Armageddon vs Deep Impact. As doomsday nears, the human race prepares for the worst. Both featured massive asteroids on a collision course with earth. DP still has a ton of visual effects that … now tell me this way... 1-Which is more action packed? and why? 9. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. When all movies were scored with a penny whistle and a dream. Every woman in the movie is sexually objectified at one point. Knocked Up (2007) clip with quote Volcano, Dante's Peak, Deep Impact, Armageddon, right? I know how reddit loves a discussion and I'd like to know how r/movies stands on this. Armageddon - Giudizio finale (Armageddon) - Un film di Michael Bay. Dimenticatevi l'inevitabile paragone con il deludente Deep Impact e la sua melliflua e retorica lentezza. Nearly everyone in Armageddon is a gem. Please enjoy the second part of our two-part double-feature Cli-Fi FANGRRLS edition of Deja View, Armageddon and Deep Impact! Question. deep impact for me. When talking about movies that execute against the same idea, not much beats Deep Impact and Armageddon. Durata 100 min. Michael Bay's Armageddon and Mimi Leder's Deep Impact are two movies about planet Earth facing mass extinction via meteor, which released within weeks of each other in summer 1998. So which was better?ArmageddonDeep Impact Deep Impact vs Armageddon. Consigli per la visione +13. A comet is hurtling toward Earth and could mean the end of all human life. Durata 150 min. A comet is discovered to be on a collision course with Earth. Consigli per la visione +13. Quando la minaccia Mimi Leder’s Deep Impact opened May 8, 1998, and was swiftly followed by Michael Bay's Armageddon just weeks later on June 30. Credit: Buena Vista Pictures. In entrambi, il governo degli Stati Uniti viene avvertito in anticipo dagli scienziati del disastro imminente e decide di evitare il panico tenendo nascosta la notizia. Non c'è storia tra le due pellicole. Deep Impact - Un film di Mimi Leder. Con Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Will Patton, Steve Buscemi. Ah, 1998. En 1998, s’affrontent deux poids lourds du cinéma de science-fiction : Deep Impact et Armageddon. Armageddon e Deep Impact. … Armageddon è tutt'altra cosa. With thousands of … Ok, both of these movies came out in the summer of 98. Deep Impact is a drama movie first and foremost, and unlike the action-packed Armageddon, focuses mostly on depicting the effects of the meteor's impending arrival. 4-Which is more focused on the Asteroid/Comet? Just got through Deep Impact on account of this thread and I stand by my vote. Fantastico, USA, 1998. The Lost Rival to Deep Impact and Armageddon; Features The Lost Rival to Deep Impact and Armageddon. 1998 saw the blockbuster caught at a precipice between the past and the future, between a more serious, character-oriented disaster drama from a classic Hollywood mold, and the eye-watering spectacle of technological marvel drawn in proudly crude lines. Armageddon is in a completely different, higher, tier. Both films were similarly received by critics, with Armageddon scoring 38% and Deep Impact scoring 45% on Rotten Tomatoes. As … Armageddon would go on to become the highest grossing film of 1998, entering the pop culture lexicon as a far-fetched, cheesy, but somewhat amusing blockbuster, while Deep Impact … In both cases, a joint mission between Russia and the US was launched to stop it. But while both were box office hits that garnered similarly mixed reviews, Armageddon is the movie that enjoyed more sustained popularity and is better remembered more than two decades later. Deep Impact è un film del 1998 diretto da Mimi Leder e prodotto da Steven Spielberg.. Narra delle vicende che precedono lo schianto di una cometa sul pianeta Terra, soggetto estrapolato dal film Meteor del 1979. Deep Impact is the better movie of the two, but Armageddon is the more important one. Deep Impact is the better film, Armageddon is the better chaos. They shared their themes of sacrifice and their filmmakers’ willingness to destroy huge chunks of our planet with giant space rocks on the hunt for box office supremacy. Sometimes movies are like buses. Deep Impact was the nerdy cousin of the pair; Armageddon the rampaging jock. 3-Which has better storyline? After just seeing Deep Impact for the first time after I grew up with my old brother loving Armageddon, I'm actually surprised that the two are compared so equally on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Deep Impact the Movie Science Fact vs. Fiction Karen J. Meech, Astronomer Institute for Astronomy Session 34 – 1/19/05. Paradossalmente Armageddon riesce – forse senza volerlo – nell’intento che ha perseguito – senza ottenerlo – Deep Impact: farci affezionare ai protagonisti. Il mondo è in pericolo. Dante's Peak vs Volcano isn't as close as you'd think. Deep Impact Vs Armageddon. Almost to a person, Deep Impact's characters are deeply unlikable haha. space probe designed to study the composition of the interior of the comet Tempel 1. Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Deep Impact ou L'impact au Québec, est un film américain réalisé par Mimi Leder , sorti en 1998 . Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Deep Impact has stronger characters that the audiences can connect with, but it still can't beat the cast assembled for Armageddon.Deep Impact has great actors like Tea Leoni, Robert Duvall, and an excellent performance from Morgan Freeman as the President.However, Armageddon boasts an impressive cast of actors, who were mainly known, at the time, for their independent films. Armageddon doesn’t even begin to concern itself with the same politics that Deep Impact does. Deep Impact was released in the same summer as a similarly themed film, Armageddon, which fared better at the box office, while astronomers described Deep Impact as being more scientifically accurate. 6-Which is better overall? Some in GOP break with Trump over vote-fraud claims Directed by Mimi Leder. "Deep Impact" was a N.A.S.A. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. You wait years and years for a comedy about a chubby mall cop or an action thriller about a terrorist attack on the White House or a computer animated adventure about ants, and then two come along in the same year! On July 4, 2005, one section of the Deep Impact probe … I’ve never seen it before and read the synopsis. Armageddon. With Robert Duvall, Téa Leoni, Elijah Wood, Morgan Freeman. Deep Impact gewann zwar dieses Duell, zog aber im Vergleich der weltweiten Zuschauerzahlen den Kürzeren. Deep Impact, nonostante sia un ottimo, film l'ho trovato inferiore ad Armageddon, è il classico film in cui la Terra è in pericolo e l'umanità si affida agli americani per salvarlo, con il tipico team di eroi senza macchia e paura e un finale ultra scontato; il problema è che, … Deep Impact. Deep Impact is currently on AMC. Con Morgan Freeman, Robert Duvall, Téa Leoni, Elijah Wood, Vanessa Redgrave, Maximilian Schell. Zwischen Deep Impact und Armageddon bestand 1998 ein Wettlauf um den früheren Kinostart, da beide die gleiche Bedrohung schildern. Nel frattempo, si lavora alacremente per costruire astronavi in grado di deviare o distruggere l'asteroide per mezzo di bombe nucleari. 2-Which is more realistic? L'eroismo è l'unico messaggio di un'opera che intrattiene senza arrivare in profondità. A comet is discovered to be on a collision course with Earth. Fantascienza, USA, 1998. Bruce Willis is introduced to us chasing away annoying environmentalists, then literally shooting at Ben Affleck for sleeping with his daughter. The teenage marriage plotline is very hilarious, though, I give that a 10/10. Deep Impact and Armageddon both have a token female astronaut character, but only Armageddon makes sure to have one of the menfolk refer to her as “really hot.” Simply put, Armageddon was the kind of film that had never been made before, and Deep Impact was the kind of film that would never be made again. Science Fact vs. Fiction Deep Impact, the Movie Armageddon 5-Which has better castings?
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