Fresh water (2) Work Desalination system Ideally, this requires 2.5 to 7 kJ per kg fresh water produced. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Desalination processes remove dissolved salts and other materials from seawater and brackish water. For example, some well water is too brackish for drinking and must be desalinated. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. WHERE DESALINATION IS USED? = 75°F. desalination during the past decade or so, attributable to its improved performance in terms of energy consumption and reliability.6 RO desalination generally consumes less energy than thermal desalination. in water • The TDS is seawater ranges 10,000 to 45,000ppm compared to fresh water that is 1500ppm Figure 3: Table of the chemical composition and its concentration of seawater G Migliorini, et al., Desalination 165 (2004)289-298 For TDS = 35 ppt & Temp. The desalination core process is based on Reverse Osmosis Membrane technology, but stand alone, it doesn't provide safe drinking water, nor does it guarantee an efficient plant. A desalination plant turns salt water (brackish or seawater) into fresh water (potable or . Pacific Ocean. Desalination is the removal of dissolved salts and other impurities from salt water. Persian Golf. The performance factor of the desalination unit for different air and water flow rates have be examined by measuring water temperature. Seawater Desalination. Desalination is the removal of salts from water to produce a water of lesser salinity than the source water. salts and other minerals from the saline Presentation Summary : Solar- Multi Effect Desalination (MED) System . Narippaiyur (Ramanathapuram, TN). 2. For TDS = 35 ppt & Temp. Water Source. A project topic for First years Engineering students in Chemistry and environmental studies. to produce potable water. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. For agriculture irrigation, the salt solution is limited at lower than 2 ppt, because increasing salt can salinize the soil and result in agricultural losses. It is driven by water stress generated from limited water resources and ever growing demands for water. 4. perfect for an essay i will be giving to my students this week about desalination processes. Atlantic Ocean. Lake Granbury and Sherman). DESALINATION OF SEA desalination stations, reusing the sewage water, building dams for reserving the surface water and increasing the utilization of underground water resources. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The optimum value of ppt for drinking water is zero. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Greenery delineates Egypt’s Nile Delta, thanks to water from one of the world’s longest rivers. Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) In relation to thermal processes, Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a relatively new process that was commercialized in the 1970s (Buros, 2000). Even though the major portion of earth is covered by water, there is severe shortage of drinking water in most of the countries across the world. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Water Source. Approximate Salt Concentration (mg/lt) Desalination of water is one of the key drivers under non-power applications of DAE program. In addition, its water recovery rate is relatively higher, as one tonne of desalinated water can be produced with an input of 2.5-3.2 tonnes of Tes classic free licence. Water is very essential for all living beings. Putting Desalination Energy Use In Perspective. Overview of the desalination methods 4.1. Solar Energy for Water Desalination. It covers nearly 70% of earth’s surface. The principal desalination technologies in use are reverse osmosis (RO), and distillation. But the fact that it is affordable. Atlantic Ocean. Water being necessary for consumption, household usage, industry production, and agriculture, its demand will rise with economic and population growth. Farid et al. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view desalination during the past decade or so, attributable to its improved performance in terms of energy consumption and reliability.6 RO desalination generally consumes less energy than thermal desalination. A presentation on g+6 building by Staad pro and Autocad, Design and analasys of a g+3 residential building using staad, Study of quantity of caesin present in different samples of milk, Customer Code: Creating a Company Customers Love, No public clipboards found for this slide. Practically, it takes an order of magnitude more energy. Seawater Desalination. Practically, it takes an order of magnitude more energy. Desalination is the process of removing salts and other minerals from the saline water to render it suitable for drinking, irrigation, or industrial uses. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Other desalination technologies are used less widely due to their rudimentary development and/or higher cost. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Seawater purification 31. But the fact that it is affordable. = 75°F. Saltwater (especially sea water) is desalinated to produce water suitable for human consumption or irrigation.The by-product of the desalination process is brine. Putting Desalination Energy Use In Perspective. desalination (unless a dual purpose electric power/desalination plant is being built). Currently, RO is the most widely used method for Desalination, removal of dissolved salts from seawater and in some cases from brackish waters of inland seas, highly mineralized groundwaters, and municipal wastewaters. Currently, RO is the most widely used method for The water fed into a desalination system can be seawater (30-35 ppt or 3.0-3.5% salinity) or what is known as "brackish" water which contains less salt than seawater. Nowadays, desalination* has become a very affordable solution to cope with fresh water shortage typically in tropical as well as of off-shore areas. thank you. The rise of SWRO is attributed to the lower energy consumption and vast improvements in performance (Ghaffour et al., 2013; Loutatidou et al. Following is a brief overview of several common desalination technologies. surface water desalination (e.g. Desalination, removal of dissolved salts from seawater and in some cases from brackish waters of inland seas, highly mineralized groundwaters, and municipal wastewaters. Scientists are studying ways to use desalination on a global scale, but you can desalinate water yourself with just a cup, a bowl, and some sunlight. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view Water Recovery, % estradiol in Soap Solution estrone in Soap Solution estrone in DDW 0 10 20 30 40 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 water flux Elapsed Time, hr Water Flux, L/m 2-hr 80 85 90 95 (a) 100 estrone rejection estradiol rejection EDC Rejection, % Osmotic Processes Membrane Distillation Addresses RO Drawback 3: Passage of Some Contaminants For brackish water desalination, RO and another desalination process called electro-dialysis (ED) are both competitive. Other terms that are interchangeable with desalination include seawater or saline water … Salinity Type of saline water Salinity value (ppm) Fresh water <1000 Slightly saline water 1000-3000 Moderately saline water 3000-10,000 Highly saline water 10,000-35,000 The desalination core process is based on Reverse Osmosis Membrane technology, but stand alone, it doesn't provide safe drinking water, nor does it guarantee an efficient plant. Presentation Summary : Obtaining reliable fresh water supplies from challenging water sources Engineering Design Loop Steps Understand the need Brainstorm designs Select a design commonly more expensive than desalination of brackish water or treatment and recycling of waste water. Why desalination is a good solution for water problems throughout the world. distillate water). Membrane desalination technologies are nowadays leading the market and, among these, electrodialysis (ED) plays an important role, especially for brackish water desalination, thanks to its robustness, extreme flexibility and broad range of applications. The considered view of WWF is that seawater desalination has a limited place in water supply, which needs to be considered on a case by case basis in line with integrated approaches to the management of water supply and demand. It is a myth that, sea water desalination is exorbitantly expensive. Desalination, or the removal or salt from water, can be used to produce drinkable water from seawater or brackish water. PPT. Other desalination technologies are used less widely due to their rudimentary development and/or higher cost. For agriculture irrigation, the salt solution is limited at lower than 2 ppt, because increasing salt can salinize the soil and result in agricultural losses. WATER WHAT IS DESALINATION? 10.0 to 15.0. Water Classification. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Genesis water technologies are considered as the best leading company for providing the practical solutions for the Seawater desalination system. For example, some well water is too brackish for drinking and must be desalinated. The Minjur desalination plant consists of 8,600 sea water RO membranes, 248 pressure vessels, 23 pressure exchangers, five high-pressure pumps, 16 pressure filter vessels, electrical, automation and control systems, and a 1,200m of HDPE pipeline of 1,600mm diameter. Desalination of seawater and brackish water is accepted as an alternative source to fulfil growing water demand. Download. desalination,water treatment,sea water desalination - Worldwide sea water desalination has been a very effective and economical way of producing potable water for drinking and industries. Ia percuma untuk mendaftar dan bida pada pekerjaan. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view Increased water conservation and efficiency remain the most cost effective priorities in areas of the world when there is a large potential to improve the efficiency of water use practices. 4. The less saline substances, the better the quality of drinking water. 2 M. Nair and D. Kumar / Desalination and Water Treatment. Desalination is a process that takes away mineral components from saline water.More generally, desalination refers to the removal of salts and minerals from a target substance, as in soil desalination, which is an issue for agriculture. Salt in water takes the form of ions which, because they are charged, move under the influence of an electric field. Treatment Power Use (kWh/kgal) Conventional Surface Water 1.5 to 2.2 Brackish Water Desalination 2.5 to 6.5 Reclamation Of Municipal Wastewater 3.0 to 3.5. 1850 families distillate water). Desalination Reverse Osmosis permeate has a slightly acidic pH after Pass-1, a TDS of 70 to 350 mg/L, 2 to 6 mg/L of Ca+ Mg and Boron concentration between 0.5-1.2 mg/L based on the raw water salinity and temperature. Seawater. The less saline substances, the better the quality of drinking water. Pacific Ocean. In addition, its water recovery rate is relatively higher, as one tonne of desalinated water can be produced with an input of 2.5-3.2 tonnes of The benefits of desalination are straightforward: more water. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. [4] Desalination of brackish and seawater has been expanding rapidly in recent decades, primarily to provide water for municipal and industrial uses in arid, semiarid or water‐short areas. Today Desalination is a common process that's used in seaside cities and towns worldwide. Water Treatment course Desalination Presentation powerpoint. Their Majesties and Highnesses, the GCC leaders, pay great attention to the water issue due to water rareness in … See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. CHY1001 CHEMISTRY PROJECT FIRST SEMESTER The process renders such otherwise unusable waters fit for human consumption, irrigation, industrial applications, and … Edible water must keep the saline concentration lower than 0.05 ppt. The positive ions (cations) move in one direction while the negative ions (anions) move in the opposite direction. delivers 6000 LPH potable water in . Water Desalination Equipment Market: high demand for desalination of water in Middle East - Water desalination is the process of removing huge amount of minerals including salt from the water. The higher the salinity of the feed water, the more energy is needed to desalinate it. To Produce Potable Water. Seawater purification 31. Desalination of Sea Water - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. A desalination rates of +0.026 ppt/g/day for EC, +10.27 ppt/g/day for TDS and +0.051 ppt/g/day for salinity were observed. Need for fresh water will always be present, therefore desalination technologies must be enhanced to become cleaner, more efficient and more virtuous. Lake Granbury and Sherman). water to render it suitable for drinking, Brackish water. 1. Related processes are also used for water softening and wastewater reclamation. This process of desalination … It is driven by water stress generated from limited water resources and ever growing demands for water. The process renders such otherwise unusable waters fit for human consumption, irrigation, industrial applications, and … The range of possibilities is widely open in desalination. The water fed into a desalination system can be seawater (30-35 ppt or 3.0-3.5% salinity) or what is known as "brackish" water which contains less salt than seawater. Cari pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan Desalination of water ppt atau upah di pasaran bebas terbesar di dunia dengan pekerjaan 19 m +. report. Fresh water (2) Work Desalination system Ideally, this requires 2.5 to 7 kJ per kg fresh water produced. Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination 4-8 Annex 4 - Uzbekistan The Republic is divided into 15 administrative districts, 12 towns and 16 villages. Safe drinking water is vital for all forms of life though it does not provide any calories. Table 3 show the phytodesalination rates by morning glory of the brackish water after 3 days of the research. Work of separation W NG NG NG TS gen Other terms that are interchangeable with desalination include seawater or saline water … *Water desalination consumes a huge amount of energy that obtained by burning fuel or using electric energy or nuclear energy , and thus raise the Carbon dioxide or the complications of nuclear leakage. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. A ppt on Desalination methods If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Process description View desalination.ppt from EOS 227 at Duke University. Batch :- BME08 – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 88a733-MzMwM Water used for this process is sea water, by using this process sea water is processed in to drinking water. surface water desalination (e.g. 6 years ago. report. irrigation, or industrial uses. [4] Desalination of brackish and seawater has been expanding rapidly in recent decades, primarily to provide water for municipal and industrial uses in arid, semiarid or water‐short areas. Brackish water. 4. azzy121. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pascale Compain (2012). Approximate Salt Concentration (mg/lt) Introduction. It is a myth that, sea water desalination is exorbitantly expensive. Desalination of sea water appears as a solution for this problem. Anon6574045050600151. Colorful presentation design enhanced with water desalination - saltworks salinas de janubio colorful backdrop and a soft green colored foreground ... PPT layouts having quality of drinking water background and a sky blue colored foreground desalination stations, reusing the sewage water, building dams for reserving the surface water and increasing the utilization of underground water resources. Work of separation W NG NG NG TS gen Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) In relation to thermal processes, Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a relatively new process that was commercialized in the 1970s (Buros, 2000). International water resources EOS 227 The technical solution - desalination Global desalination industry is set to grow from 14.2 km3 per year CHAPTER 9 SOLAR DESALINATION John H. Lienhard,1,⁄ Mohamed A. Antar,2 Amy Bilton,1 Julian Blanco,3 & Guillermo Zaragoza4 1 Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy, Room 3-162, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 … Desalination is a process that takes away mineral components from saline water.More generally, desalination refers to the removal of salts and minerals from a target substance, as in soil desalination, which is an issue for agriculture. INTRODUCTION : Significance Desalination process helps remove minerals from sea water to make it consumable. 10.0 to 15.0. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. It is suggested to perform the stated experiment separately and let me know if you have any problems! A ppt on Desalination methods Therefore nearly 97.5% of earth’s total water cannot be used directly into most of the applications and uses of humans which amount to a quantity of 1351 Million cubic kilometres. desalination,water treatment,sea water desalination - Worldwide sea water desalination has been a very effective and economical way of producing potable water for drinking and industries. SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION AND PHOTOENERGY SYSTEMS - Water Desalination by Humidification and Dehumidification of Air, Seawater Greenhouse Process - Karim Bourouni, Mohamed Thameur Chaibi, Ali Al Taee Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) Agriculture, with a high demand for water, will be a major pressure point. one of the most important means of treating saline water to bring it to acceptable water quality standards for use in various parts of the world and industrial sectors SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION AND PHOTOENERGY SYSTEMS - Water Desalination by Humidification and Dehumidification of Air, Seawater Greenhouse Process - Karim Bourouni, Mohamed Thameur Chaibi, Ali Al Taee Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) Agriculture, with a high demand for water, will be a major pressure point. Submitted to Prof. Akella Shivaramakrishna. Desalination is the removal of dissolved salts and other impurities from salt water. Desalination of Sea Water - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Procedia Engineering volume 46, Pages 220–227. There are more than 15,000 desalination plants around the world providing fresh water from salt and brackish water alike. Depending on the treated water application, the Reverse Osmosis permeate should be conditioned prior to end usage. (Advance preparation: Have ready in the classroom a projector to show students the attached Water Desalination Presentation PowerPoint. For brackish water desalination, RO and another desalination process called electro-dialysis (ED) are both competitive. The Republic’s administrative centre is Nukus which has a population of 236,700. Edible water must keep the saline concentration lower than 0.05 ppt. Their Majesties and Highnesses, the GCC leaders, pay great attention to the water issue due to water rareness in … 1. Depending on the treated water application, the Reverse Osmosis permeate should be conditioned prior to end usage. 'hvdolqdwlrq lq :dwhu 7uhdwphqw '(6$/,1$7,21 ,1 :$7(5 75($70(17 $1' 6867$,1$%,/,7< %dfkhoru¶v wkhvlv &rqvwuxfwlrq (qjlqhhulqj Desalination Reverse Osmosis permeate has a slightly acidic pH after Pass-1, a TDS of 70 to 350 mg/L, 2 to 6 mg/L of Ca+ Mg and Boron concentration between 0.5-1.2 mg/L based on the raw water salinity and temperature. Seawater. In the 1960s, desalination emerged as one of the most important means of treating saline water to bring it to acceptable water quality standards for use in various parts of the world and industrial sectors (Ghaffour, et al., 2012). desalination (unless a dual purpose electric power/desalination plant is being built). Electrodialysis uses an applied electric field to remove these salt ions through ion-permeable membranes. It is a myth that, sea water desalination is exorbitantly expensive. Persian Golf. Saltwater (especially sea water) is desalinated to produce water suitable for human consumption or irrigation.The by-product of the desalination process is brine. proposed a design for a solar energy based HDH desalination unit . Water Talks : Regional Seawater Desalination, Webinar - Wind Powered Industrial Process : Seawater Desalination, Desalination of Sea Water using Membrane technology, No public clipboards found for this slide. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The region, home to more than 40% of the country’s population, faces increasing demand, but desalination holds promise in preventing water scarcity. Hope it helps! Humidification and dehumidification method for saline water desalination has been examined by many researchers. Figure 10.6 A) Number of desalination plants in operation and B) water processed by these plants by category of desalination (adapted from Anderson et al., 2010). due to the large base of thermal desalination units, with proven high operational reliability and the convenience of their integration with power plants [8]. Water Classification. Reviews. 4. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. A desalination plant turns salt water (brackish or seawater) into fresh water (potable or . Desalination is the process of removing desalination,water treatment,sea water desalination - Worldwide sea water desalination has been a very effective and economical way of producing potable water for drinking and industries. Solar- Multi Effect Desalination (med) System . Water Desalination Teachengineering 926573 PPT. 5 years ago. The optimum value of ppt for drinking water is zero. The higher the salinity of the feed water, the more energy is needed to desalinate it. Desali-nation Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has been engaged in R&D on various as-pects of desalination and water purification technologies starting from basic research work to develop-ment and deployment efforts. The morning glory started showing signs of nutrient starvation and a reduced rate of desalination. But the fact that it is affordable. MSF method 4.1.1. Other significant towns are Khodjeily, Kungrad and Chimbad. Treatment Power Use (kWh/kgal) Conventional Surface Water 1.5 to 2.2 Brackish Water Desalination 2.5 to 6.5 Reclamation Of Municipal Wastewater 3.0 to 3.5. ... • Water Desalination is the process of removing salts and minerals from otherwise saline water so that it could be used for irrigation, industry and animal / human consumption. The largest hybrid desalination plant (producing both energy and desalinated water) is Ras El Khair Plant in Saudi Arabia, the Arab Gulf coast with production capacity of 1,025,000 cubic meters per day in 2014 (1st year of operation); the plant uses a hybrid system of … Desalination is the removal of salts from water to produce a water of lesser salinity than the source water. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view Nowadays, desalination* has become a very affordable solution to cope with fresh water shortage typically in tropical as well as of off-shore areas. Go through the treatment process of the seawater on their website. You can change your ad preferences anytime. 1. SOLAR DESALINATION 279 NOMENCLATURE (Continued) V PV panel operating voltage, V Vp volume of purified water produced per day, m3day V_ p volume flow rate of purified water, m3s¡1 W_ rate of work transfer into system, J s¡1 W_ least minimum (reversible) rate of work to separate, J s¡1 Greek Symbols fi absorptivity fl angle of inclination of glass cover
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