
Many would think the first point break film was the best and in my own time I would also. A young FBI agent infiltrates an extraordinary team of extreme sports athletes he suspects of masterminding a string of unprecedented, sophisticated corporate heists. It's stupid as shit and takes itself way too seriously, but there's a moment or two where you grind your teeth and admit that it does have a cool action scene despite the fact that the rest of the film … The action is kind of stunning; the fact that they're visually more realistic to look at than most CG-fest that blockbusters tend to feed us (except for the epilogue which is too obvious.) Trama del film Point break (2016) Nel remake di Point Break, l'action thriller che ha segnato una generazione, troviamo Johnny Utah (Luke Bracey), giovane agente dell'FBI che si infiltra in un gruppo itinerante di atleti amanti del brivido, capeggiati dal carismatico Bodhi (Edgar Ramirez). Check out our editors' picks for the best movies and shows coming your way in May. Premi. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Now, no Point Break is better than remake Point Break. They did the Ex- Presidents, even though one of them is wearing an Obama mask despite of taking place in 2015, but they only did it once, probably because there isn't much room for this fan service. Nel videogioco The Last of Us Parte II , perlustrando una banca abbandonata, Ellie e Dina discutono di un film che parla di "rapinatori surfisti". Starring Édgar Ramírez, Luke Bracey, Ray Winstone, Teresa Palmer and Delroy Lindo. When a structural-security authority finds himself set up and incarcerated in the world's most secret and secure prison, he has to use his skills to escape with help from the inside. The fact how unnatural the homages are made for this remake makes it even more frustrating to watch. Point Break is a 1991 American action crime film directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by W. Peter Iliff. One of the charms of the original, while it had some great action sequences, even the characters are interesting to watch. Consigli per la visione +16. Check out Point Break (2016) movie review, rating & box Office. Point Break - Un film di Ericson Core. Agent goes undercover to catch a gang of surfers who may be bank robbers. Point Break è un film del 2015 diretto da Ericson Core. Bishop's most formidable foe kidnaps the love of his life in order to make him complete three impossible assassinations and make them look like accidents. Point Break film stasera in tv: curiosità Il film è il remake dell’omonimo film cult del 1991 diretto da Kathryn Bigelow con protagonisti Keanu Reeves e Patrick Swayze. They're mostly spewing exposition, while Bodhi is basically acting like a parody of someone from a New Age religion. Gli atleti sono sospettati di crimini perpetrati in maniera estremamente inusuale. You may give it credit for heightening something from the original, but it doesn't do that well either. Uscita al cinema il 27 gennaio 2016. Utah and Bodhi aren't as engaging, either. Streaming. Point Break (2015): scheda e trama del film di Ericson Core. Point Break is arguably the most vital action film of the early 1990s: more important even than Terminator 2 in redefining where the genre could go and what it could do. Distribuito da Ealge Pictures. Les criminels opèrent aussi bien en motos dans des gratte-ciels new yorkais qu’en « wingsuits » pour s’échapper d’avions au-dessus de la jungle. Point Break est un film d'action américain réalisé par Ericson Core et sorti au cinéma en 2016. La storia di Point Break, remake del film del 1991 con Keanu Reeves e Patrick Swayze, segue il rapporto tra Utah e Bodhi. Luke Bracey isn't quite bad as an action hero, but he seriously needs a better material than this. Anche in questo rifacimento l’azione è centrale e sono presenti nel cast i migliori atleti del mondo del surf, di wingsuit flying, snowboard, free climbing e motor cycling ad alta velocità. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has garnered only 29 per cent in Audience Score. The film stars Édgar Ramírez, Luke Bracey, Teresa Palmer, Delroy Lindo and Ray Winstone, and was released in China on December 4, 2015 by China Film Groupand in the United States on December 2… Synopsis : Une série de braquages spectaculaires aux quatre ... à la une bandes-annonces films salles/séances news dossiers ciné tous les films. It stars Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Lori Petty and Gary Busey, and the film's title refers to the surfing term "point break", where a wave breaks as it hits a point of land jutting out from the coastline.. Point Break (2016), Action Crime Thriller released in English Hindi Tamil Telugu language in theatre near you in dhanbad. Was this review helpful to you? Recensito in Italia il 23 ottobre 2016. Point Break remake movie trailer, cast, plot, and release date starring Gerard Butler. Either way, this remake doesn't bring enough justice to the cult classic. Maybe the best among them is the rock climbing sequence where it goes from wide shots to dirty hand shots of seeing how much they'd grip. We recommend you to buy movies of original DVD & VCD. The grittiness of the dick-tug-of-war really shines through, with Johnny constantly having to prove his masculinity to get in with Bodhi’s gang. Point Break. Directed by Ericson Core. A young FBI agent infiltrates an extraordinary team of extreme sports athletes he suspects of masterminding a string of unprecedented, sophisticated corporate heists. Durata 113 minuti. Release Dates An FBI agent goes undercover to infiltrate an extreme sports group suspected of robbing banks. It's not a good undercover cop thriller, nor a good bromantic film. With Edgar Ramírez, Luke Bracey, Ray Winstone, Teresa Palmer. Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross-country race with revenge in mind. Le 3 février 2016. And the epilogue is horrendously shoehorned, like it's nothing more than a tip off the hat, because... it's not Point Break without it, I guess?However, there are some things to at least like in this film. 5.3; 11%; Ericson Core. An ex-C.I.A. Point Break ; We do not offer to watch Point Break movie online. Film 2015-2016: Reg E. Cathey sarà Dr. Storm ne I Fantastici 4 – Ray Winstone nel nuovo Point Break. digital compositor / roto/prep artist: Genialogic FX s.u. Video. MYMO NE T RO Point Break valutazione media: 2,16 su 30 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari. Résumé. | The film's IMDb page also reveals that Gerard Butler was the first person cast in the film. Pur sapendo già che cosa accadrà a Utah, agente FBI infiltrato in una banda di rapinatori appassionati di sport estremi, lo stesso Point Break 2015 riesce a non farcelo capire. Johnny Utah è un ex atleta di ... Il film è uscito nelle sale italiane il 27 gennaio 2016. 5.0 out of 5 stars Point Break (2016) 3d blu-ray edition. Durata 114 min. Point Break was released on July 12, 1991.. It was directed by Kathryn Bigelow and it was produced by Peter Abrams and Robert L. Levy. Diretto da Ericson Core, 2015 Azione (114 minuti) con Edgar Ramírez, Luke Bracey, Teresa Palmer. OK. Trailer. NELLE SALE ITALIANE DAL 27 GENNAIO 2016. Présentation Séances 3 vidéos 44 photos Casting Louer ce film. Directed by Ericson Core. ... Point Break, la recensione del remake del film con Keanu Reeves e Patrick Swayze. Ecrire une critique Match des critiques les ... 11 février 2016. Scheda dettagliata di Point Break, con trama, cast e tutte le info sul film; inoltre foto, video, trailer e recensioni della redazione e degli utenti #PointBreakRemake POINT BREAK - Un film di Ericson Core con Edgar Ramirez, Luke Bracey e Teresa Palmer. Point Break, un film réalisé 2016 par 1er réalisateur Ericson Core avec Édgar Ramírez, Luke Bracey, Ray Winstone. Consigli per la visione +16. 26 gennaio 2016. Altri film dello stesso regista: Invincible, The Claim, Togo. In London for the Prime Minister's funeral, Mike Banning is caught up in a plot to assassinate all the attending world leaders. officials and the Russian President-elect. Distribuito da Ealge Pictures. Point Break: Luke Bracey ed Edgar Ramirez in una scena del film. So this is actually a remake of the very successful critical acclaimed Point Break (1991) that starred a then young Keanu Reeves. Filming & Production He was cast as Bodhi but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts. This is […] Mind you that this was before I actually saw the damn movie. Il cofanetto francese “Ultimate” si presenta con una confezione di metallo (una box, non una steelbook), dove sono contenuti il digipack con il bluray e il dvd, un booklet di 22 pagine (comprese la seconda e la terza di copertina) con note sulla produzione, un'intervista alla regista, note sul cast e crew (in francese) e foto. Point Break comes across as a string of admittedly amazing action sequences and sports feats with the rest of the film haphazardly built up around it. Altri film dello stesso regista: Invincible, The Claim, Togo. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & … Point Break Trailer (2015) Teresa Palmer Action Movie HD. Point Break (2016), Action Crime Thriller released in English Hindi Tamil Telugu language in theatre near you in bengaluru. 66 of 92 people found this review helpful. | Remember when Utah had to lie about his backstory to earn her trust? Durata 113 minuti. ; Point Break Movie Review are added by registered customers. visual effects supervisor: Lola Visual Effects, lighting technical director: Image Engine, operations assistant: Stereo D (uncredited), element qc compositor: Stereo D (uncredited), stereoscopic artist - Stereo D (uncredited), lead element qc compositor: Stereo D (uncredited), visual effects coordinator (uncredited) / visual effects production assistant (uncredited), fight choreographer / stunt double: Edgar Ramirez, stunt performer: wingsuit aerial cameraman / stunts: Switzerland, stunt coordinator: Hawaii / underwater stunt coordinator, stunts (as Xavier Delerue) / stunts: snowboard: Italy, stunt double: Johnny Utah / stunts: Germany & Austria, assistant stunt coordinator / stunt double (stunt double: Luke Bracey), stunt double: theresa palmer / stunts: Tahiti, aerial cinematographer / aerial drone cinematography, first assistant camera "e" camera: Venezuela unit, second assistant camera: "d" camera Italy, assistant camera: 1st unit - Austria, Su India, Italy, camera operator: 1st unit & Splinter unit daily, aerial drone cinematography: snowboard unit / cineflex operator, second assistant camera: "b" camera, specialty unit, digital imaging technician: snowboard unit, second assistant camera: "a" camera, main unit italy, video assistant: main unit additional photography, second assistant camera: Specialty Unit Austria, digital imagining technician: speciality, France, second assistant camera (additional 2nd ac: Italy), first assistant camera: Paris - additional focus puller, bb grip: Tahiti Surf Unit (as Alan Mozo) / rigging grip: tahiti unit (as Alan Mozo), second assistant camera (as Laura Nathalie Naschenlas), digital imaging technician & on set colourist: additional photography, first assistant camera: special unit - Venezuela (as Moises Perez), digital imaging technician: India schedule, digital imaging technician (as Felix Rauch) (Greenscreen Berlin/Snowboard Italy), first assistant camera: splinter unit berlin, aerial camera operator: aerial footage / camera operator (aerial footage), second assistant camera (b camera: studio segments), camera operator: Aerial Drone Cinematography, first assistant camera: additional focus puller, first assistant camera: underwater scenes, assistant camera: bodymounts snowboard unit, first assistant camera: B Camera / Specialty unit, hi-speed camera operator: switzerland specialty unit, additional assistant camera: second unit and aerial unit, senior digital image technician: second unit, second assistant camera: "a" camera, snowboard unit; second assistant camera: "b" camera, main unit italy, rf technician: marine unit, final sequence, assistant camera: a camera and second unit, extras casting: Los Angeles, Additional Photography, set costumer: italian crowd assistant / stand-by snow-board unit, breakdown supervisor: HoD / textile artist, additional editor: Main on End Title Sequence, digital intermediate head of production: Company 3, second assistant editor (as Christian Schraf), additional music programming (as Aljoscha Christenhuß), assistant to music supervisor (as Rachael Lautzenheiser), production coordinator (as Concepcion Saucedo), aerial coordinator: Venezuela & Mexico / pilot: Venezuela & Mexico, assistant: Ms. Belcastro (as Rachel Alterman), weapons department: weapons crew & office coordinator, post production coordinator: electronic press kit, production coordinator assistant: Venezuela, assistant to aerial coordinator: Venezuela & Mexico, nutritionist: Luke Bracey / trainer: Luke Bracey, Production Accountant: additional photography, set manager (Main Unit - Germany, Austria, Switzerland), Production secretary Tahiti Surf/Dive unit, assistant: co-producer Mr. Molfenter (as Marie Wildenhain), director of production travel: ALTOUR travel, assistant production coordinator: green screen shoot, assistant accountant: Germany (as Danny Groch), assistant: co-producers Mr. Woebcken & Mr. Fisser, aerial coordinator/camera pilot: Utah unit, assistant to aerial coordinator: Venezuela & Mexico (as Yancey Parra), script supervisor: Venezuelan unit-italy unit, production coordinator: Tahiti Dive & Surf Unit, aerial coordinator/camera pilot venezuela, continuity: assistant script to Z. Simijonovic, assistant production coordinator: uk unit, assistant to mr. ramírez: post-production, production coordinator: Germany (as Linda Kornemann), production coordinator Mexico & Venezuela (as Berenice Manjarrez) / production coordinator: mexico & venezuela (as Berenice Manjarrez), production secretary / production secretary: Germany, key set pa: additional Photography (as Nick White), assistant production coordinator: Austria Unit, production coordinator: additional photography UK, global director of motion picture logistics: Altour Travel (uncredited). Use the HTML below. Point Break è un film di genere azione, thriller del 2015, diretto da Ericson Core, con Luke Bracey e Edgar Ramirez. We do not sell pirated Point Break DVDs & VCDs. Trama del film Point break (2016) Nel remake di Point Break, l'action thriller che ha segnato una generazione, troviamo Johnny Utah (Luke Bracey), giovane agente dell'FBI che si infiltra in un gruppo itinerante di atleti amanti del brivido, capeggiati dal carismatico Bodhi (Edgar Ramirez). Point Break se nomme à l'origine Johnny Utah quand Keanu Reeves intègre le casting pour le rôle principal [9]. Leggi la scheda film completa. A young FBI agent infiltrates an extraordinary team of extreme sports athletes he suspects of masterminding a string of unprecedented, sophisticated corporate heists. Perché tutto Point Break 2015 dimostra di non avere alcun interesse per la narrazione, dimostra di non essere capace di stendere una storia anche solo vagamente interessante. Even if it's trifle, it's still worth spending your time. Point Break, 2016. Point Break is a 2015 action-thriller film directed and shot by Ericson Core and written by Kurt Wimmer which he co-produced with John Baldecchi, Broderick Johnson, Andrew A. Kosove, Christopher Taylor and David Valdes. An F.B.I. Perché tutto Point Break 2015 dimostra di non avere alcun interesse per la narrazione, dimostra di non essere capace di stendere una storia anche solo vagamente interessante. I am interested in seeing how this one turns out.

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