budgetary CAPEX and OPEX costs generated in that study, the unit production cost was roughly four times higher than would be predicted using Figure 9. Figure 4 - Total worldwide capacity by desalination type [Source: Ref. The cost database demonstrated that current large-scale desalination plants are capable of producing water in the range of $0.50–$2.00/m3, depending on plant size. The plant is a climate-independent source of water that can be used in times of extreme weather and if our conventional water treatment plants need to be offline. $1.2 billion is the 30-year total out-of-pocket costs to build and run it." Energy costs account for one-third to one-half of the total cost of producing desalinated water, so the cost is also greatly affected by changes in the price of energy. The Singapore-Tuas Seawater Desalination plant is a seawater reverse osmosis plant finished in 2005 with a capacity of ~29 million gallons per day. The high cost of setting up and running a desalination plant is one reason why the government has been hesitant in building such a plant. Outside the main Kaust desalination plant, which uses a technology called reverse osmosis, four huge tanks full of sand filter impurities from the seawater as it arrives through a pipeline. and variable costs (such as power, chemicals, and other consumables. … For students Learn more about the desalination process and how the plant works. Depending on the feed water pretreatment required and energy costs, RO system capital and operating costs can be lower for a given capacity than for thermal processes. "The $329 million is in capital cost to build (the desalination plant). Figure 10 – Unit production cost of water for desalination technologies [Source: Ref. The cost of desalinated water, the majority of which is accounted for by plant capital costs and energy costs, is typically in the range of $0.5 to $3 per cubic meter of water (0.05-0.3 dollar cents per liter of water). The benefits of containerized systems are clear compared to large scale, fixed infrastructure: they are designed to provide a method of producing low cost drinking water, quickly and efficiently. In the 1960s, desalination emerged as one of the most important means of treating saline water to bring it to acceptable water quality standards for use in various parts of the world and industrial sectors (Ghaffour, et al., 2012). In the case of SWRO, in areas such as small bays, gulfs or channels, seawater currents, and the resultant natural mixing from the larger body of seawater (i.e., the ocean) may be minimal. Research from the International Desalination Association (IDA) has forecast the market value for containerized desalination plants in 2013 to be US$830 million, with an annual growth rate of 15%. Xavier Bernat, Oriol Gibert, Roger Guiu & Joana Tobella, Carlos Campos. Important factors need to be evaluated such as the most suitable intake type (submerged vs. open intake), the distance of the intake relative to the plant, the type of intake screens, the type of intake structure, the type of intake pipeline (buried vs. above ground), and environmental considerations with regards to impingement and entrainment of marine life. According to an article by the Water Reuse Association entitled “Seawater Desalination Costs,” pretreatment costs will typically range from $0.13MM to $0.40MM per thousand m3/day ($0.5MM to $1.5MM per MGD). Capital costs for desalination plants are variable, based on the pretreatment required, posttreatment residuals, raw water sources and intakes, method of brine disposal, and the like. The predominant type of desalination technology used today is Reverse Osmosis (RO). Figure 6: Hadera desalination plant Ashdod Desalination Plant (yet to be finalized) • The plant will be located in the industrial zone of Ashdod, in south-central Israel. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume you are comfortable receiving cookies on the website. Reverse Osmosis Desalination Costs Analysis Producing drinking water from Seawater became an affordable solution when no reliable source of fresh water is available. What is the cost of desalinating water per m3? “Technical review and evaluation of the economics of water desalination: Current and future challenges for better water supply sustainability.” Water Desalination and Reuse Center KAUST, October 2012. but new facilities are being proposed with substantially higher costs due to site-specific considerations (GWI, 2006a; Miller, 2003). + $213 MM finance costs

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