
The door to the left that leads to the Workshop is locked from the other side. You’ll need to hide from Jack, but sneak into Grandma’s Room and grab the broken shotgun then use it place in the hands of the statue in the Main Hall once you get the Shotgun from that statue. Everywhere e Documenti Seguite la nostra guida per ottenerle tutte. There are six incinerators on the opposite side of the room and Ethan needs to open certain ones in order to get the far left incinerator open. E con lui un'esperienza in VR davvero incredibile. Rush down the stairs across from the dog’s head and grab the Gunpowder on the table below the stairs. A Molded will spawn step out from around the corner and it is best to kill this Molded unlike the last. Go down the stairway along the left side of the corridor. The other two Molded stand in the back southwest corner of the room and the back northwest portion of the Boiler Room. E per chi vorrà provare l'ebbrezza della realtà virtuale potrà farlo. If you don’t move, Jack will instantly grab Ethan and hit him. There is also a Mr. Now that Jack does not appear in the Main Hall area, you are free to loot the entire room. The Scorpion Keys can be used to open both Scorpion Doors – Main Hall (1F) east door and Recreation Room east door. You could just go back to through the door to the beginning of the Processing Area and he will likely despawn or move away from the next door that you should go through. Step into meat processing room up ahead and grab the Scorpion Key that is stuck in the piece of meat on the tray. Nonostante ciò però le armi che potrete trovare sono molteplici e molto potenti. You’ll be face to face with Jack at the start of the battle as Ethan recovers from being knocked to the floor. Once you move up the stairs, another Molded will spawn in the area with the tubs, so go back down the stairs and kill him. L'atteso annuncio da parte di Capcom è arrivato, ma cosa dobbiamo aspettarci da questo remake? The door at the bottom of the stairway requires the snake key in order to open. Blast him while in the room, or run out of the room and allow him to follow so you get more space in between him and Ethan then blast him in the head. You need to open the Incinerator with the bloody handprint on it and the far right incinerator (Tamara name tag inside) to solve the puzzle and unlock Travis’ incinerator on the far left. The bathtub to the immediate left has some Handgun Ammo (x8) inside and the tub in the back of the room has Chem Fluid inside. Trova resident evil 7 in vendita tra una vasta selezione di su eBay. Per tre anni, Ethan Winters ha creduto che sua moglie Mia fosse morta ma, dopo aver ricevuto uno strano messaggio, capisce che forse è ancora viva. Jack’s overall attack patterns are completely random per fight so if he goes all out on you at the start, you might want to retry. Guida di Alessandro Baravalle , Redattore Ethan can run away from Jack and kick the bodybags into him (you’ll get a button prompt while standing near a hanging body bag) to stagger him. You’ll find some Shotgun Shells (x2) on the bottom of the tray across from the bottom door and some Psychostimulants on a box to the left of the snake key door. La pellicola è interpretata tra gli altri da Milla Jovovich e Michelle Rodriguez. Il portafoglio di servizi che offre è rivolto a privati e ad aziende, per i quali, mette a disposizione tecnici competenti e tecnologie avanzate in grado di soddisfare al meglio le loro esigenze. Resident Evil 7 biohazard Processing Area (Basement) Guide. If you open the drawer of the desk you’ll find some False Teeth to examine. You'll also find the Processing Area Map on the wall near the shelf. Normally, you would think that you would want to go all in with shooting at this point, but it’s really best to save your ammo and wait since you’ll be able to damage him much more heavily in just a bit. Resident Evil 7 diventa il gioco più venduto della serie con quasi 8 milioni di copie piazzate Ed è anche il secondo gioco di Capcom più venduto di sempre. Once Ethan steps to the other side of the room, a Molded will spawn in the stairway area that leads up to the Boiler Room - it’s best to kill off this Molded since there are some more Molded in the room ahead. Ethan dovrà cercare di fuggire vivo con la moglie stando attento ai membri della famiglia Baker.Ti è piaciuto il video? Ethan can duck any of his side swing attacks with the axe but he can’t duck an overhead attack. Abbiamo dunque assistito a un nuovo trailer dedicato alla storia, così come all'annuncio di una demo multipiattaforma e della modalità aggiuntiva Mercenari. Naturally, you’ll want to try to move away from Jack while cranking it, but you might be able to duck his current attack while cranking it or have enough time to crank it then block his next attack. Once you move ahead, check behind the pallet that leans against the left wall to find an Antique Coin (7/18). When (or if) Jack smashes the middle pillar in the room, this is a sign that he is almost finished. You mainly want to enter this area to collect the items though. What you want to do is to get up in his face and block his attack then perform a chainsaw thrust against his body (aim for the head). Capcom ha sviluppato il videogame anche per la realtà virtuale. Most players will get scared and back off as soon as they see the Claw Molded on the bed, but you can actually keep moving against it and grab the Dissection Key as the Claw Molded gets up then quickly leave the room and shut the door without the need to fight it. Resident Evil 7 è disponibile da meno di un mese ma Capcom non ha perso tempo e ha deciso di lanciare sul mercato il primo DLC già disponibile su PS4 ein arrivo su PC e Xbox One il 21 febbraio. Walk over to the door on the other side and use the Dissection Room Key to open the door. There is some Chem Fluid on the dresser to the right of the cabinet and finally Shotgun Shells (x2) on the bed. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Shoot Jack in the head with the handgun or shotgun. Whenever you reenter the hallway near the beginning of the Processing Area, another Molded will spawn, so you’ll have to outrun both of them. Capcom ha pubblicato un trailer riassuntivo della storia di Resident Evil 7 in attesa di Resident Evil Village. It’s really best to kill this guy, but you can actually run from him. Trama. Run back to the Main Hall (1F). The door to the right is locked from the other side so move down the corridor to the left. Resident Evil 7 - Parte 8: Area dei Test, Lucas Baker e Boss Fight Momenti di scelte e di cambiamenti. Any Service Group è formato da un gruppo di professionisti specializzati che opera nell’area di Milano da oltre 8 anni. Cercheremo di non fare spoiler nei limiti del possibile, ma in … Step into the Boiler Room through the next door, but step inside very carefully and be ready to exit as soon as you step inside. If you have enhanced bullets then shoot him with enhanced bullets. The correct incinerator to open are mentioned in the Incinerator Room Memo – 3 a’s and a handprint. Main Hall (2F) – Grandma’s Room (Backtrack). Open the locker across from the door on the other side of the room to find some Chem Fluid. When the light turns red, the chainsaw will power down – at that point, you’ll have to press the X/Square button to crank the chainsaw back on. Resident Evil è tornato. Before leaving, grab the First Aid Med on the bucket in the northeast corner of the Morgue and break the Item Box near the exit gate. If you choose to fight the Claw Molded, it’s really no different than fighting a regular Molded besides its claw arm attacks that have greater range than normal Molded attacks. The Treasure Photo shows off a location where you can find an item if you can find the area in the photo – read the info below to find out the location. Shooting him will eventually make him lean over and expose the parasite in his body (seems to take 9 headshots with normal handgun ammo to get this). The double doors lead to the Morgue area. È il primo film della saga cinematografica Resident Evil, ispirata alla serie di videogiochi survival horror omonima, prodotta da Capcom. Il video passa in rassegna tutti gli eventi più importanti del gioco senza entrare troppo nel dettaglio, ma è abbastanza per passare al prossimo sequel della serie senza lacune narrative. The chainsaw thrust should be your main attack against Jack. Jack can be defeated with a handgun – you don’t need the shotgun for this battle. Walk toward the open locker by the double doors and grab the Herb on the lower shelf and the Shotgun Shells (x2) on the upper shelf. Grab the Treasure Photo from the shelf, the Lock Pick from the blue circular pan in the open freezer and the Herb in the cage with the meat. La vera sfida di Resident Evil 7 è in questa particolare modalità che stravolge le regole del gioco. Get away from him as he rises since he might attack Ethan if you don’t. As Ethan rises, he will have his back to the pillar in the middle of the morgue, so start to move to the LEFT to get away from Jack. Another Molded will be off to the left as Ethan enters the Incinerator Room. Both Molded can actually attack at once if you step too close to the stairs – if this is the case then blast at least one in the head with the shotgun. Run further down the hall and you’ll reach an intersection in the corridor. Use the Shotgun to blast at least one of the remaining Molded in the head to kill him off instantly. Resident Evil 7 – Guida ai finali alternativi Redazione - Redattore 31 Gennaio 2017, 18:07 Ultimo aggiornamento 10 Luglio 2018, 13:13 Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. RESIDENT EVIL 7: biohazard verrà aggiunto sull’Xbox Game Pass di Xbox One e PC il prossimo 3 settembre.Se siete interessati a conoscere le nostre opinioni, vi rimandiamo all’apposita recensione.. Fonte: CAPCOM via Siliconera Besides attacking, the thrust will also guard against ALL of Jack’s chainsaw attacks so long as you aim at his scissor saw as he performs each attack. Once you’re finished in the save room, go down the stairs and enter the Processing Area (Basement). Open the door that was beside the shutter that you opened to get into the meat processing room to continue. Once all the excitement is over, grab the Shotgun Shells (x2) on the tray along the southwest side of the room and the Strong Chem Fluid inside the locker near the locked door. Resident Evil 7 - Guida, trucchi e consigli; Resident Evil 7 - Tutti i collezionabili: Monete Antiche, Videocassette, Mr. While he grabs the scissors, you should grab the Chainsaw weapon on the left side of the gurney. Quindi raggiunge una magione abbandonata abitata dalla famiglia Baker che rapisce Ethan. You can find some Gunpowder in the circular pan below the gurney on the other side of the room, so use it to make some Enhanced Handgun Ammo. Il vostro supporto è fondamentale per me ;)Clicca qui per iscriverti: Un nuovo Resident Evil Showcase ci ha permesso di scoprire le ultime novità legate all'attesissimo survival horror di Capcom. The light on the chainsaw starts out as yellow to show that it is on then the yellow light will start to flash to show that it is about to turn off. If you have the Broken Shotgun with you then keep it with you, but if you still have that normal (working) M37 Shotgun, replace it with the Broken Shotgun from the statue in the Main Hall since you’re about to get a repair kit and the Broken Shotgun repaired is much better than the M37 Shotgun. Resident Evil 7 ha riportato la serie alle sue radici survival horror, ma si trattava di molto di più di uno sguardo al passato: come primo gioco della serie basato su una prospettiva in prima persona, veniva considerato come una vera e propria ripartenza per la saga. If you go back and get the broken shotgun now, you’ll have to deal with Jack in that area. Jack will be armed with scissors saws and Ethan will now be armed with a chainsaw. The RT button will perform a vertical slice and you can perform a thrust by holding LT then pressing and holding the RT button. Use the Red Dog’s Head on the door along the north portion of the room to unlock the door then step out to the Yard. Speed Run Strategy - Run From All Molded in the Processing Area (SPOILERS), Madhouse Difficulty – Late Molded Spawns and 4-Legged Molded, “Duck If You Love Life” Achievement/Trophy, Madhouse Difficulty – Alternate Method to Kill Jack So Chainsaw Doesn't Stop, Resident Evil 7 biohazard Walkthrough and Guide, Get the dog’s head from the dissection room, Resident Evil 7 "arrives" on the Nintendo Switch this week in Japan, Resident Evil 7 goes gold in December, complete with all DLC including Not A Hero, Resident Evil 7's Not A Hero DLC has been delayed indefinitely. Keep in mind that you can block ALL of Jack’s attacks during this battle including his grab, so if he gets up in your face, you’ll mainly want to guard. La modalità Manicomio è solo per chi ha dentro di sé lo spirito di osare e perseverare.Qui di seguito vi svelerò i segreti per diventare maestri di Survival Horror. The caged area cannot be open from the bottom floor so move up the stairs then enter the Dissection Room area that is behind the shelf – this is the room Jack was in. Lascia un commento, metti \"mi piace\"! Some of Jack’s chainsaw attacks (attacks that are high) can be ducked. Per tre anni, Ethan Winters ha creduto che sua moglie Mia fosse morta ma, dopo aver ricevuto uno strano messaggio, capisce che forse è ancora viva. The handgun requires more precise aim, but the handgun with normal bullets gets the job done fine. Resident Evil 7, i requisiti di sistema su PC Capcom ufficializza i requisiti di sistema, minimi e consigliati, per giocare a Resident Evil 7 biohazard su computer Windows: arriverà in gennaio. Ecco la recensione di Resident Evil 7. Kill the Molded off with your Handgun. Don’t grab it just yet. Resident Evil 7 VR . Ethan will land in the lower level of the Morgue area after Jack kicks him down below. A Molded will bust out of a ceiling vent on your back to the area where you unlocked the door. This Molded will basically start out in your face, so run back down the corridor to get some distance then shoot it in the head with the handgun as it walks toward Ethan. In undici ore di gioco, Resident Evil 7 biohazard fa rivivere agli appassionati le classiche ambientazioni della saga. Resident Evil è sinonimo di survival horror e come tale la prima arma da padroneggiare è una guida alla sopravvivenza: il capitolo 7 Biohazard non fa eccezione, dunque…stay safe! Now that Jack has shown himself to be in the Processing Area, he will not appear on the west side of the Main Hall anymore, so you are free to go back to the Recreation Room and unlock the door to Grandma’s Room and grab all the goodies inside, which I highly recommend doing now. Turn to the right then duck down and grab the Chem Fluid from the bottom shelf of the tray. Look above the sink and read the File – Incinerator Room Memo (11/32). Once Ethan bears down on Jack’s parasite with the chainsaw during a cutscene, the fight will end. In particolare, di rotto c’è la pistola M19 e il fucile M21.Sono generalmente più potenti di qualsiasi altra cosa potremo mai trovare ed usare e guarda caso le munizioni sono universali: valgono cioè per l’una come per l’altra. Walk over to his incinerator and open it and a Claw Molded will be on the tray inside. You don’t want to run from Jack during this fight – if you face him and blast him in the head as much as possible, he seems MUCH less aggressive. The Dissection Room Key will be on the right portion of the tray as well. Tre anni dopo i terribili e traumatici eventi di Resident Evil 7, ... con una quantità di creature incredibilmente affascinanti e soprattutto egregiamente contestualizziate con la loro area di appartenenza. There are no surprises on the way back except for a slight granny scare in the East Main Hall Corridor. Don’t enter the door down the right corridor just yet. Resident Evil 7 non contiene certo una grossa quantità di armi da usare e, come molti di voi avranno notato, alcune sono addirittura rotte. If this is your first time through the game and then I HIGHLY advise you to go back and get the shotgun since the Molded up ahead are very numerous and a total pain with only a handgun. Look in between the cabinet and the desk with the memo on it to find some Burner Fuel (x100) on the floor then open the cabinet and grab the Handgun Ammo (x5) inside. Processing Area (B1) – Hallway Outside Incinerator Room. If you don’t use the chainsaw constantly, it will start to recharge to where you won’t have to turn it back on as much. Resident Evil 7 (RE 7) è un gioco affascinante e ricco di mistero è facile perdersi qualcosa o bloccarsi in certe aree, eccovi quindi una soluzione completa per completare il gioco al 100%. Everywhere Statuette (6/20) behind the cement block to the right of the door. La recensione di Resident Evil 7, ultimo capitolo della storica saga targata CapcomISCRIVITI! Processing Area (B1) – North Morgue Hallway. On the right side of the current room, you’ll find Shotgun Shells (x5) in the locker, so be sure to grab those. Grab the Broken Shotgun on the desk to the immediate left after stepping inside if you already haven’t – the broken shotgun is actually more powerful than the M37 Shotgun downstairs once you get a repair kit to fix it, which you’ll get shortly after getting the Red Dog’s Head, but you can go ahead and switch it for the M37 Shotgun on the bottom floor of the Main Hall for now. Up ahead of Ethan is the Red Dog’s Head on the shelf. Check up under the table to the left of the sink to find some Strong Chem Fluid – this can be mixed with gunpowder to make Enhanced Handgun Ammo (x10). Once the puzzle is solved, Travis’ incinerator will open partially and steam will come out from it. Approach the shutter at the other end of the hall then open it to gain access to the rest of the hallway behind it. Ethan will eventually reach the doorway to the Incinerator Room as he rounds the third corner to the right. Unlock the door to the right and you’ll unlock the door that leads back to the beginning of the Processing Area.

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